
Version 2 (modified by tomfukushima, 16 years ago) ( diff )


Project Steering Committee - Home

Meeting Info

The eighteenth meeting of the MapGuide PSC will take place Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 19:00 UTC (2:00 PM ET / noon MT / 11:00 AM PT).

Meeting Chair: Bob Bray

Universal Time:

Location: The meeting will be held on IRC at #mapguide


  • Appoint a Meeting Secretary
  • Updates on Actions from the Last Meeting
  • MGOS and Fusion release schedule



PSC Members present: Andy (first half), Bob, Bruce, Harris, Jason, Kenneth, Tom.

Appoint a Meeting Secretary

  • Tom Fukushima volunteered to take minutes

Review last meeting's action items

Tom: (with Trevor) - setup a Donate to Builds process where donations go directly to Trevor who would supply a PayPal account and regular reporting

RFC 58 was created for this. Everyone was good with it and agreed to going to vote today.

Bob: document initial process for donations, usage guidelines etc.

Not started. Build support is more critical.

Tom: get the C code for the IIS installer and perhaps opensource it?

Code sent to Kenneth who after evaluating decided to go with the WiX IIS Module. This approach should be more maintainable than our own custom module. Could be more extensible too to for example fetch a list of websites for the user.

Jason + Kenneth - beta installer by end Jan

Still in progress. New target date of end of February.

Kenneth having some problems with building MapGuide and FDO. He felt that there was a problem because some parts were using VS 2008 and others 2007. But Jason and Tom assured him that it was all compiled using VS 2008 SP1 now. There is a problem with building off the FDO trunk, but Kenneth will look into that.

Paul: Fusion 2.0 beta

Paul not present.

Paul + Tom: integration of Fusion 2.0 beta into MGOS in time for MGOS 2.1

Not done yet.

MGOS and Fusion release schedule

  • Move milestones for MGOS. 2.1 goes to April 2, 2009 and 2.2. goes to Oct 1, 2009. (Done)
  • MGOS beta in early March, then target release on April 2.
  • The fusion2-mg21 branch is not the branch for MGOS 2.1. A new one will need to be created for MGOS 2.1. Tom to set this set up before MGOS beta (end of month).

RFC 59, TIN layer

  • Seems to be an internal Autodesk initiative. The Autodesk PSC members did not have information on it so it was suggested to ask questions about the RFC on MapGuide internals.

