= GRASS GIS 7.2.3 = [[TOC]] A short summary of changes: '''[wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures72 New features in GRASS 7.2]''' (note: current is '''[wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures74 New features in GRASS 7.4]''') === Releases === ==== Stable Release ==== * ~~Release date: ''XX YYY 2018''~~ * ~~Announcement: tbd~~ * ~~Changelog: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/ChangeLog_7.2.3.gz~~ * ~~Binaries: ​https://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/#G72x~~ * ~~Source code: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.3.tar.gz ([https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.3.md5sum md5sum])~~ * ~~SVN Source Code Checkout 7.2.3:~~ {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/tags/release_2018XXYY_grass_7_2_3 }}} ==== Release Candidate 1 (RC1) ==== * ~~Release date: ''XX YYY 2018''~~ * ~~Changelog: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/ChangeLog_7.2.3RC1.gz~~ * ~~Binaries: ​https://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/#G72x~~ * ~~Source code: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.3RC1.tar.gz ([https://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.3RC1.md5sum md5sum])~~ * ~~SVN Source Code Checkout 7.2.3RC1:~~ {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/tags/release_2018XXYY_grass_7_2_3RC1 }}} === SVN Source Code === * Milestone: [milestone:"7.2.3"] * SVN Checkout latest 7.2 release branch (including yet unpublished bugfixes): {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/releasebranch_7_2 }}} === Overview of changes === This is a bug fix release. A series of stability fixes, manual improvements, and a few language translations have been added. The GRASS GIS 7.2.3 release provides '''more than 230 fixes and improvements''' with respect to the stable release 7.2.2. ==== Minor module changes ==== (see also below for closed bugs) * grass startup script: added version output 'grass72 --config version' * G72:d.mon: notes on functionality added * G72:i.vi: fix typo in NDVI from Sentinel bands * G72:r.in.srtm: Print an error instead of fail in XY location * G72:r.out.gdal: export inf values * G72:r.random.surface: rename variable Surface to RSurface to avoid compiler error * G72:r.stream.extract: remove problematic infinity as default, use 64 bit integer to support large regions … * G72:r.viewshed: fix binary output * G72:r.watershed: reduce chance of integer overflow * G72:t.rast.mapcalc and G72:t.rast.algebra: manual edits (trunk, r71879) * G72:v.external: notes on limitations added to the manual * G72:v.external: mixed up IDs from PostGIS tables, fixes #3248 * G72:v.import: do not snap by default * G72:v.info: Added layer specific database information to extended metadata * G72:v.voronoi: update parameter description === Library changes === * use GEOS C API (#3421). Credits to Bas Couwenberg * diglib: fix bug caused by compiler optimizations * iostreamlib: fix memory manager * pythonlib: add addon bin dir to path on all platforms * rasterlib: Eliminate RPC/XDR dependency from raster library === Improvements in the Graphical User Interface === * G72:wxGUI: fix WMS service in latlong locations === User Manuals - Documentation === * Various manual pages: new screenshots added, thanks to [https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_GCI_Ideas_2017 Google Code-in] * Added missing height HTML tags according to submitting rules (needed for wxGIU html browser) === Message Translations === * Translations now managed in Transifex (please join and translate messages): https://www.transifex.com/grass-gis/grass72 === Dockerfile === * Updated, docker image e.g. available at https://hub.docker.com/r/neteler/grassgis7/ === New Addons since GRASS 7.2.2 === * G7A:r.spread.sod: Sudden Oak Death spread model * G7A:r.clip: simple module to crop rasters to region * G7A:g.download.location: get, extract and place location from any URL * G7A:r.sentinel.download: Downloads Sentinel satellite data from Copernicus Open Access Hub using [https://sentinelsat.readthedocs.io/ sentinelsat library] * G7A:r.sentinel.import: Imports Sentinel satellite data downloaded from Copernicus Open Access Hub using r.sentinel.download === Closed tickets === ==== Closed bugs since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.2.3&type=defect&resolution=fixed&order=priority)]] ==== Closed wishes since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.2.3&type=enhancement&resolution=fixed&order=priority)]]