[[TOC]] == Marketing campaign == To better advertise the capabilities of GRASS GIS and its friendly community, we plan a marketing campaign. Some ideas are - (ideally) monthly blog post on the main site, with social media advertisements - ask students of our courses to fix bugs, add examples to manuals or write small tutorials as assignments that we could then show off with - pick some works of the students and create webinars or live streams - ... add more === Ideas === - "feature of the month" with screenshots (use manual pages and Wiki material) - "Did you know that ... " - advertise the mailing lists: purpose and where to subscribe - grass-user - grass-dev - grass-announce (a low traffic list) - newcomer level technical articles about - new startup in GRASS GIS 8: why is it cool - single windows GUI settings - data import/registration - how to best generate COG files with r.out.gdal - from zero to hero - ... - power user level technical articles about - invite folks to provide examples for manual pages - invite folks to translate messages in Transifex - ... - dev level technical articles about - compiling the software -> point to grasswiki installation page - work done on removing compiler warnings: explain how that's done with compiler flag using - Python linting and formatting: teach black and flake8 - C linting and formatting efforts: teach indentation script - ... - edu related articles about - tutorials - curriculum (goal: enable academics to easier teach GRASS GIS) - ... - present new add-ons and examples of workflows using them - Nice tweet about ongoing code development: https://gitmemory.com/OSGeo/grass - Twitter: identify more hashtags to widen up the potential followers - ... == Twitter posts == - See our posts here: https://twitter.com/GRASSGIS - handle: `@GRASSGIS` - hashtag: `#GRASSGIS` == Fediverse / Mastodon posts == - See our posts here: https://fosstodon.org/@grassgis - handle: `@grassgis` - hashtag: `#GRASSGIS` == Ideas for upcoming or recurrent posts == New ideas: - Pick interesting GRASS GIS commands, by using the respective manual screenshots: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass-stable/manuals/graphical_index.html - Candidates (importantly, not only fancy commands but also common ones everyone is familiar with!): - {{{G82:r.geomorphon}}} - {{{G82:r.in.lidar}}} - {{{G82:r.path}}} - {{{G82:r.sim.water}}} - {{{G82:r.stream.extract}}} - {{{G82:r.topidx}}} - {{{G82:r.viewshed}}} - {{{G82:r.volume}}} - {{{G82:r.water.outlet}}} - {{{G82:v.clean}}} - {{{G82:v.clip}}} - {{{G82:v.cluster}}} - {{{G82:v.decimate}}} - {{{G82:v.hull}}} - {{{G82:v.kernel}}} - {{{G82:v.lidar.edgedetection}}} - {{{G82:v.mkgrid}}} - {{{G82:v.net.alloc}}} - {{{G82:v.net.path}}} - {{{G82:v.net.salesman}}} - {{{G82:v.vect.stats}}} - {{{G82:i.vi}}} - {{{G82:r3.flow}}} - {{{G82:r3.in.lidar}}} - {{{G82:wxGUI.gcp}}} - {{{G82:wxGUI.iscatt}}} - {{{G82:wxGUI.vnet}}} - Post PSC meeting minutes - advertise translations in ~~Transifex~~ Weblate: https://weblate.osgeo.org/ - promote/recall folks about mailing lists and where to enroll and that they are friendly - show the list of open PRs with important bug fixes and cool improvements and invite folks to test and review - promote GRASS GIS related talks at FOSS4G 2021: - State of GRASS GIS: The Dawn of a New Era: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wk3X_Vzp8zg - A tool for machine learning based dasymetric mapping approaches in GRASS GIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te4-eWA7aTE - Sentinel processing in GRASS GIS: A growing toolset for downloading, preprocessing and multitemporal analysis of Copernicus Sentinel data: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btk-S5jUAfk (#grassgis #satellite #ESA #Copernicus #Sentinel) - I hated the way GRASS started so I changed it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pF0hrebqdtA - Cold war reconnaissance imagery reloaded: orthorectifying the 1960s in high resolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duoDyN-PDqg (#archeology #forestchange #coastlines #grassgis @MundialisInfo ...) - News from actinia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JopHVkK5Kfo (#cloud #hpc #grassgis @MundialisInfo ...) - HERMOSA: Supporting the UN decade on ecosystem restoration utilizing geo- and earth observation technologies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6q8Fo9j3-E (#ecosystem #restoration #grassgis @MundialisInfo @UNEP ...) - promote discussions in github: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/discussions - !OpenCollective: Our new money sponsoring pool is now at https://opencollective.com/grass - important: connect a goal with it - Promote addons. For example r.nasadem as a great way to get elevation data. Tag cloud (collection, please expand): - @grassgis @osgeo - #gis #foss #foss4g #gischat - #satellite #remotesensing #EO - #opensource - #mapping - #community - ... === Upcoming posts (may be recycled and posted again) === r.futures new validation modules (done) {{{#!td - The r.futures suite got two new modules for validation of the simulation results: - https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/addons/r.futures.gridvalidation.html - https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/addons/r.futures.validation.html - r.futures.