Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of MapGuideRfc59

02/05/09 01:38:24 (16 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc59

    v17 v18  
    2424== Overview ==
    26 The purpose of this RFC is to add a new type of layer element in Layer Definition XML schema for TIN (Triangulated Irregular Networks). TIN is used to simulate triangle based terrain. It has many characteristics that are different from vector data and raster data, it’s necessary to create a new layer type for TIN.
     26The purpose of this RFC is to add a new type of layer element in Layer Definition XML schema for TIN (Triangulated Irregular Networks). TIN is used to simulate triangle based terrain. It has many characteristics that are different from vector data and raster data, So, it’s necessary to create a new layer type for TIN.
    2828== Motivation ==
    29 There are several kinds of data as vector and raster. TIN is another kind of data that can describe terrain model. Some products such as Oracel Spacial support TIN data. However, MapGuide does not support it yet.  So, currently we cannot show a real TIN surface in MapGuide.
     29There are several kinds of data such as vector and raster. TIN is another kind of data that can describe terrain model. Some products such as Oracel Spacial support TIN data. However, MapGuide does not support it yet.  So, currently we cannot show a real TIN surface in MapGuide.
    3030[[BR]]Adding TIN layer schema will make it easier to support TIN layer and there will be a real TIN surface. We can see points, edges and faces if we zoom into the surface.
    3131[[BR]]In future, FDO Provider may support TIN.
    3333== Proposed Solution ==
    3434The proposed solution contains modifications to the Layer Definition XML schema.  We will create following elements for the MapGuide LayerDefinition XML schema.
    35 || Type || ******* Annotation ******* ||
    36 || TinLayerDefinitionType || A layer for tin data. ||
     35|| Type || Description ||
     36|| TinLayerDefinitionType || A layer for TIN data. ||
    3737|| TinScaleRangeType || The stylization for a specified scale range. ||
    3838|| TinColorRuleType || Encapsulate a style for a tin source. ||
    3939|| TinFaceType || Style rule for a face type. ||
    40 || TinHillShadeType || Specifies how to shade given a band and a light source. ||
     40|| TinHillShadeType || Specifies how to shade given a light source. ||
    4242 [[Image(TinLayerDefinitionType.bmp)]]
    4343 * BaseLayerDefinitionType is an existing common type for all layer types.
    4444 * FeatureName and Geometry are the same as in Vector/Grid layer.
    45  * Filter element is an FDO expression for the ColorRule. Any features that pass this filter are styled using this rule's stylization. We can stylize TIN surface by elevation, slope and aspect. For example, this surface is stylized with XML snippet as below:
     45 * Filter element is an FDO expression for the ColorRule. TIN is styled using this rule. We can stylize TIN surface by elevation, slope and aspect. For example, this surface is stylized with XML snippet as below:
    4646 [[BR]][[Image(stylize_by_slope.bmp)]]
    7474 * The type for TinScaleRange is TinScaleRangeType.
    7575  * MinScale and MaxScale elements are used to control the scale range.
    76   * Elevation element includes two elevation related factors: ZeroValue element is the user defined zero value, Defaults to 0 if not specified; ScaleFactor element determines how to scale the  elevation. Defaults to 1.
     76  * Elevation element includes two elevation related factors: ZeroValue element is the user-defined zero value, defaults to 0 if not specified; ScaleFactor element determines how to scale the  elevation. Defaults to 1.
    7777  * The element type that specifies the style of Point and Edge in the layer definition schema is CompositeTypeStyle which already exists in schema, see [wiki:MapGuideRfc14 MapGuide RFC 14] for details.
    7878  * The element type of Face is TinFaceType, see details as follow. [[BR]]