[[TOC]] = PSC Meeting 2023-08-11 = == Participants == TBD == Agenda == The topics proposed are: * Past events * Community meeting Prague 2023 aftermath * FOSS4G 2023, [https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2023/talk/KLVT3W/ State of GRASS GIS, Martin Landa] (done) * Future events * FOSS4G North America 2023, Baltimore, MD, Oct 23-25 (3 talks, 2 workshops) * Next GRASS GIS virtual sprint * Next GRASS GIS in-person sprint * [https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Community_Sprint_2023 OSGeo Community Sprint 2023], Nov 6-9 (OSGeo Annual Code Sprint, Vienna, Austria, Big Data from Space) * Call for student grants? * Determine topics. * Have some "technical writing" topics? * Emphasize mentoring. * Releases * Community, sponsors, and support at the website (ideally, do the actual work) * How to properly finish >5 years of discussion about location versus project? * Review and update Open Collective. * Add (and/or link) press release to the wiki. * Start collecting reports on physical artifacts. * Come up with an official way to add items to Google Scholar. == Minutes == TBD