[[TOC]] = GRASS Developer Wiki = * [wiki:DownloadSource Getting source code] and [wiki:BuildHints build hints for various systems] * [http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7 GRASS Programmer's Manual] - detailed source code documentation (API manual) * [https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WxGUI_Programming_Howto wxGUI Programming Howto] * [wiki:PSC GRASS Project Steering Committee] * [wiki:PSC/Motions Motions of the GRASS Project Steering Committee] * [wiki:RFC Request For Comment (RFC) List] * [wiki:Python3Support Python 3 support in GRASS GIS] * See [http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Development the development section of the GRASS user's wiki] (to be moved here) ==== Submitting Rules ==== * [wiki:Submitting Submitting rules] ==== Release Planning ==== * [wiki:Release List of releases] * [wiki:Grass8Planning GRASS 8 feature and release planning] * ~~[wiki:Grass7Planning GRASS 7 release planning]~~ (end of life) * ~~[wiki:Grass6Planning GRASS 6 release planning]~~ (end of life) ==== Various ==== * [wiki:MessageStandardization Message standardization] * [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment wxGUI development] * [wiki:AddOnsManagement AddOns Management] * [wiki:Toolboxes Toolboxes proposals and development] * [wiki:WebServices Web Services Support Development] * New [wiki:SampleDataset GRASS GIS Sample Datasets] * [wiki:GitMigration Migrating GRASS code repository from SVN to git] ==== !HowTos ==== * [wiki:HowToRelease How-To Release] - Notes on preparing a GRASS source release * [wiki:HowToContribute How-To Contribute] - How to contribute to the GRASS development (and how to gain GRASS core and addons git write access) * [wiki:HowToProgram How-To write GRASS code] - Start writing your own modules! * [wiki:HowToGit How-To use GRASS-git and Trac] * [wiki:HowToBackport How-To Backport] changes to a release branch * [wiki:HowToMaintainGrassWorkflowUsingGit How-To Maintain GRASS Workflow Using Git] * [wiki:CompileOnWindows Compilation on MS-Windows] * [wiki:HowToUpgradeOSGeo4WGDAL How-To update source code for a new GDAL version in OSgeo4W] * [wiki:HowToTestGrass6 How-To test GRASS 6] (test protocol, use also to showcase GRASS functionality) ==== Misc ==== * [wiki:GSoC Google Summer of Code Projects] - List of GRASS-related GSoC Projects * [https://www.openhub.net/p/3666 GRASS GIS Project statistics and developer activity] (Openhub) * [https://www.openhub.net/p/grass_gis_addons GRASS GIS Addons statistics and developer activity] (Openhub) * [wiki:WebPagesManagement Web pages management] (kept for historical reason, we use CMS now) == Outdated Content about GRASS Trac == This Trac instance is used for [http://grass.osgeo.org GRASS GIS], for bug, enhancement & task tracking, a developer wiki, and a view into the subversion code repository. To edit the wiki pages and bug/enhancement/task tickets you'll need to login with an [https://www.osgeo.org/community/getting-started-osgeo/osgeo_userid/ OSGeo Userid]. Read the TracGuide for details about how the site works. [[Image(https://app.travis-ci.com/OSGeo/grass.svg?branch=main, link=https://travis-ci.com/OSGeo/grass, alt=status, height="20")]] The source code is managed on !GitHub. The **!GitHub repositories** are: * GRASS GIS core (7x - 8.x): https://github.com/OSGeo/grass * GRASS GIS legacy (3.x-6.x): https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-legacy * GRASS GIS Add-ons: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-addons * GRASS GIS promotional material: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-promo * GRASS GIS Website: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-website === Bug Tracking === * [https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/issues/new/choose Submit a new bug report, a wish], or pull request (on !GitHub since January 2020) * Before January 2020, issues/tickets were managed here on this Trac instance. * New issues are to be created on !GitHub, but old issues can be still discussed and edited here on Trac (comment, close, ...). * [query:status!=closed&type=defect&order=id&desc=1 List Open Bugs here on Trac] * For editing, you need to [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/login login] with an [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo Userid]; read some [wiki:TracLinks help] for using Trac. * Bugs on Trac specific to: [/report/14 MS Windows], [/report/15 wxGUI], [/report/16 GRASS 6], [/report/19 GRASS 7] * [query:status!=closed&type=enhancement&order=id&desc=1,compact List Open Enhancement Requests here on Trac] * [HowToUseKeywords How to use ticket keywords here on Trac] * Note: All ticket communications from Trac are directly sent to the [http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev grass-dev mailing list] in order to notify the developers. === Releases === * '''[wiki:Release List of releases]''' * List of [https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/milestones milestones] * Older releases starting in 1984 (!), see https://grass.osgeo.org/home/history/releases/ * [wiki:AnnualReport Annual Reports] === User Wiki === * Visit at [https://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/Main_Page GRASS User Wiki] * [https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/manuals/html72_user/index.html GRASS User's Manual] * [https://grass.osgeo.org/community/support.php Mailing lists] and [http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/How_to_participate_in_IRC_communication IRC] **Migrating from GRASS GIS 6 to version 7.x?** * see [wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures#Optionschanges here] for changes in parameter names and changed flags * see [wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures#Replacedandremovedmodules here] for removed modules and renamed modules * see [wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures#Optionschanges here] for renamed options ---- For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.