= OGR - Vector Data Access Support = OGR is a library allowing the reading and writing of a variety of vector formats using a geometry model based on the !OpenGIS Simple Features specification. It is integrated into !MapServer as a way of reading a variety of vector formats. Its use in !MapServer is detailed in the OGR HOWTO: http://www.mapserver.org/input/vector/ogr.html The OGR library is part of the GDAL source tree, and detailed information about OGR can be found at: http://www.gdal.org/ogr/ OGR is maintained primarily by Frank Warmerdam, but the OGR integration into !MapServer is done by Daniel Morissette. == Some specific Wiki pages related to OGR include: == * [wiki:DODS]: Using DODS/OPeNDAP Servers in !MapServer * [wiki:VirtualSpatialData]: Using OGR VRT driver to access flat database tables (ie. via ODBC) * [wiki:OracleSpatial OracleSpatial Support] * [wiki:PostGIS PostGIS support]