Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of MapGuideRfc83

08/25/09 16:26:17 (16 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc83

    v4 v5  
    5353Sponsoring !MapGuide provides the following benefits:
    55 1. Ensures the sustainability and health of the GDAL/OGR project.
    56 2. All sponsors will be listed on the project Sponsors page, ordered by contribution class (Platinum, Gold, Silver) with a link back to the sponsor. Silver sponsors and above may include a logo. Platinum sponsors may also have a logo appearing on the OSGeo main page.
    57 3. Sponsors will be permitted to indicate they are project sponsors in web and other promotional materials, and use any future !MapGuide Open Source logo.
    58 4. Sponsor input on project focus and direction will be solicited via a survey.
    59 5. Sponsors will received a degree of priority in processing of bug reports by any maintainer hired with sponsorship funds.
    60 6. Sponsors will receive a detailed report annually on the use of sponsorship funds.
     55 1. Ensures the sustainability and health of the GDAL/OGR project.
     56 1. All sponsors will be listed on the project Sponsors page, ordered by contribution class (Platinum, Gold, Silver) with a link back to the sponsor. Silver sponsors and above may include a logo. Platinum sponsors may also have a logo appearing on the OSGeo main page.
     57 1. Sponsors will be permitted to indicate they are project sponsors in web and other promotional materials, and use any future !MapGuide Open Source logo.
     58 1. Sponsor input on project focus and direction will be solicited via a survey.
     59 1. Sponsors will received a degree of priority in processing of bug reports by any maintainer hired with sponsorship funds.
     60 1. Sponsors will receive a detailed report annually on the use of sponsorship funds.
    6262Sponsors can sponsor !MapGuide for any amount of money of at least $500 USD.  At or above the following levels a sponsor will be designated as being one of the following class: