[[TOC]] = PSC Meeting 2022-05-13 = == Participants == * Anna Petrasova * Helena Mitasova * Huidae Cho * Markus Neteler * Michael Barton * Vaclav Petras * Martin Landa * Vero Andreo == Agenda == The topics proposed were: - Voting on RFC that are in draft mode - Please have a look at these 3 in advance: 0, 1 and 2. With great pleasure I've followed the issues and PRs about releasing procedures and version numbering/naming, so I believe it's time we discuss (and ideally vote) on those. - Upcoming releases - FOSS4G 2022 - GSoC 2022 - Results of student grants and setting a date for the next call - Michael Smith news about sponsoring and Opencollective - follow up on previous meeting - rgrass(7): follow up on previous meeting [0] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/RFC/8_LanguageStandardsSupportPython [1] https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/RFC/4_ReleaseProcedure [2] https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pull/2357 == Minutes == - Draft RFCs: - We are good with the one about Python - Releases: - Shall we keep the RCs system when all changes go through PRs? - Shall we try to form a testing group of students (many of us do not find the bugs that users do)? This would require a proper guideline to test. We are thinking mostly about testing if binaries actually work in different environments. - Make 2nd RC optional? - Freeze makes more sense for branching, and esp. for major and minor versions, but not for micro releases which are by definition only fixes. - Soft freeze = feature freeze, no more new features. Hard freeze = code freeze, no more changes and tag the release. - Anna and Vashek simplify/rewrite RFC 4. - Version numbering: - Start using all the numbers (odd and even) for releases. - Vashek will update the RFC and initiate the motion - Move trac RFCs to github to keep all of them in on place (Anna?), we tag them for discussion and then create motions via email to vote. - GSoC 2022: No students for this year - Results about student grants: Vashek commented that Caitlin was very happy with it. GSoC finishes in August, so after that would be a good timing. - Vero commented on the follow ups - no contracts needed for sponsors, so green light to create different types/categories of sponsors - Updates about rgrass - Releases: - 7.8.8 in the pipeline - 8.0.2 is out - 8.2.0 due by 5 days, but there's the leaflet bug which seems a major showstopper. - Weblate vs Transifex - weblate automatically creates PRs so we prefer it - send out a call to translators to move to weblate (Huidae) - GRASS in Windows: - Status of PDAL and openMP support in Windows - GRASS does not start in some windows computers because of permission issues: windows wants writing permission over grass.py (seems to affect only standalone installer)