= GRASS GIS Tracker and Wiki = This Trac instance is used for [http://www.grass-gis.org GRASS GIS], for bug, enhancement & task tracking, a developer wiki, and a view into the subversion code repository. To edit the wiki pages and bug/enhancement/task tickets you'll need to login with an [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo Userid]. Read the TracGuide for details about how the site works. == Bug Tracking == * [/grass/newticket Submit a new bug report] (you need to [http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/login login] with an [http://www.osgeo.org/osgeo_userid OSGeo Userid]) * [query:status!=closed&type=defect&order=id&desc=1 List Open Bugs] * [query:status!=closed&type=enhancement&order=id&desc=1,compact List Open Enhancement Requests] == User Wiki == * Visit at [http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/Main_Page GRASS User Wiki] * [http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass6_manuals/html63_user/index.html GRASS User's Manual] == Developer Wiki == * [wiki:DownloadSource Getting source code] and [wiki:BuildHints build hints for various systems] * [http://download.osgeo.org/grass/grass6_progman/index.html GRASS Programmer's Manual] - Detailed source code documentation * [wiki:HowToRelease How-To Release] - Notes on preparing a GRASS source release * [wiki:HowToContribute How-To Contribute] - How to contribute to the GRASS development * [wiki:HowToSVN How-To use GRASS-SVN and Trac] * [wiki:SoCProjects Google Summer of Code Projects] - List of GRASS-related GSoC Projects * [wiki:RfcList Request For Comment (RFC) List] * [wiki:WebPagesManagement Web pages management] * [http://grass.osgeo.org/community/support.php Mailing lists] and [http://grass.gdf-hannover.de/wiki/How_to_participate_in_IRC_communication IRC] == Releases == * [wiki:Release/6.3.0RC3-News] (30 Nov 2007) * [wiki:Release/6.3.0RC2-News] (20 Nov 2007) * [wiki:Release/6.3.0RC1-News] (24 Oct 2007) * [wiki:Release/6.2.3-News] (27 Nov 2007) * [wiki:Release/6.2.2-News] (16 June 2007) * [wiki:Release/5.4.1-News] (26 Jul 2007) ---- For a complete list of local wiki pages, see TitleIndex.