Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of CodeSamples/ASP.Net/mapagent

Dec 29, 2012, 7:05:22 AM (12 years ago)



  • CodeSamples/ASP.Net/mapagent

    v1 v1  
     3This page is one of the !MapGuide Community CodeSamples.  Visit the CodeSamples page to view more!
     5== Introduction ==
     7Have you ever required the ability to host the mapagent http interface outside of Apache or IIS? Maybe in a lightweight http server that can be interfaced via .net/Java/PHP?
     9It turns out that the MapGuide API provides classes that make it possible for you to create your own mapagent http handler. The classes in question are:
     11 * MgHttpRequest
     12 * MgHttpResponse
     14These 2 classes form the backbone of the mapagent infrastructure. The current Apache/ISAPI/CGI mapagents all use these classes to work with the respective Apache/ISAPI/CGI interfaces
     16[ This sample project] demonstrates how you can have your own .net mapagent http interface. The default http server used for this VS project is IIS express, but can easily be Cassini or any other lightweight .net http server that is not IIS proper.
     18== Requirements ==
     20The project requires:
     22 * [ Visual Studio 2012 Express for Web]
     23 * [ MapGuide Open Source 2.4]
     25The VS project has been set up for NuGet package restore and will auto-fetch the required MapGuide assemblies on the first build of the project