Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of MapGuideRfc30

08/27/07 21:22:58 (18 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc30

    v4 v5  
    3232== Proposed Solution ==
    34 The new ConfigDocument classes will be part of MapGuide Web API, which depends on FDO, and will be implemented as code that is shared at both interface and implementation levels. MapGuide Web API also needs other utilities such as utility to simplify the process to add a layer, which might be added in the future. So we are going to add a new project named MapPlatformUtil.
     34The new !ConfigDocument classes will be part of !MapGuide Web API, which depends on FDO, and will be implemented as code that is shared at both interface and implementation levels. !MapGuide Web API also needs other utilities such as utility to simplify the process to add a layer, which might be added in the future. So we are going to add a new project named !MapPlatformUtil.
    3636[[Image(ConfigDocument.jpg, 511)]][[BR]]
    38 The following classes will be added and exposed in MapGuide Web API.
    39  * MgRasterItem contains the basic information to create a feature class definition and its physical mapping for a raster. However, it doesn’t contain FDO provider specific information.
    40  * MgRasterFileItem contains more Raster FDO provider specific information than MgRasterItem such as insertion point, resolution, and rotation.
    41  * Similarly, MgRasterWmsItem provides WMS FDO provider specific raster information such as transparency, background color, WMS styles.
    42  * Previously, MgSpatialContextData is an internal class of MapGuide Web API, which is used to represent all information of a FDO spatial context. In this RFC, it will be extended and exposed so that users can use it add spatial context into configuration.
    43  * There isn’t a class existing to represent spatial context collection. So MgSpatialContextDataCollection will be added, which is just a collection of MgSpatialContextData. MgConfigDocument uses it to maintain all spatial contexts of all feature classes.
    44  * MgConfigDocument maintains three collections, schema collection, physical schema mapping collection, and spatial context collection. These three collections will provide all information to create configuration XML. So it generates configuration XML string or file only when MgConfigDocument::ToXML is called. MgConfigDocument doesn’t provide any functions to add schema mapping. So it is derived classes’ responsibility to populate schema mapping information into schema mapping collection.
    45  * MgRfpConfigDocument, MgWmsConfigDocument and MgOdbcConfigDocument are derived from MgConfigDocument. They implement a method AddOverrideInfo to add feature class definitions and their physical mappings into configuration.
     38The following classes will be added and exposed in !MapGuide Web API.
     39 * !MgRasterItem contains the basic information to create a feature class definition and its physical mapping for a raster. However, it doesn’t contain FDO provider specific information.
     40 * !MgRasterFileItem contains more Raster FDO provider specific information than !MgRasterItem such as insertion point, resolution, and rotation.
     41 * Similarly, !MgRasterWmsItem provides WMS FDO provider specific raster information such as transparency, background color, WMS styles.
     42 * Previously, !MgSpatialContextData is an internal class of !MapGuide Web API, which is used to represent all information of a FDO spatial context. In this RFC, it will be extended and exposed so that users can use it add spatial context into configuration.
     43 * There isn’t a class existing to represent spatial context collection. So !MgSpatialContextDataCollection will be added, which is just a collection of !MgSpatialContextData. !MgConfigDocument uses it to maintain all spatial contexts of all feature classes.
     44 * !MgConfigDocument maintains three collections, schema collection, physical schema mapping collection, and spatial context collection. These three collections will provide all information to create configuration XML. So it generates configuration XML string or file only when MgConfigDocument::ToXML is called. MgConfigDocument doesn’t provide any functions to add schema mapping. So it is derived classes’ responsibility to populate schema mapping information into schema mapping collection.
     45 * !MgRfpConfigDocument, !MgWmsConfigDocument and !MgOdbcConfigDocument are derived from !MgConfigDocument. They implement a method !AddOverrideInfo to add feature class definitions and their physical mappings into configuration.
    4747[[Image(ClassDiagram.jpg, 554)]][[BR]]