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Meeting Info
This meeting of the MapGuide PSC takes place Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 18:00 UTC (2:00 PM ET / noon MT / 11:00 AM PT).
Meeting Chair: Bob Bray
Universal Time:
Location: The meeting will be held on IRC at #mapguide
- Appoint a Meeting Secretary
- Cleaning up our Trac Tickets
- Thick Client / Future Development Discussion (from mail list)?
- documenting the http api
- 2.101 point release
- Other Items?
PSC Members present: Bob, Jason, Bruce, Tom, Haris, Kenneth, Trevor
Cleaning up our Trac Tickets
- Tom will create a wiki for this
- Jason will update existing tickets
Thick Client / Future Development Discussion
- Discussion postponed
- Haris will add API documentation
documenting the http api
- Trevor will create initial template and documentation
2.101 point release
- Mailing list will be used to gather fixed tickets to be included
End of meeting
Full transcript
#mapguide [INFO] Channel view for “#mapguide” opened. =-= User mode for dechanb is now +i -->| YOU (dechanb) have joined #mapguide =-= Topic for #mapguide is “MapGuide Open Source | Home: | Bugs: | See Also: #OSGeo #FDO | Stats: -and-” =-= Topic for #mapguide was set by unknown on Thursday, May 29, 2008 1:24:17 PM === #MapGuide -->| lmarcio ( has joined #mapguide -->| fukusht ( has joined #mapguide <fukusht> Bob had to run a quick errand and will be back in a few minutes -->| trevorw (n=trevor_w@ has joined #mapguide <jasonbirch> Hey what happened to tomf1? <dechanb> Hi all <jasonbirch> slowing down in your old age? :) <fukusht> new laptop, I need to reset things <fukusht> lol <HarisK> Hi =-= fukusht is now known as tomf1 -->| rbray ( has joined #mapguide <rbray> Hey sorry I am late... <jasonbirch> Whew, tom shifted gears in time :) <tomf1> yup <rbray> Looks like we have a full agenda :) <rbray> Anyone want to volunteer to take minutes? <dechanb> I will <rbray> So is there a deterministic algorithm folks use to decide how long to wait before volunteering for that? <rbray> thk Bruce <dechanb> I was in another window :) <jasonbirch> rbray: mine approaches infinity -->| Traian_ (n=chatzill@ has joined #mapguide <rbray> maybe a roll call would be good, looks like we have Bob, Jason, Bruce, Tom, Haris, Trevor (anyone else)? <jasonbirch> Traian <rbray> I meant with a vote? Traian just has opinions - lots of them <rbray> Just kidding - everyone has a voice. <rbray> OK - Ticket Cleanup. Any thoughts on how we encourage people to clean up? <jasonbirch> I'd like to nominate Traian for membership on the PSC... because he's here :) <Traian_> Or are you? ;;) <jasonbirch> Sorry, out of order... <Traian_> I decline. <jasonbirch> :) <jasonbirch> Step one would be to close all old tickets, asking for a re-open if they are still an issue <rbray> How do other projects manage their ticket database? <jasonbirch> I believe that most of them assign tickets to individuals and expect those individuals to manage them. <rbray> I would be fine with closing all the old ones - if everyone else is ok with that approach. <rbray> But maybe we should adopt a more proactive approach to assigning them to folks <rbray> going forward <tomf1> We would need a list of candidates on who can take tickets and for what areas <tomf1> Perhaps a wiki page for that would suffice for me <tomf1> I (and I think Jason does as well) review all new tickets that come in and then I could assign it at that time <rbray> Tom - did I hear you just volunteer to create that Wiki page and the initial list <tomf1> I can create the page, but not the initial list <HarisK> take ticket, is to fix it ? <trevorw> Is there a way to get Trac to automatically assign based on component? <rbray> I mean list of assignee's <tomf1> Yeah, I don't know what the list of assignee's is <jasonbirch> trevorw yes <jasonbirch> And then the assignee can either accept or not <jasonbirch> It's a tough situation; assuming there is some duplication of effort with ADSK's systems? The majority of developers are still ADSK folks. -->| Kenneth_ ( has joined #mapguide <tomf1> and the assignees would change quite regularly so it would be tough to maintain, are we sure we want to go this route? <rbray> no - not necessarily <rbray> Well we can start by closing all the old