REST Interface

End of meeting

Full transcript

	<rbray>	Looks like most everyone is here so let's start
	<rbray>	Who want's to record minutes today?
	<tomf2>	I can
	<rbray>	excellent - thanks Tom
	<rbray>	There was a bunch of actions from last meeting, so I wanted to follow up on those
	<tomf2>	Shall we start with last week's actions?
	<tomf2>	Tom: (with Trevor) - setup a Donate to Builds process where donations go directly to Trevor who would supply a PayPal? account and regular reporting
	<rbray>	Tom - how is the donate to builds thing coming?
	<tomf2>	RFC has been posted and is under review.
	<tomf2>	Everything with Paypal looks good in that we can get reports from it
	<rbray>	when do you expect a vote?
	<tomf2>	7 days after I posted it for review, unless there are problems
	<jasonbirch>	Are we all here and happy with it?
	<jasonbirch>	If so, we can vote now.
	<rbray>	Paul is missing
	<jasonbirch>	Oh, darn.
	<tomf2> far no one has reported any problem
	<jasonbirch>	I'd suggest starting a vote via email immediately.
	<rbray>	yea it looks fine to me
	<tomf2>	Is this holding us up on something?
	<jasonbirch>	Reluctanct to put time into it without mechanism for ensuring ...
	<jasonbirch>	?
	<tomf2>	I see
	<tomf2>	I'll start a vote after this meeting
	<rbray>	ok thanks Tom
	<rbray>	next one
	<rbray>	Bob: document initial process for donations, usage guidelines etc.
	<tomf2>	Bob: document initial process for donations, usage guidelines etc.
	<tomf2>	OK, I'll let you do that
	<rbray>	not started - so leave it on the open actions list
	<rbray>	this was for project donations through OSGeo - which is less critical than build support
	<rbray>	Tom: get the C code for the IIS installer and perhaps opensource it?
	<tomf2>	I've sent that to Kenneth and Jason
	<tomf2>	It's free to be open sourced
	<tomf2>	Tim meant to do that before but just didn't get around to it
	<kenneth_skovhede>	Yes I have looked at it briefly
	<kenneth_skovhede>	I would like to use the WiX IIS module, rather than rely on an external C build
	<kenneth_skovhede>	IMO, using the built-in module, eases future maintenance
	<jasonbirch>	I agree with kenneth, as long as it meets all of our neesd.
	<jasonbirch>	At some point we may need a custom action that allows us to fetch list of websites, user can choose.
	<jasonbirch>	Not at this point though.
	<kenneth_skovhede>	Unfortunately the current installer build requires that the mapguide trunk is completely built, which is difficult because of the current FDO/MapGuide switches between VS20057VS2008
	<jasonbirch>	?
	<jasonbirch>	I thought both FDO and MapGuide were at 2008?
	<kenneth_skovhede>	So, in short, it is not ready, but I feel confident that we can get the current functionality done with little effort, using the built-in module.
	<tomf2>	Yes, they're all at VS 2008 SP1
	<kenneth_skovhede>	Hmm... I must have something broken then
	<tomf2>	I'm not sure about the SL-King providers though
	<rbray>	ok so this action - Jason + Kenneth - beta installer by end Jan
	<rbray>	is still in progress
	<jasonbirch>	I haven't had time to apply to this, and a death in the family makes it unlikely that I will for at least a couple weeks. Apologies.
	<kenneth_skovhede>	arh, yes... now I remember... I can't get MapGuide to build with the trunk FDO... but I'll sort that out elsewhere
	<HarisK>	we build with vs 2005, meanly because of older versions of MAP, I guess we could do it with 200b sp
	<rbray>	ok, so let's leave this on the list of open actions as well
	<rbray>	jasonbirch: sorry to hear about that
	<tomf2>	Is there a new target date?
	<rbray>	sounds like end of Feb
	<tomf2>	jasonbirch: sorry to hear about that. No apologies necessary.
	<jasonbirch>	no big effect on me, but supporting my wife limits my time
	<tomf2>	OK, so we should move the MGOS 2.1 release out
	<jasonbirch>	Yes, I think so.
	<rbray>	yea we don't really have much choice
	<jasonbirch>	Unless there's someone else that can pick up the ball.
	<tomf2>	Oh, sorry, I thought 2.1 was March 1st, but that's 2.2. I'll change the dates for the releases. 2.1 target of April 1?
	<rbray>	yes that makes sense
	<rbray>	any objections?
	<bdechant>	Could we make it April 2nd isstead of April Fool's Day?
	<kenneth_skovhede>	:)
	<tomf2>	sure
	<kenneth_skovhede>	apart from the installer, are there other issues that are considered "blocking"?
	<tomf2>	I'll put 2.2 at Oct 1
	<tomf2>	Just the build and install
	<rbray>	Where do we sit with the build environment?
	<jasonbirch>	I don't think so. The raster stuff is a constant annoyance, but I don't see a way around that, and haven't tested trunk to see if it's fixed.
	<tomf2>	We could have the beta out in March, and then a final release by April 1st. Perhaps a little bit optimistic, but the code should be good
	<tomf2>	I mean April 2nd
	<bdechant>	:)
	<tomf2>	rbray: perhaps that's a question for Trevor?
	<rbray>	yes - ok
	<rbray>	Tom do you know the status of the Fusion 2.0 integration?
	<rbray>	since Paul is not here
	<tomf2>	No, but it is simple to do. We just need to change a property on the OEM directory to point to the right branch of Fusion
	<tomf2>	It hasn't been done yet
	<rbray>	timeframe?
	<tomf2>	before the MGOS 2.1 beta. But I will discuss with Paul, because I need to get a Fusion branch that I can point to
	<rbray>	ok
	|<--	amorsell has left ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]")
	<jasonbirch>	tomf2: are you sure? The fusion directory in trunk is externalled to the fusion svn
