Opened 19 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#1367 closed defect

symbolObj fixes for PHP Mapscript 4.6.0-beta2 — at Initial Version

Reported by: m.cave-ayland@… Owned by: mapserverbugs
Priority: high Milestone: 5.0 release
Component: MapScript-PHP Version: 4.6
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: mapserver@…


I've just been looking at dynamically creating symbols on the fly using PHP 
Mapscript, and found a couple of bugs which I believe I have fixed with the 
attached patches.

1) symbolObj has no imagepath property

	This was fixed by copying the code from mapsymbol.c to allow the 
imagepath property to be set via mapscript. I was a little unsure about how the 
current path should be handled, so at the moment it assumes that the path to the
GIF/PNG is absolute without considering the current path from the environment.

2) symbolObj->setPoints() doesn't correctly set symbolObj->sizex/sizey

	Using setPoints() to load an array of points for a vector symbol was 
not correctly setting sizex/sizey to the maximum extents of the symbol. Hence 
all symbols were being drawn with a size of 0 and did not appear to be
visible. This was fixed by borrowing the code from mapsymbol.c to set 
sizex/sizey to the maximum extents of the
symbol as points are added to the symbol.

Many thanks,


Change History (2)

by m.cave-ayland@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: ms-sym-imagepath.patch added

imagepath patch

by m.cave-ayland@…, 19 years ago

Attachment: ms-sym-setpoints.patch added

setPoints patch

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