= !MapGuide RFC 104 - Support Visual Studio 2010 = This page contains a change request (RFC) for the !MapGuide Open Source project. More !MapGuide RFCs can be found on the [wiki:MapGuideRfcs RFCs] page. == Status == ||RFC Template Version||(1.0)|| ||Submission Date||July 14, 2010|| ||Last Modified||Bruce Dechant April 4, 2010|| ||Author||Bruce Dechant|| ||RFC Status||adopted|| ||Implementation Status||incomplete|| ||Proposed Milestone||2.3|| ||Assigned PSC guide(s)||Bruce Dechant|| ||'''Voting History'''|||| ||+1||Bob, Bruce, Haris, Jason, Paul, Tom, Trevor|| ||+0||Jackie, Zac|| ||-0|||| ||-1|||| ||Abstained|||| == Overview == This RFC updates !MapGuide to support Visual Studio 2010. == Motivation == Supporting the new Visual Studio 2010 will allow a developer to take advantage of the IDE improvements. == Proposed Solution == * In order to support Visual Studio 2010 new solution and project files will need to be added. * The Visual Studio 2010 solution files use the same extension as those used by Visual Studio 2008 and so new filenames will need to be used. * The project files used by Visual Studio 2010 have a "vcxproj" extension which is different than Visual Studio 2008 and so the filenames will only differ by the extension. * The proposed new Visual Studio 2010 solution filenames will add "_vs10" to the already existing solution filenames. Example: server_vs10.sln == Implications == The existing Visual Studio 2008 support will not be changing. Changes to solution files and project files would require that both sets be maintained. == Test Plan == !Build/Run on Windows. == !Funding/Resources == Supplied by Autodesk. == Addendum == The project files used by Visual Studio 2010 will use the VC100 compiler/linker and the project files used by Visual Studio 2008 will be kept and still use the VC90 compiler/linker.