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This is the MapServer 5.2 release plan adopted by the MapServer PSC on 2008-xx-xx.

See MS RFC 34 for more details on the MapServer Release Process.

New Features and Major Bug Fixes

New features in 5.2:

Other notable enhancements include:

Planned Dates

We will plan for 2 betas and 2 release candidates (RC) over a 4 week period after the code freeze (1 beta/RC per week each Wednesday). This will lead us to a final release around July 1st:

Release Manager (see MS RFC 34)

Steve Lime

SVN Tags/Branches

Trac Conventions

In order to facilitate querying the Trac database for tickets that still need to be addressed for this release, we try to stick to the following conventions:

Other good practices when dealing with tickets:

The following query returns all currently open bugs that are tagged with the "5.2 release" target milestone:




Open Tasks

