Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of TracStandalone

05/08/22 15:11:58 (2 years ago)



  • TracStandalone

    v4 v5  
     41There is support for the HTTPS protocol (//Since 1.3.4//). Specify the path to the PEM certificate file and keyfile using the `--certfile` and `--keyfile` options. You can specify just the `--certfile` option if you have a [ combined key and certificate].
    4143To exit the server on Windows, be sure to use `CTRL-BREAK` -- using `CTRL-C` will leave a Python process running in the background.
    4547=== Option 1
    46 To install as a Windows service, get the [ SRVANY] utility and run:
     48To install as a Windows service, get the [ SRVANY] utility and run:
    4850 C:\path\to\instsrv.exe tracd C:\path\to\srvany.exe
    49  reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tracd\Parameters /v Application /d "\"C:\path\to\python.exe\" \"C:\path\to\python\scripts\\" <your tracd parameters>"
     51 reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\tracd\Parameters /v Application /d "\"C:\path\to\python.exe\" \"C:\path\to\python\scripts\tracd.exe\" <your tracd parameters>"
    5052 net start tracd
    53 '''DO NOT''' use {{{tracd.exe}}}.  Instead register {{{python.exe}}} directly with {{{}}} as a parameter.  If you use {{{tracd.exe}}}, it will spawn the python process without SRVANY's knowledge.  This python process will survive a {{{net stop tracd}}}.
     55{{{#!div style="border: 1pt dotted; margin: 1em;"
     56**Attention:** Do not use `tracd.exe` directly.  Instead register `python.exe` directly with `tracd.exe` as a parameter.  If you use `tracd.exe`, it will spawn the python process without SRVANY's knowledge.  This python process will survive a `net stop tracd`.
    5559If you want tracd to start automatically when you boot Windows, do:
    6670Three (string) parameters are provided:
    67 ||!AppDirectory ||C:\Python26\ ||
     71||!AppDirectory ||C:\Python27\ ||
    6872||Application ||python.exe ||
    69 ||!AppParameters ||scripts\ -p 8080 ... ||
     73||!AppParameters ||scripts\tracd.exe -p 8080 ... ||
    7175Note that, if the !AppDirectory is set as above, the paths of the executable ''and'' of the script name and parameter values are relative to the directory.  This makes updating Python a little simpler because the change can be limited, here, to a single point.
    75 For Windows 7 User, srvany.exe may not be an option, so you can use [ WINSERV] utility and run:
     79For Windows 7 User, srvany.exe may not be an option, so you can use [ WINSERV] utility and run:
    77 "C:\path\to\winserv.exe" install tracd -displayname "tracd" -start auto "C:\path\to\python.exe" c:\path\to\python\scripts\ <your tracd parameters>"
     81"C:\path\to\winserv.exe" install tracd -displayname "tracd" -start auto "C:\path\to\python.exe" c:\path\to\python\scripts\tracd.exe <your tracd parameters>"
    7882net start tracd
    8185=== Option 2
    83 Use [ WindowsServiceScript], available at [ Trac Hacks]. Installs, removes, starts, stops, etc. your Trac service.
     87Use [ WindowsServiceScript], available at [ Trac Hacks]. Installs, removes, starts, stops, etc. your Trac service.
    8589=== Option 3
    167171=== Digest authentication: Using a htdigest password file
    169 If you have Apache available, you can use the htdigest command to generate the password file. Type 'htdigest' to get some usage instructions, or read [ this page] from the Apache manual to get precise instructions.  You'll be prompted for a password to enter for each user that you create.  For the name of the password file, you can use whatever you like, but if you use something like `users.htdigest` it will remind you what the file contains. As a suggestion, put it in your <projectname>/conf folder along with the [TracIni trac.ini] file.
     173If you have Apache available, you can use the htdigest command to generate the password file. Type 'htdigest' to get some usage instructions, or read [ this page] from the Apache manual to get precise instructions.  You'll be prompted for a password to enter for each user that you create.  For the name of the password file, you can use whatever you like, but if you use something like `users.htdigest` it will remind you what the file contains. As a suggestion, put it in your <projectname>/conf folder along with the [TracIni trac.ini] file.
    171175Note that you can start tracd without the `--auth` argument, but if you click on the ''Login'' link you will get an error.
    198202== Reference
    200 Here's the online help, as a reminder (`tracd --help`):
     204Here's the online help, as a reminder (`tracd -h` or `tracd --help`):
    202 Usage: tracd [options] [projenv] ...
    204 Options:
     206usage: tracd [-h] [--version] [-e PARENTDIR | -s]
     207             [-a DIGESTAUTH | --basic-auth BASICAUTH] [-p PORT] [-b HOSTNAME]
     208             [--protocol {http,https,scgi,ajp,fcgi}] [--certfile CERTFILE]
