Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20230512

May 21, 2023, 11:01:22 PM (14 months ago)



  • PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20230512

    v15 v16  
    3838  * Next year we should promote the call more, esp. among computer sciences students.
    40 * FOSS4G talk:
     40* FOSS4G 2023 talk:
    4141  * Some discussion can be done in Prague, push 8.3 release in Prague and present that at FOSS4G.
    4242  * Format: recycle the grass-talk repo and update slides, use issues for tasks and create PRs.
    4343  * Markus has the latest version of the repo and will share it with Martin.
     44     * [ Code] - [ Preview]
    45 * GRASS Meeting in Prague
     46* [ GRASS GIS 40 years' Meeting in Prague]
    4647  * Martin is planning places to eat and drink.
    4748  * Saturday, June 3rd: main social event - visit a brewery close to Prague.
    48   * Vaclav ordered t-shirts already.
     49  * Vaclav already ordered t-shirts.
    4950  * Martin booked a room for the meeting, he'll ask IT for a wifi network for GRASS community.
    50   * Lunch: stay in the room and order, or go to the library. Apparently it is possible to book it, Martin will ask.
    51   * Online: jitsi within the sprint or community channel in gitter works, otherwise NCSU zoom.
     51  * Lunches: stay in the room and order, or go to the library. Apparently it is possible to book it, Martin will ask.
     52  * Online: jitsi within the sprint or community channel in [ gitter] works, otherwise NCSU zoom.
    5253  * Budget: we are Ok.
    53   * Reimbursements: Ask OSGeo to transfer the assigned amount to Open Collective right before the meeting. For FOSSGIS, Markus will ask them how to proceed, esp. seed money for Martin as a local organizer.
     54  * Reimbursements: Ask OSGeo to transfer the assigned amount to Open Collective right before the meeting. For FOSSGIS, Markus has asked them how to proceed, esp. 50% seed money for Martin as a local organizer: awaiting their answer.
    55 * Open Collective:
     56* [ Open Collective]:
    5657  * Invite PSC members to join the team of Open Collective (Markus).
    5758  * Related: Add a footer to the emails in mailing lists with a link to Open Collective (Markus).
    6061  * Automatic release procedure - call between Markus and Vaclav to discuss this (done).
    6162  * No blockers, some stuff bumped to 8.4.
     63  * cronjobs to be updated (the easy or the complex way, to be decided)
    6264  * Release during Prague meeting?