= !MapGuide RFC 120 - Add new command !MapTip to enable/disable the map tooltip in web layout = This page contains an change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project. More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page. == Status == ||RFC Template Version||(1.0)|| ||Submission Date||July 29, 2011|| ||Last Modified||Buddy Hu [[Timestamp]]|| ||Author||Buddy Hu|| ||RFC Status||('''draft''', proposed, frozen for vote, adopted, retracted, or rejected)|| ||Implementation Status||('''pending''', under development, completed)|| ||Proposed Milestone||2.4|| ||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Bruce Dechant|| ||'''Voting History'''||July 29, 2011|| ||+1|| || ||+0|| || ||-0|| || ||-1|| || == Overview == The proposal is to add a new command "!MapTip" in web layout to enable/disable the map tooltips. == Motivation == Currently in !MapGuide, the client sends "!QueryMapFeatures" request to get the tooltips of features under the mouse as it hovers over the map. However, most of the requests are unnecessary and useless for the end-user. For example, when the user are doing measure/pan/zoom, the tooltips are redundant for the user. If we remove these unnecessary requests, we can reduce !MapGuide Server's overload. The new command "!MapTip" provides an opportunity for the user to disable the map tooltips, to reduce the "!QueryMapFeatures" requests. And the user still can enable the tooltips again with this command. == Proposed Solution == We need to add an new !BasicCommandActionType enumeration named "!MapTip" in the weblayout schema to support "!MapTip" action. {{{ }}} == Implications == Maestro is supposed to be updated to add this command to weblayout by default. == Test Plan == Run on !Linux/Windows. == Funding / Resources == Supplied byAutodesk.