= GRASS GIS 7.6.1 = [[TOC]] A short summary of changes: '''[wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures76 New features in GRASS 7.6]''' === Releases === ==== Stable Release ==== * tbd ==== Release Candidate 1 (RC1) ==== * Release date: ''DD MMM 2019''~~ * Changelog: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass76/source/ChangeLog_7.6.1RC1.gz * Binaries: ​https://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/#g76x * Source code: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass76/source/grass-7.6.1RC1.tar.gz ([https://grass.osgeo.org/grass76/source/grass-7.6.1RC1.md5sum md5sum]) * SVN Source Code Checkout 7.6.0RC1: {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/tags/release_2019MMMDD_grass_7_6_0RC1 }}} === SVN Source Code === * Milestone: [milestone:"7.6.1"] * Release branch created in r73210 * SVN Checkout latest 7.6 release branch (including yet unpublished bugfixes): {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/releasebranch_7_6 }}} === Overview of changes === A series of new features and stability fixes, manual improvements, and a few language translations have been added. Importantly, the new version is backward compatible with older 7.x releases. The GRASS GIS 7.6.1 release provides '''more than XXX fixes and improvements''' with respect to the stable release 7.6.0. ==== New modules ==== * n/a ==== Major module changes ==== (see also below for closed bugs) * G76:v.external: enable GRASS-internal PostGIS driver again ==== Minor module changes ==== (see also below for closed bugs) * G76:r.buildvrt: manual cosmetics * G76:r.compress: print which compression method is actually applied; update documentation with regard to ZSTD as default compression if available, see #3758 * G76:r.kappa: Pass correct map@mapset combo to the r.stats call * G76:v.in.ogr: set spatial filter to correct geometry field if geometry option is given * G76:v.out.lidar: print names of column/table in error messages ==== Improvements in the Graphical User Interface ==== * n/a ==== Python scripting ==== * n/a ==== Projection support ==== * n/a ==== Library changes ==== * change libname to major.minor, see #3728 * libgis: do_spawn() notify which command failed and why * mkhtml.py: catch Python-3.6 unicode error in escape_href() for lib/init/helptext.html * grass.py: browser = "xdg-open" as fallback; no browser message spam in batch jobs; small help text wording and standardization * grass.py: fix r73977 as "grass_gui" var does not exist on headless cloud systems ==== Unit tests ==== * G76:Travis-CI: updated to use xenial instead of the outdated trusty distro * test_framework_GRASS_GIS_with_NC.sh: moved into 'examples/' subdir to prevent from undesired execution in online testsuite * test_framework_GRASS_GIS_with_NC.sh: store configuration in separate file ==== User Manuals - Documentation ==== * G76:r.compress manual: ZLIB is no longer the default compression method (ZSTD is the default), updated * G76:r.stats manual: example of report raster cell counts of multiple raster maps added; use

tag in examples ==== Portability ==== * wingrass: change installation target, see #3732 * wingrass: wrong OSGEO4W_ROOT when installing OSGeo4W to different target directory, see #3724 ==== Docker support ==== * n/a * docker image available at https://hub.docker.com/r/mundialis/grass-gis-stable/ ==== Message Translations ==== * i18N: translations updated (Bengali, Chinese, Czech, French) from Transifex (https://www.transifex.com/grass-gis/grass7/dashboard/) === New Addons since GRASS 7.6.0 === * G7A:... === Closed tickets === ==== Closed bugs since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.6.1&type=defect&resolution=fixed&order=priority)]] ==== Closed wishes since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.6.1&type=enhancement&resolution=fixed&order=priority)]]