Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20220211

Feb 11, 2022, 1:21:14 PM (2 years ago)



  • PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20220211

    v5 v6  
    5454  * To avoid that future releases have problems, it would be better to let new features stay in main for a while so they get tested better and, in addition, release more frequently to avoid waiting forever to get the new features out.
    5555  * Adopting feature freezing for releases would prevent these last minute new features backport as it is already defined in [wiki:RFC/4_ReleaseProcedure RFC 4: Release Procedure]
    56   * We should add more tests in GitHub actions to avoid bugs like the compilation bug shipped with 8.0.0, though recreating a no-network env within GitHub might be tricky (if possible). Vaclav, please correct me here in case I misunderstood.
     56  * We should add more tests in GitHub actions to avoid bugs like the compilation bug shipped with 8.0.0, though recreating a no-network env within GitHub might be tricky (if possible). We may need to find some easy sandboxing software/container/solution to be able implement this.
    5757* Google Summer of Code 2022:
    5858  * Anna created the [ wiki] page and called for ideas and mentors. She also sent a reminder/invitation to grass-dev.