tickets - how do we define old? <jasonbirch> I would suggest: removing version and milestone from all enhancement tasks that are not assigned <jasonbirch> Then go throught and close all 1.2 and lower defects asking for re-open if still a problem. <jasonbirch> And then go through all 2.0 defects and ask for feedback on 2.1 <jasonbirch> And come back a month later and close all 2.0 defects that are not responded to. <jasonbirch> I don't mind doing this. <rbray> Ah good - a volunteer <rbray> Thanks Jason - let's start with that <jasonbirch> We also have to make sure that milestone is not set on tickets that are not going to be addressed. <rbray> Do we need a vote or ? <HarisK> ok with me <tomf1> Yes, I remove the milestones when I see them. But I haven't done that recently <jasonbirch> BTW, I've been hacking a few new Trac ticket reports; let me know if there's anything that would be useful. <jasonbirch> Moving on? <rbray> yep <rbray> Next on the agenda - going in order is the Thick Client / Future Dev Thread <rbray> Not sure where to start with that - other than I am not really in favour of any platform agnostic approach and prefer OpenLayers and/or JavaScript-based solutions. <jasonbirch> Who's item is this, and what was the intention for having it on the agenda? <rbray> Trevor's <jasonbirch> whose? huh. <trevorw> I asked Bob to put it in. I was wondering if we should start a formal thought process around new client technology. <rbray> I think the first question to ask is - do we need new client technology <trevorw> That's a good question. What pieces of MapGuide do we need to speed up? Client side selection without server intervention might be significant. <Kenneth_> As I have stated on the mailing list, I recommend that the http API is documented, and expanded to enable all that is possible with the SWiK interface (particularly RuntimeMap manipulation) <tomf1> I would like to approach it from another angle; what is the community asking for and what technologies would help us get there? <Kenneth_> Once that is ready, a number of clients can be developed completely independent of the MapGuide project <rbray> Kenneth - I tend to agree <jasonbirch> There are a few different items here. I agree that that HTTP api needs to be documented and enhanced. <jasonbirch> I also think that vector-based mapping could give some decent performance benefits, especially for things like editing and maptips. <trevorw> Do we want to formally include GeoREST capability from an ease of use perspective? <rbray> I have a suggestion, let's move this item to the end of the agenda as GeoREST and HTTP API are next <Kenneth_> It is already possible to do client side vector rendering, by calling SELECTFEATURES through the HTTP api <Kenneth_> OL has a GML parser that can read the output and show it as VML/SVG <trevorw> bob: Sure. Sounds like we need to look at HTTP API before viewer technology <rbray> So let's talk about GeoREST - whose item is that? <HarisK> I suggested and hopping Jason will do most of talking :) <HarisK> I was thining of informing what we have done and some plans about it <rbray> Cool, then I'll let Haris and Jason have the floor <HarisK> and answer questions if any <jasonbirch> So, GeoREST in essense is just a feature data HTTP interface, where the user has full control over the output format. <jasonbirch> Apart from some built-in formats (XML and GeoJSON) <jasonbirch> Configuration is done via a some XML document <jasonbirch> And output is templated using google's CTemplate <jasonbirch> Prettty basic, easy to use, fast. <jasonbirch> I'm going to have to work to reach the 10 minute mark for my presentation :) <jasonbirch> The HTML templating is of particular interest to me <HarisK> there is also RESTful API which allows feature queries, editing <HarisK> things like use of plain html forme to search or edit data is posiblle <rbray> Sounds cool. Is it implemented as mod or? <jasonbirch> Currently, as ISAPI extension or standalone HTTP server. <rbray> And where does it get the feature data from, directly from FDO, via the MG Server? <jasonbirch> Either. <jasonbirch> Or from cascaded GeoREST server. <HarisK> or to link more GeoREST in one query, like ( parcels under buldings where parcels are serverd by one and building another georest