Opened 18 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#1721 closed defect (wontfix)

Detection of SWIG and C# by configure — at Version 9

Reported by: szekerest Owned by: dmorissette
Priority: low Milestone: FUTURE
Component: MapScript-SWIG Version: svn-trunk (development)
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by dmorissette)

This is the C# specific part for the following tracking bug:

The following issues should be considered for the C# binding

1. As the recent changes the C# binding currently have template, and was changed to create the corresponding makefile

2. The mono related documentation contains a skeleton project on how to detect
the C# compiler. The all stuff can be founded here:

I have copied the C# compiler detection parts related to our demands here:

dnl C# compiler
AC_PATH_PROG(CSC, csc, no)
AC_PATH_PROG(MCS, mcs, no)
AC_PATH_PROG(MONO, mono, no)

if test "x$CSC" = "xno" -a "x$MCS" = "xno"  ; then
	dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([You need to install a C# compiler])
	AC_MSG_ERROR([No $CS compiler found])

if test "x$MCS" = "xno" ; then

if test "x$MONO" = "xno"; then
	AC_MSG_ERROR([No mono runtime found])


3. Due to many of the breaking issues of SWIG currently the 1.3.27 or later
version is supported for the C# bindings.


Change History (9)

comment:1 by szekerest, 18 years ago

Cc: dmorissette@… added
op_sys: Windows XPLinux
Version: 4.64.10

comment:2 by szekerest, 18 years ago

Setting the target version to 4.10 and of to linux, also added Daniel to the CC

comment:3 by tamas, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from szekerest to tamas

comment:4 by tamas, 16 years ago

Milestone: 5.2 release

comment:5 by tamas, 16 years ago

Milestone: 5.2 release5.4 release
Version: 4.10svn-trunk (development)

comment:6 by tamas, 15 years ago

Milestone: 5.4 releaseFUTURE

comment:7 by tamas, 14 years ago

Priority: highlow

comment:8 by tamas, 13 years ago

Owner: changed from tamas to dmorissette

Assigned to Daniel. Does this enhancement make sense? It seems we can leave without it both for java and C#. Close the ticket as 'wontfix' if it doesn't provide much benefit.


comment:9 by dmorissette, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I don't see a pressing need for this myself. Closing WONTFIX.

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