[wiki:ProjectSteeringCommittee Project Steering Committee - Home] == Meeting Info == The fifteenth meeting of the !MapGuide PSC will take place Thursday December 6th at 17:00 UTC (1:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM MT / 10:00 AM PT). Meeting Chair: Bob Bray Universal Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?month=12&day=6&year=2007&hour=11&min=0&sec=0&p1=55 Location: The meeting will be held on IRC at [irc://irc.freenode.net/mapguide #mapguide] == Agenda == * !MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Beta 2 * Availability of MGOS 2.0 Beta Test Servers * Enabling Subversion Post Commit Hooks * Other Business? == Transcript == Ok, sorry about that. I am ready to start. Tom can you give us an update on the Beta. Yes We are upgrading the MGOS isntalls to the latest FDO beta posted on osgeo.org We should have new installs available for next week. It will also have GDAL 1.4.4 compliant FDO provider so ECW and MrSID support will be back So beta 2 early next week That's it. Where are we with bugs. Oh, some more of the documentation should come back online too, as I get around to that. Will it also include a new fusion drop, with some bug fixes / enhancements? It will include bug fixes in all aspects of the product. I'll try to set up a trac query that has the list of fixed tickets between the two builds. I don't have that right now Anyone have any concerns? Any specific items that need to be addressed for Beta 2 beyond what Tom mentioned? There were some installer issues... like adding the json mime type properly, and... Not allowing an install on the same machine as 1.2 Any chance these can be remedied? the json thing was just for IIS6/Win2k3 We are working on the mime type issue There is nothing being done about side-by-side install capabilities of MGOS Even if the installer completed and the user had to change the ports, it would be better than seeing it as "same product" and halting the install. That's good to know Yea I agree with that. They will run side by side fine with some tweaking. Let them tweak. The user has to be savvy enough to pass an alternate install path to the installer in the first place :) I'll talk to Tim about that. No guarantees though k :) Other issues or concerns going into Beta2? OK. One sec holding Were there plans before about doing builds on a OSGeo server? What happened with that? Dunno. I think that is still waiting for some brave soul to adopt it. We can still do it... Just have to get some time from Mat :) I do not want to hold up Beta or RCs for that though. Oh, and some commandline build scripts would help. No, no kidding. OK, just thinking that that might be a way we could get stuff that we want into the installer as well. Done OK Yes, I have plans to look at NSIS when I have a second. or three-hundred. It looks easy. :) Beta Test Servers. Really hard to get it to do everything the InstallShield installer does, but maybe good enough. We have the infrastructrue to host these, but probably not the bandwidth to keep them running. Any volunteers willing to help? Wow, don't everyone jump at once. bandwidth? I can probably help, but am somewhat bandwidth challenged lately myself. People time. oh, sorry. I'm hardware-centric today. What does that entail? Rolling back the VMWare image once in a while? :) I think all we need is a small group to each pitch in a little here and there. Not a big commitment. I'm game... Are these Linux or Windows? I'd like one more. And.. are they VM? They are VM's and Windows. Will we have access to the root vm console to roll back if necessary? I am not sure what it means but I am willing to be in Hey, HarisK ! welcome, I didn't see you there. HarisK: Thanks. Just monitoring, restarting them, stuff like that. Hi :) We can probably set up some kind of automated monitoring that restarts the services if they're dead... ok I am in Yes we can. OK Tom and I will have Trevor get in touch with you directly. He will be setting this up. At this point, I suggest we tackle this for Beta 2. ok What kind of access are we going to allow? FTP to upload data and php code. Studio access for authoring. They can basically use it like a hosted MG server. The PHP code thing scares the shit out of me... Good way to own the server. But only for a limited tme, and no up time guarantees. Yea We could pull that part. Up to you, Trevor, and Haris. What's the alternative... only giving that level of access to "trusted" users? Setting up new sites for users (not really interested in that...) Well that is all we'll be giving. They will have to ask to use it and we will grant them access user by user. We cannot open it to the world. That would be asking for trouble. yup - trusted users only :) works for me... though it will be a lower level of "trust" than I usually apply for server access :) Yes. It is really just a testbed. We do not want to get carried away or it will become a management nightmare. I personally think it will be really cool. I do not know of another open geospatial project that does this. OK next topic Anyone object to enabling SVN post commit hooks? Not me nope They allow for putting in something like fixed: #123 Ticket #123: Cannot find overload for MgMappingService::GeneratePlot(), http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/123 And that bug is automatically marked as fixed. I would also like to get it enforced that all submissions much be associated with a ticket That would requrie the pre-commit hook. As long as people stop putting things like RFC #23 :) Ticket #23: Add icon on toolbar to show that map is