Changes between Version 26 and Version 27 of HttpApi/RenderingService

04/28/10 12:50:30 (15 years ago)



  • TabularUnified HttpApi/RenderingService

    v26 v27  
    4848                                        &VERSION=2.1.0
     49                                        &CLIENTAGENT=Ajax Viewer
    4950                                        &SESSION=Session:d5d05422-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50_en_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA
    5051                                        &MAPNAME=WorldElevation
    6364== !GetMapImage ==
    6465=== Overview ===
    65 === Parameters ===
    66 === Usage ===
    67 === Technical Notes ===
     66!GetMapImage returns a rendered raster image containing all visible layers for the map.  This API can be used to generate a raster image for a currently displayed map in the session repository or to display an arbitrary view of a map defined by a map definition.
     67=== Parameters ===
     68|| '''Name''' || '''Value'''  || '''Required''' || '''Description''' ||
     69|| [#Operation1.0 OPERATION] || GETMAPIMAGE || Yes || Operation to execute ||
     70|| [#Version1.0 VERSION] || 2.1.0 || Yes || Operation version ||
     71|| [#ClientAgent2.1 CLIENTAGENT] || text || Optional || Descriptive text for client ||
     72|| [#Session1.0 SESSION] || session identifier || Optional || !MapGuide session identifier containing map to display.[[BR]]SESSION or USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified. ||
     73|| [#Username1.0 USERNAME] || text || Optional || !MapGuide user id.[[BR]]SESSION or USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified.||
     74|| [#Password1.0 PASSWORD] || text || Optional || Password for !MapGuide user.[[BR]]SESSION or USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified. ||
     75|| [#MapName1.0 MAPNAME] || text || Optional || Name of the map to display.[[BR]]This corresponds to the !GetName() value for the resource identifier.[[BR]]MAPNAME or MAPDEFINITION must be specified. ||
     76|| [#MapDefinition1.0 MAPDEFINITION] || text || Optional || Resource identifier for the map definition.[[BR]]MAPNAME or MAPDEFINITION must be specified. ||
     77|| [#Format1.0 FORMAT] || JPG/PNG || Yes || Image format for rendered image ||
     78|| [#KeepSelection1.0 KEEPSELECTION] || 0/1 || Optional || If true, render selected feature(s) even if they are outside the current scale. ||
     79|| [#SetViewCenterX1.0 SETVIEWCENTERX] || double || Optional || Set X coordinate for center of map. ||
     80|| [#SetViewCenterY1.0 SETVIEWCENTERY] || double || Optional || Set Y coordinate for center of map. ||
     81|| [#SetViewScale1.0 SETVIEWSCALE] || double || Optional || Set scale for map. ||
     82|| [#SetDisplayDpi1.0 SETDISPLAYDPI] || integer || Optional || Set DPI for map. ||
     83|| [#SetDisplayWidth1.0 SETDISPLAYWIDTH] || integer || Optional || Set width of image in pixels. ||
     84|| [#SetDisplayHeight1.0 SETDISPLAYHEIGHT] || integer || Optional || Set height of image in pixels. ||
     85|| [#ShowLayers1.0 SHOWLAYERS] || text || Optional || List of layers to display. ||
     86|| [#HideLayers1.0 HIDELAYERS] || text || Optional || List of layers to hide. ||
     87|| [#ShowGroups1.0 SHOWGROUPS] || text || Optional || List of groups to display. ||
     88|| [#HideGroups1.0 HIDEGROUPS] || text || Optional || List of groups to hide. ||
     89|| [#Clip2.0 CLIP] || 0/1 || Optional || If true, additional clipping will be performed on image. ||
     90=== Usage ===
     93                                        &VERSION=1.0.0
     94                                        &CLIENTAGENT=Fusion Viewer
     95                                        &SESSION=Session:d5d05422-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50_en_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA
     96                                        &MAPNAME=WorldElevation
     97                                        &FORMAT=PNG
     98                                        &SETVIEWCENTERX=-114.0
     99                                        &SETVIEWCENTERY=51.0
     100                                        &SETVIEWSCALE=50000
     101                                        &SETDISPLAYHEIGHT=500
     102                                        &SETDISPLAYWIDTH=500
     103                                        &KEEPSELECTION=1
     104                                        &SHOWLAYERS=d5d01111-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50,d5d01118-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50
     105                                        &CLIP=1
     107Sets center of map to (-114,51) and scale to 1:50000.  Turns on layers d5d01111 and d5d01118.  The visible layers are rendered as a 500 by 500 PNG image.  Any selection already defined by web extensions API calls will be drawn in blue regardless of scale.  Changes to center, scale and layer visibility are retained.  Features and labels will be clipped to the bounds of the image.
