Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of MapGuideRfc102

07/01/10 06:00:13 (15 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc102

    v1 v1  
     2MapGuide RFC 101 - Upgrading to Xqilla 2.2.4 and DBXML  and removing it from the tree ¶
     4This page contains an change request (RFC) for the MapGuide Open Source project. More MapGuide RFCs can be found on the RFCs page.
     5Status ¶
     6RFC Template Version    (1.0)
     7Submission Date 1 July 2010)
     8Last Modified   Rohit Razdan, 1 July 2010
     9Author  Rohit Razdan
     10RFC Status      draft
     11Implementation Status   pending
     12Proposed Milestone      2.3
     13Assigned PSC guide(s)   Trevor Wekel
     14Voting History 
     19no vote
     20Overview ¶
     22This RFC proposes removal of Xqilla and Berkeley DBXML from the MapGuide source tree and attendant upgrade to versions 2.2.4 and DBXML 2.5.16
     23Motivation ¶
     25Continuing with the spirit of using native 3rd party components wherever possible, it is important that dbxml and xqilla be removed from the source tree and the user allowed to install them independently. This would be a more elegant solution and would allow frequent upgrades. This would also motivate us to pass our changes upstream.
     26Proposed Solution ¶
     28I propose to allow the user to install Xqilla and DBXML independently, and if already installed to use those existing installation with Mapguide. This involves two steps
     30    * Modifying the configure file to include an option --with-dbxml=<install directory>. Default would be /usr . Using this option to configure the makefiles. These modules depend on dbxml source code. (Note that Xqilla is used just by DBXML, so no --with-xqilla option required. Note also that the upgrade for Xqilla requires Xerces and the upgrade is required for it to compile with Xerces 3.1)
     31          o ./Oem/
     32          o ./Server/src/Services/Resource/
     33          o ./Server/src/Services/Drawing/
     34          o ./Server/src/Core/
     35          o ./Web/src/JavaApi/
     36          o ./Web/src/CgiAgent/
     37          o ./Web/src/WebApp/
     38          o ./Web/src/PhpApi/
     39          o ./Common/Foundation/
     43Implications ¶
     45None. Testing to be required to see that there are no unwanted 'side-effects'.
     46Test Plan ¶
     48Use standard MapGuide unit tests.
     49Funding/Resources? ¶