Changes between Version 36 and Version 37 of wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup

Dec 3, 2019, 1:46:12 AM (5 years ago)

Prague sprint notes


  • wxGUIDevelopment/New_Startup

    v36 v37  
    287287    * There can be even an analogue to a default computation region, i.e. a default workspace in PERMANENT mapset which is used when the mapset does not have its own. This does not need a separate file as the PERMAMENT recent can be used as the default for simplicity.
    288288   * Works well enough for opening the sample dataset for the first time.
     290=== GRASS GIS Community Sprint Prague 2019 ===
     292''Notes from VP, AP, ML, OP by VP.''
     294* not redoing loc/mac
     295* maybe use different names
     296* use data catalog widget
     297        * but data part needs to be lazy loaded
     298                * "Show content" button (any level, just recurse down)
     299* create automatically grassdata if starting first time (and no grassdata exists)
     300        * Win: Documents
     301        * Linux: in home
     302        * User should
     303* "create project"
     304        * From existing file
     305                * Needs:
     306                        * file
     307                        * loc name
     308        * From EPSG
     309        * "Something else"
     310* Wizard
     311* Open recent
     312        * Show the same tree as in Open but with "recent filter"
     313        * Example:
     314                * /home/grassdata
     315                        * nc_spm
     316                                * PERMANENT
     317                * /home/grassdata
     318                        * nc_spm
     319                                * landsat
     320                * /home/grassdata
     321                                * Oregon
     322                                        * PERMANENT
     323                * /data/grassdata
     324                                * Oregon
     325                                        * PERMANENT
     326* Data tab:
     327        * Roots:
     328                * Databases
     329                        * /home/grassdata
     330                        * /home/project1/grassdata
     331                        * /home/project2/grassdata
     332                        * /data/grassdata
     333                * Workspaces
     334                        * My Workspace 1
     335                        * My Workspace 2
     336        * Collect workspace paths when saving them
     337        * Collect database paths when starting in them
     338* Focus on Data Catalog/Tab
     339* Add lazy loading to Data Catalog
     340* WS could be read and put under the mapset
     341* WS inside mapsets in Data tab based on mapset stored there
     342* Filters:
     343        * Recent
     344        * Workspaces only
     345                * ie mapsets with workspaces only
     346* WS not priority for new users
     347* Multiple databases not priority for new users
    289348== See also ==