= !MapGuide RFC 50 - Hide Legend Styles =
This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project.
More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page.
== Status ==
||RFC Template Version||(1.0)||
||Submission Date||June 27, 2008||
||Last Modified||Bruce Dechant [[Timestamp]]||
||Author||Aleck Sun||
||RFC Status||Draft||
||Implementation Status||pending||
||Proposed Milestone||2.1||
||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Bruce Dechant||
||'''Voting History'''||(vote date)||
||+1|| ||
||+0|| ||
||-0|| ||
||-1|| ||
== Overview ==
Change the schema of LayerDefinition so that users can hide the styles that they don’t want to be displayed in the legend.
== Motivation ==
Some feature classes can contain multiple feature types. For example, in SDF, a feature class can contain point, line, and polygon feature types.
The current !MapGuide legend displays all the geometry types regardless of whether there are features of that geometry type or not. Currently, there is a workaround that the user can delete the styles that they don't want to show in the legend. However, in this way, when the user wants to show them in the legend again, they may have forgetten which one was deleted. We would like to make it more flexible for the legend items to be shown. All the styles should be persisted and the user should be able to decide whether a style is going to be shown or not.
== Proposed Solution ==
An additional tag is going to be added to the schema of !LayerDefinition. We will add a tag for !LineTypeStyleType, !AreaTypeStyleType and !PointTypeStyleType as following.
The version of the !LayerDefinition will change from 1.2 to 1.3, i.e. !LayerDefinition-1.3.0.xsd.
Style specification of a line geometry type.
Rules to define a theme.
Style specification of a point geometry type.
Create a text layer.
Allows labels from any map layer (including the current layer) to obscure features on the current layer.
One or more PointRules defining the PointTypeStyle.
Style specification of a polygon geometry type.
Rules to define a theme.
== Implications ==
The existing schema documentation will be updated.
== Test Plan ==
No new unit tests will be created for this. However, the existing unit tests will be run to ensure that they still pass.
== Funding/Resources ==