= GRASS GIS 7.2.1 = [[TOC]] [wiki:/Release/7.2.0-News New features in GRASS 7.2] Binaries: ONCE RELEASED === Releases === ==== Stable Release ==== * Release date: ''03 May 2017'' * Announcement: https://grass.osgeo.org/news/67/15/GRASS-GIS-7-2-1-released/ * Changelog: http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/ChangeLog_7.2.1.gz * Binaries: ​http://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/#g72x * Source code: http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.1.tar.gz ([http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.1.md5sum md5sum]) * SVN Source Code Checkout 7.2.1: {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/tags/release_20170503_grass_7_2_1 }}} ==== Release Candidate 2 (RC2) ==== * Release date: ''22 Apr 2017'' * Changelog: http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/ChangeLog_7.2.1RC2.gz * Binaries: ​http://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/#g72x * Source code: http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.1RC2.tar.gz ([http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.1RC2.md5sum md5sum]) * SVN Source Code Checkout 7.2.1RC2: {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/tags/release_20170422_grass_7_2_1RC2 }}} ==== Release Candidate 1 (RC1) ==== * Release date: ''4 Apr 2017'' * Changelog: http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/ChangeLog_7.2.1RC1.gz * Binaries: ​http://grass.osgeo.org/download/software/#g72x * Source code: http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.1RC1.tar.gz ([http://grass.osgeo.org/grass72/source/grass-7.2.1RC1.md5sum md5sum]) * SVN Source Code Checkout 7.2.1RC1: {{{ svn checkout https://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/tags/release_20170404_grass_7_2_1RC1 }}} === SVN Source Code === * Milestone: [milestone:"7.2.1"] * SVN Checkout latest 7.2 release branch (including yet unpublished bugfixes): {{{ svn checkout http://svn.osgeo.org/grass/grass/branches/releasebranch_7_2 }}} === Overview of changes === A series of stability fixes, manual improvements and a few language translations have been added. The GRASS GIS 7.2.1 release provides '''more than 150 fixes and improvements''' with respect to GRASS GIS 7.2.0. ==== New modules ==== * None ==== Major module changes ==== * None ==== Minor module changes ==== * G72:i.atcorr: Pleiades-1A, Pleiades-1B, Spot-6, Spot-7, Worldview-3 support added * G72:i.modis.qc manual: added note on MOD11A2 QC_band NULLs treatment * G72:i.zc: correctly read the threshold value, set to 1 by default and divided by 100 internally * G72:r.resamp.stats: added support of range, count and diversity * G72:r.resamp.stats: Introduce also other stats methods to resampling module to better match r.neigbors offer * G72:r.timestamp: typo in the manual * G72:r.topmodel: Fix cumulative infiltration * G72:r.to.vect: Call the DB error handler before the vector handler to avoid busy database warnings * G72:r.what: fix segfault when using -r and outside of region * G72:t.list: only relative time strds reported when using output option * G72:v.build.polylines: Activate the cats=same option; Remove compile warnings * G72:v.db.addtable: Check for duplicate column names * G72:v.distance: Define default column names for -p; Don't create (0,0) points where no nearest points are found; Update the manual; column= & -p are mutually exclusive * G72:v.edit: Fix the default threshold distance; fix snapping to Background Map * G72:v.external: fix check_projection() when input is PG datasource (and native GRASS PostGIS reader is used) * G72:v.external: fix dsn handling (full / db-login-based connection strings) * G72:v.external.out: SRID lost when not exactly defined * G72:v.import: move testing if the data are of the same CRS before creating temporary location * G72:v.out.ogr: Append mode broken in G 7.2.1svn and 7.3 * G72:v.out.postgis doesn't export attribute table (see #2460) * G72:v.out.postgis: fix type option (closes #2460) * G72:v.overlay: fix test if line is inside an area (#3319) * G72:v.patch: build topology after appending * G72:v.proj: add no topology flag * G72:v.select: Avoid database warnings when no features are selected and copy an empty table * G72:v.to.db: Don't throw a fatal error when there are no features * G72:v.to.points: Don't interpolate for use=node according to the manual * G72:v.to.rast: fix description of option use=dir to not limit it to flow, add better example with picture to manual * G72:v.what: Fix the default distance threshold * G72:v.what.rast: segfault with map without topology ==== GUI changes ==== * wxGUI: 'Align computation region to selected map' add to the layer menu * wxGUI: do not re-render whole map composition when show/hide comp. region extent * wxGUI/location wizard simplification: decrease number of dialogues shown by default ==== PyGRASS changes ==== * use lazy imports for the temporal package * Python 2.6 does not support omitting of positional argument specifiers: Fixes !ValueError zero length field name in format ==== Library changes ==== * vectorlib: enhance numerical stability for segment intersections * vectorlib, network analysis: initialize output, fix shortcut, prune path * OGR dbdriver: support OFTInteger64 ==== Map projection changes ==== * None ==== Portability changes ==== * None ===== MS Windows ===== * grass.py: Force encoding to be EUC-KR for the Korean language in Windows ==== Manual pages ==== * G72:v.to.rast: fix description of option use=dir to not limit it to flow, add better example with picture to manual * r.import/v.import manual: explain -o projection override flag * rasterintro manual: explain optional NULL compression * doc: include all modules into graphical index * broken links to source code and history in add-ons user manuals (see #3224) ==== Documentation ==== * doc/grass_database.png, doc/grass_database.svg: add (spatio-)temporal (dataset) as another data type in database ==== Message translation updates ==== * Czech translation (libs): add missing plural forms * i18N: Sylvain Maillard French cont'ed === New Addons === New addons since release 7.2.0 (see [https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Release/7.2.0-News#NewAddons here] for new addons since 7.0.0): * G7A:i.in.probav: Import PROBA-V NDVI data in netCDF format into a raster map with real NDVI data range * G7A:i.superpixels.slic: Perform image segmentation using the SLIC segmentation method * G7A:i.variance: Analyze variation of variance with variation of resolution * G7A:r.fill.gaps - Rapidly fills 'no data' cells (NULLs) of a raster map with interpolated values (IDW) (ported from GRASS6) * G7A:r.object.activelearning: Perform active learning for OBIA classification * G7A:r.object.spatialautocor: Calculate spatial autocorrelation of raster objects * G7A:r.sim.water.mp: r.sim.water with openmp suppport * G7A:r.sun.mp: r.sun with openmp suppport * G7A:t.rast.kappa: Calculate kappa parameter in a space time raster dataset === Closed tickets === ==== Closed bugs since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.2.1&type=defect&order=priority)]] ==== Closed wishes since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.2.1&type=enhancement&order=priority)]] ==== Closed tasks since the last release ==== [[TicketQuery(status=closed&milestone=7.2.1&type=task&order=priority)]]