server <HarisK> I am slow :) <Kenneth_> Sounds cool that it supports direct FDO reads <rbray> Very cool. I've seen some of the earlier presentations, so I have some insight into the API and it's abilities. <HarisK> seraches can be done in two ways, using syntax usefull for plaint html form <HarisK> or it can be full FDO filter <rbray> What are the future plans, is the source available? <HarisK> API is not yet documented <HarisK> sourceis available as well as download <jasonbirch> is basically hosted on Google Code right now <trevorw> Is GeoREST capable of replacing all of the current viewer HTTP calls? <jasonbirch> No <rbray> Are you thinking of making it a seperate project? Incorporating it into MGOS? Something else? <jasonbirch> Not even close :) <jasonbirch> Decided to fly as separate project initially because of concerns over architecture; wanted to see where it went without tying down to MapGuide :) <rbray> Trevor, it's really an alteranate Feature Service <rbray> actually a more capable one with an HTTP API <jasonbirch> If it proves itself, I think it would be cool to roll it into the MapGuide project in some way. <HarisK> yes <rbray> Yea I would agree with that as well. <jasonbirch> But it may be a profile of GeoREST if we need to maintain separation of web/server tiers (we need FDO in web tier) <trevorw> Would it make sense to implement rendering/mapping service as RESTful web services as well and call the whole set a new HTTP API? <jasonbirch> Yes :) <HarisK> rendering is allready part of it <HarisK> it calls then MapGuide to get image <HarisK> for .png of "resource" <jasonbirch> trevorw: you've seen this, right? <HarisK> If I unedrstood question correctly <trevorw> jason: yes. I haven't looked at it for a while. <HarisK> As you mentioned future plans, for projects I am working on <jasonbirch> HarisK: I don't think that the GeoREST rendering supports all of the parameters that the HTTP API does though. <HarisK> AtomPub and something like FDO Servise would be very usefull <HarisK> I believe it passes all parameters <HarisK> so we are using basically same parameters <HarisK> allthough could be wrong <HarisK> but principle is same <rbray> So... What is the next step. I like the idea, and would love to see it become part of MGOS at some point. <HarisK> btw, we are usng GeoREST for more then a year in 3 customer sites <rbray> So it has some level of maturity - that is good. Plans for documenting the API? <HarisK> yes that would be next step <HarisK> have some of docs <jasonbirch> About the same as documenting the MG HTTP API ;) (j/k) <HarisK> just recently become affraid of publishing :) <HarisK> lot of hype what is REST and what is not <rbray> Personally I'd just like to avoid yet another undocumented API :) <HarisK> we also developed and submtited to OL sandbox <HarisK> two new layers <rbray> ALthough good samples can go a long way <HarisK> one for image trough GeoREST <HarisK> and another for vectors <HarisK> Agree, I will submit API docs soon <HarisK> we also have some JS libraries we use for easier work with <rbray> Cool, let's keep this open and discuss it again. Like I said I think the goal should be to add it to MGOS <rbray> In the meantime, I'll try to find some time to look at the code <rbray> Let <HarisK> great <jasonbirch> Oh, and if there are any devs that want to play along, more than happy for others to join the GeoREST PSC ;) <rbray> Nice... <rbray> Let's transistion to the HTTP API. <rbray> Kenneth, that's your item. <Kenneth_> http api? <jasonbirch> So, documenting is a priority. But also, parity with the web apis (php/.net). It's an odd mix; some things are only possible via back end, and some via HTTP (recent example of setting DPI for DWF plotting) <jasonbirch> Ideally, should have all functionality in map agent, so could be pure HTML/JS client framework. <rbray> Jason: I agree <trevorw> Do we want to extend the existing API or move to REST to do the extension? The existing API works but REST may be more community palatable. <rbray> So how do we get what we have documented, that will help to identify gaps. <rbray> Longer term a move to REST is the right thing <jasonbirch> Is there any way to get the function signatures by spidering the code? <rbray> But if we have the docs people would be able to