
Version 4 (modified by ksgeograf, 16 years ago) ( diff )


MapGuide RFC 71 - AJAX Viewer Property Pane support for multiple selected features

This page contains an change request (RFC) for the MapGuide Open Source project. More MapGuide RFCs can be found on the RFCs page.


RFC Template Version(1.0)
Submission Date2 July 2009
Last ModifiedJackie Ng Timestamp
AuthorJackie Ng
RFC Statusready for review
Implementation Statusadopted
Proposed Milestone2.2
Assigned PSC guide(s)Kenneth
Voting History
+1Kenneth, Paul, Tom, Andy, Trevor, Bob, Jason, Haris
no vote


This proposal is to extend the property pane of the AJAX viewer so that it can display properties for multiple selected features


The current AJAX viewer does not provide the ability to display the properties of multiple selected features. In its current form, the property pane will simply show the number of properties selected. This is not a satisfactory solution. To get the desired functionality at the moment requires a customised development effort (eg. A task pane script that processes and displays the map selection set). This functionality should already exist out of the box.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is to use the current property pane widget in Fusion as a starting point in which to implement an equivalent version for the AJAX viewer. This will then need to be ported to .net and Java so that all 3 viewers have the same functionality.

In order to have as minimal performance overhead as possible the modified Property Pane will behave as follows:

  • The fetching of the properties will be done asynchronously after the selection is shown on the map. This way, the user can continue to perform other actions/operations while the properties are being fetched.
  • No fetching of properties will be performed if the Property Pane is not visible.


This is strictly a client-side modification. No server-side APIs are affected. No xml schema changes are required. Depending on how the proposed solution fleshes out, newer AJAX viewer APIs may be introduced.

Test Plan

Verify new selection functionality for all 3 viewers using the following suite of web browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox (3.0, 3.5)
  • Internet Explorer (6,7,8)
  • WebKit-based browsers (Safari, Google Chrome)
  • Opera



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