reloading, http://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/ticket/23 Will it add comments to the ticket as the submissions are made? -->| wekeltr (n=chatzill@adeskout.autodesk.com) has joined #MapGuide Yes. That's useful. Yea the comments from the submission get logged in trac. It's just another level of integration. Yes, I've found a few times where I wanted to look at what was fixed, and had to root through. What do folks think about pre-commit hook. Requirenig a ticket to submit? Not sure I like that as some times the commit might be to fix a simple typo or source comment If we don't geojason is still going to have to "root through" You can always refer to the original ticket. Lots of times there is no root ticket to reference in the subsequent fixing submission. Then there should have been. I can see a "catch all" ticket being created and commiters using that Yuch Those would get pretty big... That would be bad I don't think that will be bad if the ticket says "typo and code comment updates" One per release? It would be bad if the ticket summary was "stuff" or "Tab fixes" :) heh right, my concern is the general catchall. Hey ma, look I just submitted 2000 lines of code under tab fixes. And its all new Then we are wasting our tme hehe - I don't want to see that either I personally support the idea, but it has to be properly used. I think we need the pre commit hook to make sure that submission/ticket associations are good, otherwise it's very easy to forget to reference the ticket in a submission Wow, this is a cool bug: http://www.nabble.com/Problem-in-the-GenerateFilter%28%29-method-of-the-MgSelection-class-tf4937455.html#a14132755 =-= wekeltr is now known as trevorw Nice one. Even gave code to re-produce. So let's vote here. First Motion: Enable Post Commit Hooks I am +1 +1 +1 +1Any other dissenters to the +1 oops, half typed message +1 ignore it please dissenters will be shot :) Good enough for me, passed. Second Motion: Enable Pre-Commit Hooks implying all submissions require a ticket. 1 +1 I am also +1, but Tom will need to document some process :) +1 +1 (as long as we have a process) +1 Whatever we used when we were with collabnet was fine Where's the documentation for that? Yes that is one that that worked well in the collabnet environment. Saves me from having to write it again :-) There was none. lol OK. That is also good enough for me. passed I will send out the meeting minutes and as long as our absent member does not complain I'll ask SAC to enable them. Any other business for today. Apparently the website is a bit of a mess, but Jason is working on it. :) I'm just pushing... don't hav eserver access. Hey, bob, you should be in there fixing it :) Yea, well....I am a little pre-occupied today. I can do it this evening though. I found a broken link just a second ago for the official PSC page do we still have one, the one that was pointed to was http://mapguide.osgeo.org/psc.html Send me stuff you see broken and I will try to fix. All of the old URLs, especially if hardcoded, will break for now. ...from out wiki page http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/MapGuide_Open_Source I know about those Don't "fix" to point to ?q= pages... No I wont Any other business? Updating the roadmap? A few folks have asked. And the one in Trac is out of date. Tom and I can take a stab at that, and then ask the PSC for input. Does that seem like a reasonable approach. We'll do it by updating Trac. Hi everyone, Tom asked me to join but I didn't have an IRC client installed. Haris, should I contact you at your sl-king email address? yes, please Works for me rbray OK, Tom let's see if we can find an hour for that tomorrow. |<-- CIA-17 has left irc.freenode.net (Client Quit) for this support do I need to be the one, or it can also be Simon from my company ? Ok. Thanks. Jason, should I use your nanaimo address? Other agenda items or concerns? Simon is fine. Sure... Just give his e-mail to Trevor. yes Though after-hours probably better to use my home address: jason at jasonbirch.com Asking again since we were side-tracked - Other agenda items or concerns? The list of tickets is pretty long... And assignment in Trac doesn't seem to be getting used much. Is your internal system primary? Yes. One of those things we are having a hard time reconciling. Our internal system is all conected to product support and such. Almost need some kind of gateway... but there would be a lot of risk there. Yes and they are so completely incompatible it is not funny. Tons of work to try and link If I understood the internals better (ie, was a developer) I wouldn't mind managing the public tickets But as it stands I end up way out of my depth real fast. Tom and I will add this our list for tomorrow. Not sure how to resolve this just yet, but we basically need a bug manager. What are we looking for with this? And of course both of us are swamped. Someone to watch trac, assign defects, make sure the target fix version is set, etc. Oh, and don't forget they first need to go back through and cleanup the tickets we have. I have a feeling that we have a number of bugs that have either been fixed in 2.0, or are impossible to reproduce without more detail and should be closed. Hard to deal with though. Yea, it is a massive time sync. I'll table that as another action for Tom and I to think about. anything else? We are out of time. yes, I've asked for more details in some tickets, but there have not been updates, so I'll close those now ...a few months to provide more details should be enough I would think Yea OK, lets adjourn. Thanks everyone. Bye! bye bye