[[TOC]] = PSC Meeting 2022-11-11 = == Participants == - Anna Petrasova - Helena Mitasova - Huidae Cho - Markus Neteler - Michael Barton - Vaclav Petras - Martin Landa == Agenda == The topics proposed are: - Mini/student grants - Linda's proposal - Feedback from NC State students - VP - scope of work: time commitment expectations, student developer's time hourly rate; how much work for 1000 EUR? - mentoring: emphasize value of good coding mentorship (rather than just the money) - FOSS4G 2022 evaluation - R, [https://github.com/rsbivand/rgrass rgrass] ([https://github.com/rsbivand/rgrass/graphs/contributors contributors]), [https://github.com/paleolimbot/qgisprocess qgisprocess] ([https://github.com/paleolimbot/qgisprocess/graphs/contributors contributors]) - Pending RFCs (see [wiki:RFC wiki RFC list] and [https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/labels/RFC PRs]) - Social media channels - help needed - Twitter: https://twitter.com/GRASSGIS - Fediverse: https://fosstodon.org/@grassgis - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GRASS - GRASSGISNews (!YouTube, Gmail): https://www.youtube.com/c/GRASSGISNEWS/ (aka GRASS GIS Tutorials) - Please create content, see [wiki:PSC/Marketing Marketing page] - [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=gJ0ZB0cAAAAJ Google Scholar profile] name and access - SEO issues with manual pages - MN has found the trick, will report: - all older manuals now contain a "canonical" URL in the metadata pointing to the latest stable version - viewport has been added for mobile devices - Google search console now reports a huge improvement since Oct 2022 :-) - winGRASS: C addons broken since long - Upcoming releases - what's missing? - G7.8.8 maintenance release - MN - G8.2.1 maintenance release - MN - G8.3 update release - QGIS support for GRASS 8+ (Markus communication with Nyall) - Nyall wishlist - Sponsors and Commercial support (website, under or next to Community) - Promotional-related reimbursements - Lack of procedures for promotional-related reimbursement - Reimbursement for GIS Week materials for VP - Renewed [https://github.com/OSGeo/grass-promo grass-promo repository] - Update on Indian Mirror - MN - finally working again: https://grass.osgeo.org/about/mirrors/ --> Indian mirror - Info: FOSDEM 2023 - OSGeo geospatial devroom was not (!) accepted this time - Next meeting: please schedule it for 2hs == Minutes == - Single window - switch default to single window layout in main - Michael will build new binaries for testing on Mac - please test and report problems on mac - Linda's proposal - participating PSC members are fine with it, we need to initiate the voting - Student grants and what to improve for next time - highlight mentorship part of the program - prepare a list of contacts (people in academia) and directly approach them to let their students know - make a simple flyer for them to distribute - RFCs - Anna will move drafts from wiki to a PR - Michael suggest using GitHub projects for managing RFCs - find a place to link accepted RFCs to make them more accessible - Social media - Twitter/Fediverse - we need more content: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/PSC/Marketing#Ideasforupcomingorrecurrentposts - send content to Vero & Markus directly to be sent from GRASS account, alternatively post from individual account and then it gets retweeted - YT videos - create playlists of tutorials from other channels, FOSS4G talks - update handle, image, name of the channel - need to change the phone number to actually access it (Vaclav, Markus) - Google Scholar profile - Anna will take over - bulk upload ? - asking for updates from the community - content defined as whatever would cite a DOI of GRASS GIS in an ideal world, so publications using/developing GRASS or addons - SEO - good progress, kudos to Markus - Wingrass addons - try to add compilation to addon repo CI as a starting step? - Releases - 8.2.1, 7.8 release now. - 8.2.2 and 8.4.0 milestones created. - 8.3.0 scheduled for the beginning of 2023. - QGIS: maintenance of GRASS parts and from GRASS community - a separate meeting needed - Promotional-related reimbursements: Write up the two-phase procedure as a document in the grass-promo repo. - We need a new treasurer, ask Moritz to summarize procedures. - Schedule the meetings for more than 1 hr. We do tangible work during the meetings too, so we need more time.