	<tomf2>	Yes, that's not the right branch
	<tomf2>	...unfortunate name that is
	<rbray>	Hopefull Paul will be back next week and can shed some light on the right branch to use
	<rbray>	and yes - really bad name
	<rbray>	so that's it for the actions - we kind of discussed release schedule already
	<rbray>	any other business we should discuss?
	<jasonbirch>	Can I add a late item or two?
	<jasonbirch>	:)
	<rbray>	of course you can
	<jasonbirch>	OK, Item1: RFC59, TIN layer. Cart before horse?
	<jasonbirch>	Is this in support of some internal ADSK functionality?
	<bdechant>	initially yes, but hopefully the OS community would like to see it part of MG
	<jasonbirch>	Is there any potential to release an FDO provider for this to open source, or is it your internal Oracle provider?
	<bdechant>	At this time it is internal, but the existing open source FDO provider community could support it
	<rbray>	which provider supports that?
	<bdechant>	The Autodesk Oracle provider from what I know, but it is still being worked on
	<HarisK>	this is not generated from points ?
	<bdechant>	Not sure as I'm not involved in the development, just was pointed to the RFC :)
	<HarisK>	:)
	<HarisK>	to me it looks somethi gto be generated from points coming from any provider
	<bdechant>	The point of the RFC was to help define a TIN layer. ADSK will be the 1st to leverage it, but it is available to the OS community.
	<jasonbirch>	It's hard to evaluate the RFC without an underlying data implementation to test.
	<jasonbirch>	Or, if not test, think about?
	<jasonbirch>	I'm guessing that this will be initially be using a non-standard, provider-specific interface?
	<tomf2>	First I've looked at it too. Perhaps we should post these questions to mapguide-internals and get the authors to answer?
	<bdechant>	Sort of - not all RFCs can be tested prior
	<bdechant>	I agree with Tom
	<rbray>	yea I don't know what the source of this is eitehr, so let's do that
	<jasonbirch>	OK, sounds good to me.
	<rbray>	what's your other item?
	<jasonbirch>	Item 2: REST interface. Just wondering if had a chance to look at, had comments, questions?
	<bdechant>	I will ask them to post it for review on the mapguide internals
	<rbray>	No i have not looked at it yet, but it's on my list of things to look at
	<jasonbirch>	This will be going to RFC once Haris finishes his current refactor.
	<jasonbirch>	I think... :)
	<HarisK>	yes :), any suggestions very much welcomed
	<bdechant>	I was planning to spend some time with it tomorrow Jason
	<kenneth_skovhede>	I have looked at it, and seems great for non-programmers to easily utilize spatial data and attributes.
	<rbray>	Dumb question after just a peek
	<rbray>	what resources are exposed through /data?
	<jasonbirch>	Whatever is configured.
	<HarisK>	kenneth: hopefully for programmers too :)
	<kenneth_skovhede>	Personally, I would like it to extend to configuring the runtime map. I think its annoying that it is impossible to toggle layers purely clientside, but I understand that is not considered for the current release
	<jasonbirch>	It's not automatic; you have to set up each one.
	<rbray>	how? in a config file or?
	<jasonbirch>	Yes, XML config file.
	<HarisK>	it will support, MG resources and others as well
	<HarisK>	like other data coming from HTTP
	<kenneth_skovhede>	HarisK: Yes, perhaps, but I'm having trouble seeing how this will ease my current use of MapGuide.
	<kenneth_skovhede>	HarisK: but new people will probably like it a lot more than the current API
	<jasonbirch>	Preliminary of configuration:
	<rbray>	I guess i need to see the config file, I am personally not keen on those
	<jasonbirch>	kenneth_skovhede: map access is beyond scope. There is thought of Map interface different from Data
	<jasonbirch>	rbray: MapGuide is _built_ on config files...
	<jasonbirch>	:)
	<rbray>	I know and I am not keen on adding more
	<jasonbirch>	Not sure how you could have this as granular as my business requirements were without configuration.
	<rbray>	hard to say without knowing your business requirements :)
	<jasonbirch>	If it was just JSON and XML, then could just flag as exposed or not.
	<jasonbirch>	But templating needs to be configurable.
	<rbray>	anyway I can't really comment much because I have not looked in detail
	<rbray>	I will make an effort to do that and post some questions/comments
	<jasonbirch>	OK. Would love to hear feedback on list if/when you folks have a chance to look it over.
	<jasonbirch>	That's it for me...
	<tomf2>	Let's set a date for that. What is the date that we would like to review the REST interface before going to RFC?
	<rbray>	good idea
	<jasonbirch>	Not ready to give date :) Won't go to RFC until code is ready for public review.
	<jasonbirch>	Should be ready within a month.
	<rbray>	let's set the date for some feedback for mid-Feb
	<rbray>	so 7-10 days from now
	<tomf2>	jasonbirch: I was looking for a date when Bob and Bruce and others would have feedback on the REST Extension page that you linked to above
	<jasonbirch>	Ah...
	<jasonbirch>	As soon as possible; Haris is working hard so the earlier the better.
	<rbray>	ok - end of next week
	<rbray>	Bruce and I will get together and discuss it
	<rbray>	anything else for today?
	<tomf2>	OK, I'll write down Feb 13th. And try to improve my English typing skills :)
	<rbray>	thanks tom
	<rbray>	ok everyone, meeting adjourned
	<rbray>	thanks
	<HarisK>	thanks
	<jasonbirch>	thanks and bye! :)
	<bdechant>	bye everyone
	<HarisK>	bye
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