
Version 23 (modified by hluo, 15 years ago) ( diff )


Compilation Guide on Windows XP/7

work in progress

Environment Setup

  1. Install Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0.21 Standard Version. This version has a fatal bug, you may want to get SP or higher version.
  1. Checkout the source from Subversion to, for example, C:\
    cd c:\
    svn checkout mgdev
    svn export mgdev
  1. Download FDO 3.5 CR1 SDK tarball from Here to C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO\ created in step 1.
    cd C:\mgdev\Oem\FDO
    tar xvvf <tar>
    cd Bin
    mkdir Release

Move all contents under Bin to Release folder. The structure of fdo should be like this:


Note: if you are working on a 64-bit windows machine and download the 64-bit FDO SDK, rename folder Release into Release64 and Lib into Lib64

  1. Install the following dependencies.
    • JAVA SDK 1.6
    • ANT 1.7 or above
    • Apache HTTP Server or IIS 7.5
    • PHP 5.3.3

Build Process

  1. Build OEM tree
    • Launch Microsoft Visual Studio
    • File->Open->Project/Solution and browse to oem.sln and click Ok. this will open all 35 Oem projects in Visual Studio
    • In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution 'oem', then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful.
  1. Build CSMap. Though CSMap is under folder Oem, it is a totally different project from other Oem projects, and it should be built seperately
    • File->Open->Project/Solution and browse to Oem/CsMap/OpenSource.sln, click Ok to open CsMap project in Visual Studio
    • In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution OpenSource, then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful.
  1. Build MapGuide Server
    • File->Open->Project/Solution and browse to c:\mgdev\Server\server.sln, click Ok to open 29 server projects in Visual Studio
    • In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution Server, then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful.
  1. Build Web Extension
    • File->Open->Project/Solution and browse to c:\mgdev\Web\src\WebTier.sln, click Ok to open 30 web extension projects in Visual Studio
    • In Solution Explorer tree, select Solution Web Tier, then click Build->Build Solution, build process will start and should be successful.

Note: In Visual Studio, before each build process, make sure the configuration for these 4 build processes are consistent, i.e Release and Win32 are recommende for 32-bit windows machine, Release and x64 for 64-bit windows machine.

Install MapGuide Server and Web Extension

  1. On 32-bit windows machine
    cd c:\mgdev
    mkdir Release
    build.bat -a=install -w=server
    build.bat -a=install -w=web
  2. On 64-bit windows machine
    cd c:\mgdev
    mkdir Release64
    build64.bat -a=install -w=server
    build64.bat -a=install -w=web

Testing Installation

  1. Create a environment variable MENTOR_DICTIONARY_PATH, which points to c:\mgdev\Oem\CsMap\Dictionaries
  1. Start MapGuide Server
    cd c:\mgdev\Release\Server\bin
    mgserver.exe run
  1. Start MapGuide Web Extension
  1. Open a browser to http://localhost:8008/mapguide/phpviewersample/ajaxviewersample.php

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip

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