Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of MGOS2onVistaIIS7

Oct 30, 2008, 2:40:14 PM (16 years ago)



  • MGOS2onVistaIIS7

    v2 v3  
    44For now, this Wiki page only contains a PDF document of the instructions.  This will eventually be converted to Wiki format, but for now, we wanted to get this on the site for people to use.
     7== Installing !MapGuide Open Source 2.0 Web Server Extensions on Windows Server 2008 / IIS 7 ==
     9These steps do not require IIS 6 compatibility mode to be installed.  (Sorry that there are no pictures, but perhaps someone could add them.)
     11 * Install the web tier selecting "Manual Configuration".
     12 * Start the "IIS Manager" applet
     13 * On the "Default Web Site", right click and do an "Add Virtual Directory...".  Then in the dialog:
     14  * Alias: mapguide
     15  * Physical path: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www
     16 * Select your newly added mapguide node, double click "Handler Mappings", select "Add Script Map..."
     17  * Request Path: *.php
     18  * Executable: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\Php\php5isapi.dll
     19  * Name: PHP
     20  * After clicking OK, press Yes on the "Add Script Map" dialog.
     21 * Right click on "mapagent" and select "Convert to Application"
     22  * Use defaults and press OK
     23 * Select "mapagent", double click "Handler Mapping", select CGI-exe, click "Edit Feature Permissions", check "Execute", press OK
     24 * Continuing from above, select "Add Module Mapping..."
     25  * Request path: mapagent.fcgi
     26  * Module: !IsapiModule
     27  * Executable:
     28  * Name: !MapGuide ISAPI agaent
     29  * After pressing OK, press Yes in the subsequent dialog to enable the mapping
     30 * Edit php.ini so that the extension_dir points to C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\Php\ext
     31 * Add PHP (C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\Php) to the system path.  Will need to restart Windows because of this.
     32 * Select "mapguide", double click on error pages, select the 401 line, click "Remove".
     33 * Right click on "mapguide" and select "Convert to Application"
     34 * For using the PHP API:
     35  * Right click on "mapguide" and select "Add Virtual Directory..."
     36   * Alias: mapviewerajax
     37   * Physical path: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewerphp
     38  * Select "mapviewerajax", double click "Default Document", click "Add..."
     39   * Name: ajaxviewer.php
     40 * For using the .NET API:
     41  * Right click on "mapguide" and select "Add Virtual Directory..."
     42   * Alias: mapviewerajax
     43   * Physical path: C:\Program Files\!MapGuideOpenSource2.0\!WebServerExtensions\www\mapviewernet
     44  * Select "mapviewerajax", double click "Default Document", click "Add..."
     45   * name:
     46  * Select "mapviewerajax", double click on "Default Document", click "Add..."
     47   * Name: ajaxviewer.aspx
     48  * Right-click on "mapviewerajax" and select "Convert to Application"
     49  * NOTE: Any other applications you create (e.g., Sheboygan sample) will also need to be converted to an application.