Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Future/ConvenienceApis

07/23/13 23:05:16 (11 years ago)



  • Future/ConvenienceApis

    v1 v2  
    143     //Gets the list of geometry type styles for this layer at the map's current scale
     143    //Gets the list of geometry type styles for this layer at the map's current scale. Returns NULL if there are no applicable geometry types
    144144    MgIntCollection* GetGeometryTypeStyles();
    145     //Gets the number of theme categories for this layer at the map's current scale for the given geometry type style. A count greater than 1 indicates a themed layer
     145    //Gets the number of theme categories for this layer at the map's current scale for the given geometry type style. A count greater than 1 indicates a themed layer. Returns -1 if there are no applicable styles at the current scale
    146146    INT32 GetThemeCategoryCount(INT32 geomType);
    147     //Gets the legend image icon for this layer at the at the map's current scale for the given geometry type style and theme category
     147    //Gets the legend image icon for this layer at the at the map's current scale for the given geometry type style and theme category. Returns NULL if there is no applicable icon at the given scale/geomType/themeCategory
    148148    MgByteReader* GenerateLegendImage(INT32 width, INT32 height, CREFSTRING format, INT32 geomType, INT32 themeCategory);
    150     //Gets the list of geometry type styles for this layer at the given scale
     150    //Gets the list of geometry type styles for this layer at the given scale. Returns NULL if there are not applicable geometry types
    151151    MgIntCollection* GetGeometryTypeStyles(double scale);
    152     //Gets the number of theme categories for this layer at the given scale for the given geometry type style. A count greater than 1 indicates a themed layer
     152    //Gets the number of theme categories for this layer at the given scale for the given geometry type style. A count greater than 1 indicates a themed layer. Returns -1 if there are no applicable styles at the given scale
    153153    INT32 GetThemeCategoryCount(double scale, INT32 geomType);
    154     //Gets the legend image icon for this layer at the at the given scale for the given geometry type style and theme category
     154    //Gets the legend image icon for this layer at the at the given scale for the given geometry type style and theme category. Returns NULL if there is no applicable icon at the given scale/geomType/themeCategory
    155155    MgByteReader* GenerateLegendImage(double scale, INT32 width, INT32 height, CREFSTRING format, INT32 geomType, INT32 themeCategory);
     160== Converting between various geometry forms ==