     109=== Technical Notes ===
    68111== !GetMapLegendImage ==
    69112=== Overview ===
    123166as a 32 bit PNG image.  The selection is drawn in partially transparent red.
    124167=== Technical Notes ===
     168== !GetMapImage ==
     169=== Overview ===
     170!GetMapImage returns a rendered raster image containing all visible layers for the map.  This API can be used to generate a raster image for a currently displayed map in the session repository or to display an arbitrary view of a map defined by a map definition.
     171=== Parameters ===
     172|| '''Name''' || '''Value'''  || '''Required''' || '''Description''' ||
     173|| [#Operation1.0 OPERATION] || GETMAPIMAGE || Yes || Operation to execute ||
     174|| [#Version1.0 VERSION] || 2.0.0 || Yes || Operation version ||
     175|| [#Session1.0 SESSION] || session identifier || Optional || !MapGuide session identifier containing map to display.[[BR]]SESSION or USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified. ||
     176|| [#Username1.0 USERNAME] || text || Optional || !MapGuide user id.[[BR]]SESSION or USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified.||
     177|| [#Password1.0 PASSWORD] || text || Optional || Password for !MapGuide user.[[BR]]SESSION or USERNAME and PASSWORD must be specified. ||
     178|| [#MapName1.0 MAPNAME] || text || Optional || Name of the map to display.[[BR]]This corresponds to the !GetName() value for the resource identifier.[[BR]]MAPNAME or MAPDEFINITION must be specified. ||
     179|| [#MapDefinition1.0 MAPDEFINITION] || text || Optional || Resource identifier for the map definition.[[BR]]MAPNAME or MAPDEFINITION must be specified. ||
     180|| [#Format1.0 FORMAT] || JPG/PNG || Yes || Image format for rendered image ||
     181|| [#KeepSelection1.0 KEEPSELECTION] || 0/1 || Optional || If true, render selected feature(s) even if they are outside the current scale. ||
     182|| [#SetViewCenterX1.0 SETVIEWCENTERX] || double || Optional || Set X coordinate for center of map. ||
     183|| [#SetViewCenterY1.0 SETVIEWCENTERY] || double || Optional || Set Y coordinate for center of map. ||
     184|| [#SetViewScale1.0 SETVIEWSCALE] || double || Optional || Set scale for map. ||
     185|| [#SetDisplayDpi1.0 SETDISPLAYDPI] || integer || Optional || Set DPI for map. ||
     186|| [#SetDisplayWidth1.0 SETDISPLAYWIDTH] || integer || Optional || Set width of image in pixels. ||
     187|| [#SetDisplayHeight1.0 SETDISPLAYHEIGHT] || integer || Optional || Set height of image in pixels. ||
     188|| [#ShowLayers1.0 SHOWLAYERS] || text || Optional || List of layers to display. ||
     189|| [#HideLayers1.0 HIDELAYERS] || text || Optional || List of layers to hide. ||
     190|| [#ShowGroups1.0 SHOWGROUPS] || text || Optional || List of groups to display. ||
     191|| [#HideGroups1.0 HIDEGROUPS] || text || Optional || List of groups to hide. ||
     192|| [#Clip2.0 CLIP] || 0/1 || Optional || If true, additional clipping will be performed on image. ||
     193==== CLIP Parameter ==== #Clip2.0
     194If set to true, all features and labels will be clipped to the extents of the rendered image.  This can improve rendering speed but may cause dense labels to shift slightly during pans.
     195=== Usage ===
     198                                        &VERSION=1.0.0
     199                                        &SESSION=Session:d5d05422-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50_en_7F0000010AFC0AFB0AFA
     200                                        &MAPNAME=WorldElevation
     201                                        &FORMAT=PNG
     202                                        &SETVIEWCENTERX=-114.0
     203                                        &SETVIEWCENTERY=51.0
     204                                        &SETVIEWSCALE=50000
     205                                        &SETDISPLAYHEIGHT=500
     206                                        &SETDISPLAYWIDTH=500
     207                                        &KEEPSELECTION=1
     208                                        &SHOWLAYERS=d5d01111-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50,d5d01118-5f75-102c-8000-02004c4f4f50
     209                                        &CLIP=1
     211Sets center of map to (-114,51) and scale to 1:50000.  Turns on layers d5d01111 and d5d01118.  The visible layers are rendered as a 500 by 500 PNG image.  Any selection already defined by web extensions API calls will be drawn in blue regardless of scale.  Changes to center, scale and layer visibility are retained.  Features and labels will be clipped to the bounds of the image.
     213=== Technical Notes ===
    126216= !MapGuide 1.2 APIs =