use the HTTP API now. <trevorw> I guess documenting the existing API would fall to me. <rbray> jason: that was the hurdle, we never found a way to automate capturing the docs <rbray> hence we never produced any <trevorw> Not sure if spidering would work. The parameters are pulled from collections and not C++ function signatures. <rbray> It was always on the Autodesk list of things to do, but never made it high enough on the priority list to get done <Kenneth_> I would especially like it documented what data gets stored between HTTP calls, and what is temporarily applied <trevorw> The PHP/Net/Java docs are generated from documentation associated with function signatures. <trevorw> kenneth: Yep. That's a code walk for that level of detail. And it is needed for some APIs. <trevorw> Should we come up with an ordered list of what we want documented first? I can work on it in my spare time and put it up on Trac. <rbray> Once a function or two is documented, then we can do a bit of divide and conquer as well. <jasonbirch> Can we get a list of the calls that are supported? <rbray> that would be an excellent start <jasonbirch> Could stub out a wiki page with all the names... <Kenneth_> The Resource Service is fairly easy to understand right away <trevorw> Sure. Good idea. Wiki Page. Mapping/Rendering service are probably the ones that have the greatest viewer impact. <Kenneth_> If there is a list of API operations avalible, I can write the documentation for some of them, based on my results from numerous experients <rbray> So Trevor, could you make a list and maybe do a couple of the Mapping/Rendering ones as a template for others to follow? <trevorw> kenneth: HTTP test pages will describe some of them - resource, feature <trevorw> bob: Ok. I will make a list and start on the mapping/rendering ones. <Kenneth_> trevor: yep, that is what I used to build the MaestroAPI <trevorw> kenneth: did you want to document the ones you are familiar with (resource, feature?) <trevorw> I will do the template first though. <Kenneth_> trevorw: yep <rbray> Cool - so we have a plan. <rbray> We are over time, can everyone hang out long enough to discuss a 2.1.1 point release? <jasonbirch> I can... <dechanb> still here <HarisK> me too <Kenneth_> Who can make a short list of fixes that would warrant a point release? <rbray> So whose item is that? <Kenneth_> Zac posted the item, but he's not present <jasonbirch> Couple people have brought it up on the users list. <jasonbirch> I'm not sure exactly what fixes are important though. <jasonbirch> Seems like one is a Fusion fix. <jasonbirch> And there may have been some connection handling bugs fixed post-release. <rbray> Bruce, which connection bugs were fixed post release? <dechanb> I would have to look at the tickets <rbray> But there are some? <rbray> submitted post release? <dechanb> Yes <rbray> OK - those should be included <trevorw> There is also a base layer selection fix Chris implemented in trunk. Would be good to include as well. <rbray> Let's start an e-mail thread on internals and get a list together. We don't have to do it here and now. <rbray> And maybe create a 2.1.1 milestone, and assign the tickets to it? <Kenneth_> Is the Fusion project near a release that would be worth waiting for? <tomf1> We can add the list of tickets to the 2.1 milestone page. <jasonbirch> Sounds like a plan. We can ask Fusion about release... <jasonbirch> Lots of changes there right now; getting ready for something else? :) <rbray> Yea Paul is not here, so we need to ask those guys. <rbray> I have not heard, so I don't know. <rbray> OK I'd suggest we postpone the thick client discussion. Let's get the HTTP API documented and follow GeoRest. <rbray> And then we'll have something more concrete to discuss with respect to clients. <rbray> once we know what our server is capable of :) <dechanb> sounds like a plan <rbray> ok then I motion to adjourn. <jasonbirch> yep, and I'll run through the initial ticket cleanup. <rbray> cool - thanks Jason. <rbray> thanks everyone, let's plan to meet again the first week of Feb. <jasonbirch> k; bye all |<-- Kenneth_ has left ("ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.5.7/20091221164558]") <HarisK> bye <dechanb> later all
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