
Version 12 (modified by robertbray, 17 years ago) ( diff )


MapGuide Open Source Annual Report 2007

  • Period covered by report: Jan-Dec 2007
  • Contact name: Robert Bray, PSC Chair

Key Accomplishments

  • Completed all milestones toward the release of MapGuide Open Source 2.0 - Beta 2 Released mid-December.
    • Incorporates the Fusion technology from DM Solutions which represents the biggest source code donation from the community to date.
  • MapGuide Open Source 1.2.0 Released - September 4, 2007
  • MapGuide Graduates Incubation - March 5, 2007
  • MapGuide Open Source 1.1.0 Released - January 22, 2007

Areas for Improvement

  • While community contribution to the project is growing, most of those contributions are still on the periphery of the project. The core development on the MapGuide project is still primarily fueled by developers at Autodesk. The project really needs developers from the communinity actively working on some of the core components.
  • A public build system for MapGuide would provide the community information on the state of trunk and access to daily builds of trunk.
  • Linux based builds of MapGuide and FDO remain more difficult than they should be. Some effort was put into an FGS installer but more work is required to the build systems of both FDO and MapGuide to make this fully viable.
  • Website navigation is still more difficult than it should be. The project needs to do some reconcilliation of what is in Drupal vs what is in Trac, and come up with a plan and resources to make the site easier to navigate and use. It would also be beneficial to get the doxygen API documentation available directly from Trac.

Opportunities to Help

Outlook for 2008

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.