     209             [--keyfile KEYFILE] [-q] [--base-path BASE_PATH]
     210             [--http10 | --http11] [-r | -d] [--pidfile PIDFILE]
     211             [--umask MASK] [--group GROUP] [--user USER]
     212             [envs [envs ...]]
     214positional arguments:
     215  envs                  path of the project environment(s)
     217optional arguments:
     218  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    205219  --version             show program's version number and exit
    206   -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    207   -a DIGESTAUTH, --auth=DIGESTAUTH
     220  -e PARENTDIR, --env-parent-dir PARENTDIR
     221                        parent directory of the project environments
     222  -s, --single-env      only serve a single project without the project list
     223  -a DIGESTAUTH, --auth DIGESTAUTH
    208224                        [projectdir],[htdigest_file],[realm]
    209   --basic-auth=BASICAUTH
     225  --basic-auth BASICAUTH
    210226                        [projectdir],[htpasswd_file],[realm]
    211   -p PORT, --port=PORT  the port number to bind to
    212   -b HOSTNAME, --hostname=HOSTNAME
     227  -p PORT, --port PORT  the port number to bind to
     228  -b HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
    213229                        the host name or IP address to bind to
    214   --protocol=PROTOCOL   http|scgi|ajp|fcgi
    215   -q, --unquote         unquote PATH_INFO (may be needed when using ajp)
    216   --http10              use HTTP/1.0 protocol version instead of HTTP/1.1
    217   --http11              use HTTP/1.1 protocol version (default)
    218   -e PARENTDIR, --env-parent-dir=PARENTDIR
    219                         parent directory of the project environments
    220   --base-path=BASE_PATH
     230  --protocol {http,https,scgi,ajp,fcgi}
     231                        the server protocol (default: http)
     232  --certfile CERTFILE   PEM certificate file for HTTPS
     233  --keyfile KEYFILE     PEM key file for HTTPS
     234  -q, --unquote         unquote PATH_INFO (may be needed when using the ajp
     235                        protocol)
     236  --base-path BASE_PATH
    221237                        the initial portion of the request URL's "path"
     238  --http10              use HTTP/1.0 protocol instead of HTTP/1.1
     239  --http11              use HTTP/1.1 protocol (default)
    222240  -r, --auto-reload     restart automatically when sources are modified
    223   -s, --single-env      only serve a single project without the project list
    224241  -d, --daemonize       run in the background as a daemon
    225   --pidfile=PIDFILE     when daemonizing, file to which to write pid
    226   --umask=MASK          when daemonizing, file mode creation mask to use, in
    227                         octal notation (default 022)
    228   --group=GROUP         the group to run as
    229   --user=USER           the user to run as
     242  --pidfile PIDFILE     file to write pid when daemonizing
     243  --umask MASK          when daemonizing, file mode creation mask to use, in
     244                        octal notation (default: 022)
     245  --group GROUP         the group to run as
     246  --user USER           the user to run as
    236253=== Serving static content
    238 If `tracd` is the only web server used for the project, 
    239 it can also be used to distribute static content 
     255If `tracd` is the only web server used for the project,
     256it can also be used to distribute static content
    240257(tarballs, Doxygen documentation, etc.)
    245262Example: given a `$TRAC_ENV/htdocs/software-0.1.tar.gz` file,
    246 the corresponding relative URL would be `/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz`, 
     263the corresponding relative URL would be `/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz`,
    247264which in turn can be written as `htdocs:software-0.1.tar.gz` (TracLinks syntax) or `[/<project_name>/chrome/site/software-0.1.tar.gz]` (relative link syntax).
    284301    implements(IAuthenticator)
    286     obey_remote_user_header = BoolOption('trac', 'obey_remote_user_header', 'false', 
    287                """Whether the 'Remote-User:' HTTP header is to be trusted for user logins 
    288                 (''since ??.??').""") 
     303    obey_remote_user_header = BoolOption('trac', 'obey_remote_user_header', 'false',
     304               """Whether the 'Remote-User:' HTTP header is to be trusted for user logins
     305                (''since ??.??').""")
    290307    def authenticate(self, req):
    291         if self.obey_remote_user_header and req.get_header('Remote-User'): 
    292             return req.get_header('Remote-User') 
     308        if self.obey_remote_user_header and req.get_header('Remote-User'):
     309            return req.get_header('Remote-User')
    293310        return None