Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#1903 closed defect

[WFS-Server] DescribeFeatureType output with ows_metadataurl_type — at Initial Version

Reported by: tomkralidis Owned by: mapserverbugs
Priority: high Milestone: 5.0 release
Component: WFS Server Version: unspecified
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: bartvde@…, sdlime


I have a database in which one of the column names is called "metadataurl".

When exposing via OGC:WFS, invoking a DescribeFeatureType against the typename
with this column returns an invalid XML document:

Invalid XML element:

<element name="metadataurl" type="FGDC"/>

In my mapfile MAP/LAYER/METADATA object, I have defined:

"ows_metadataurl_type" "FGDC"

If I change to:

"ows_metadataurl_type" "fooFGDC"

The same request responds with:

Invalid XML element:

<element name="metadataurl" type="fooFGDC"/>

So that is telling me that somewhere in mapwfs.c, around line 632, the code
somehow maps to ows_metadataurl_type because I have it defined in my mapfile,
and it's a column in my database.

Infact, as a test, I have a column in my DB called "srs".  If I define in my
mapfile an element called "ows_srs_type", this gets output in the same way.

So, if a column name in a datatype is defined in the mapfile like:

"ows_COLUMN_NAME_type" "foooo"

...then this ends up in :

<element name="COLUMN_NAME" type="foooo"/>

...when it should be "string" (or, even better, if there is a way we can figure
out what the datatype really is [integer, etc.]).

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