Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of wxGUIDevelopment/SingleWindow

Apr 8, 2021, 9:55:08 AM (3 years ago)



  • wxGUIDevelopment/SingleWindow

    v15 v16  
    8080- Refactoring: Creation of a separate function responsible for instantiating all five panels (Data, Display, Modules, Console, Python).
    8181- Refactoring: Edit of functions related to creating notebook tabs for multi-layout. Applies to _createNoteBook, AddNvizTools, RemoveNVizTools, etc.
    82 - Refactoring: Introduction of a new layout flag (variable) into the Layer Manager, so far it will be primarily set to multi-layout.
     82- Refactoring: Introduction of a new layout flag (variable) in the App, so far it will be primarily set to multi-layout.
    8383- Refactoring: Features related to adding and removing the 3D tab and 3D toolbar will be adapted to the future option - in the case of Single Layout the newly added panel is not added to the notebook but to the AUI pane. Similarly, other functions requiring to switch to the Display tab for their operation (for example, adding vector or raster data) will be adapted to the future variant using the "layout" flag.
    8585- Single Layout: Defining a new Map Panel class whose instances will be elements of the new Map Display notebook pane.
    8686- Single Layout: Defining an AuiManegerClass that will secure some general functions needed for Single Layout.
    87 - Single Layout: Single layout AUI panes (input instances of Data, Display, Modules, Console, Python, Map Panel) will be created through a new function.
     87- Single Layout: Single layout AUI panes will be created through a new function (input parameters: Data, Display, Modules, Console, Python, Map Panel).
    8888- Single Layout: Update of the guiparent changes after switching (for a multi-layout it is a notebook, for a single layout the main frame).
    8989- Single Layout: Switching to the desired layout through a new Layout tab