Changes between Version 39 and Version 40 of wxGUIDevelopment/ImprovingSingleWindowUX

Mar 5, 2023, 12:28:28 PM (17 months ago)



  • wxGUIDevelopment/ImprovingSingleWindowUX

    v39 v40  
    313313== Final Report ==
    314 **Title:** Mini project 2023: Improving Single-Window user experience
     314**Title:** Mini project 2023: Improving Single-Window GUI user experience
    316316**Community:** GRASS GIS - OSGeo
    319 Especially for Single-Window GUI, the Map Display status bar needs to be lightened up a bit since in the case of opening more Map Display notebook pages the check box on the right side of the status bar gets shrunk. The solution is to remove the combo box in the status bar occupying too much space and implement a new Map Display settings dialog accessible from the top map display toolbar.
    321 **The state of the art BEFORE the start of Mini project:**\\
    322 At this moment, the status bar at the bottom of the Map Display window consists of the text/widget section, the combo box, the mask and the check box. For the Single-Window GUI, the number of widgets must be reduced so that the check box on the right side of the status bar is not shrunk.
     319This project follows ideas mentioned in the last-year Mini-project focused on Status bar redesign (please see The core part of the project is devoted to undock map display functionality. This ability is essential to users who prefer the well-known Multi-Window GUI arrangement. The other part focuses on changing the Console layout. Moreover, the toggleable Log file button in the Console pane is replaced by the simple Export history button which can be used for storing the whole history of executed commands. The project also verifies if workspaces work nicely with Single-Window and addresses saving the current user layout to a workspace file. The workspace file also remembers and loads undocked map displays.
     321**The state of the art BEFORE the start of the Mini project:**\\
     322- The Single-Window GUI does not allow rearrangement to Multi-Window GUI.
     323- The widget with buttons managing the Command prompt is partly hidden after the GRASS launch.
     324- The Single-Window arrangement is not stored within the workspace.
    324326**The state of the art AFTER Mini project:**\\
    325329The new Map Display settings dialog is introduced. The main task of this dialog is to manage General Map Display settings and status bar settings. It implies that the status bar combobox is not needed anymore because we can find all Map Display settings including status bar customization in the new dialog.