Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of MapGuideRfc86

09/24/09 19:29:51 (15 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc86

    v7 v8  
    3232== Proposed Solution ==
    34 In this RFC, we extend Feature Service to add the ability to use the same FDO connection for calls to Feature Service. The following two methods will be added to class !MgFeatureService to allow users to bind/unbind an FDO connection to the current session. Method !BindConnection(...) will select an FDO connection from FDO connection pool for the specified feature source if there is one FDO connection available. Otherwise, create a new FDO connection and add it to FDO connection pool. Then this FDO connection is bound to current session. It means this FDO connection becomes an exclusive connection and can’t be used by other sessions. Since then, any call to Feature Service for the feature source and the session, which needs an FDO connection, will always use the bound FDO connection till users call method !UnbindConnection(...) to unbind this FDO connection or current session is time-out.
     34In this RFC, we extend Feature Service to add the ability to use the same FDO connection for calls to Feature Service. The following two methods will be added to class !MgFeatureService to allow users to bind/unbind an FDO connection to the current session. Method !BindConnection(...) will select an FDO connection from FDO connection pool for the specified feature source if there is one FDO connection available. Otherwise, create a new FDO connection and add it to FDO connection pool. Then this FDO connection is bound to current session. It means this FDO connection becomes an exclusive connection and can’t be used by other sessions. Since then, any call to Feature Service for the feature source and the session, which needs an FDO connection, will always use the bound FDO connection till users call method !UnbindConnection(...) to unbind this FDO connection or current session is time-out. By default, one session will be time-out after 20 minutes. Users can modify this setting through property[SiteServiceProperties]->SessionTimeOut in MapGuide Server configuration file "serverconfig.ini".