* implements the FUTure Urban-Regional Environment Simulation (FUTURES), a model for multilevel simulations of emerging urban-rural landscape structure. Have a look at the submodels and their interactions here: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/addons/r.futures.html (use this pic: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass78/manuals/addons/r_futures_ncsmp.png) }}} NCSU course (done) {{{#!td - Geospatial Computing and Simulations course at @NCSUgeospatial with a lot of GRASS-related content - an open education resource @Geo4All_: - https://ncsu-geoforall-lab.github.io/geospatial-simulations-course/topics/index.html - (use this img: https://ncsu-geoforall-lab.github.io/geospatial-modeling-course/img/grass_index.png) }}} General list of GRASS courses/materials by NCSU (done) {{{#!td - Have a look at the impressive list of #GRASSGIS courses @NCSUgeospatial: https://geospatial.ncsu.edu/geoforall/courses.html - All materials are online and open. Enjoy!! }}} Invite folks to test release branch 8 and complete the wiki page (we did a similar one for GRASS 8 RC1) {{{#!td - We have the GRASS GIS 8 branch! Have you tested it? Which feature do you like most? Help us fill in the new features page: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass8/NewFeatures80 - We happily welcome text snippets and screenshots to highlight the new and exciting changes that will come with GRASS 8 as well as bug fixing, improvements, new modules, library changes, etc. }}} GRASS GIS + UAV + SDM for Rare Plant Monitoring (done) {{{#!td - A GRASS GIS hourly solar insolation model has been calculated using a 1 m resolution LiDAR derived DEM to find the time window with the least shadow along the cliff face in order to flight the UAV over it. Cool approach, ah? - Have a look at the full paper here: https://www.mdpi.com/2504-446X/5/4/110 - (img link: https://www.mdpi.com/drones/drones-05-00110/article_deploy/html/images/drones-05-00110-g007.png) }}} FOSS4G 2021 videos template post (done, but could be recycled in future FOSS4G) {{{#!td - Did you miss the talk about #topic in GRASS GIS @foss4g 2021?? The video is online now! - Get your popcorn and enjoy the amazing #somethingrelatedtothetopic in #GRASSGIS with #author and the #grassgis dev team! - youtube link }}} Xmas (we didn't use this one) {{{#!td - ~~As Christmas present this year we give you the first release candidate of GRASS GIS 8!! Report any issues here: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/issues~~ - ~~Merry Xmas and happy holidays everybody!~~ }}} End of year toast (done) {{{#!td - On Wednesday Dec 29th at 20:00 UTC, GRASS GIS community will meet for the end of year toast (glasses, beers) - Link will be published here: - Join us!! }}} New Year (we didn't use this one) {{{#!td - ~~A lot happen this year! Have a look at our 2021 summary: ~~ - ~~Glasses up for a great 2022!~~ }}} New discussion forum in !GitHub & mailing lists (done) {{{#!td - Do you have a question/topic you'd like to ask or discuss with the GRASS GIS community and devs? There are several channels available!! You can also search the archives for topics discussed in the past! - GRASS GIS Discussion in GitHub: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/discussions - grass-user mailing list: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-user - grass-dev mailing list: https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/grass-dev - Full list of all channels: https://grass.osgeo.org/about/community/ - Remember, any channel you choose, be friendly, pro-active and follow the etiquette: https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Mailing_list_etiquette }}} Tangible Landscape and GRASS GIS for Geography Education (done) {{{#!td - Tangible Landscape and GRASS GIS were used to teach geography topics such as water flow and flooding phenomena to 11 yo students in a secondary school. How cool!! - The Tangible Landscape system couples a physical model with its digital model in GRASS GIS via 3D scanning, geospatial processing, and projection. The main advantage of this tangible system is that children can interact with the physical model by hand and see the effects of changes to properties of the model or simulated landscape processes. They can then concentrate on spatial aspects and effects of changing landscape components. - Students showed an improved understanding of the concept of contours and basic landforms, indicating that Tangible Landscape provides an easy-to-understand concept and teaching tool that improves the geospatial thinking of students. - Add pics from the paper (fig 3 & 5) + link to the paper: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10639-021-10847-y - Link to tangible modeling book (https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-89303-7) }}} Student's projects/work in the context of GRASS mini grants {{{#!td '''Redesigning the map display status bar combo box into a new settings dialog''' (done) - During GSoC 2021 Linda (twitter handle) proposed and implemented a simple prototype of Single-Window GUI. It looks really cool at first glance. Still, there are some shortcomings and missing features that need to be removed/implemented to provide the Single-Window GUI layout as an optional mode in upcoming GRASS version 8.2.0. - In these couple of months, with the mentoring of Anna, Martin and Vaclav, Linda (twitter handle) will be working on the reorganization of the map display status bar towards a fully functional testable Single-Window GUI mode which addresses the map display window settings through a new dialog. - Have a look at Linda's project and progress here: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/wxGUIDevelopment/RedesigningStatusbar and also the latest relevant PRs therein. Testing and feedback is highly appreciated. We are really looking forward for the Single-Window GUI in full swing! Thanks Linda and her mentors for such great features! '''Space-Time Dataset Visualization and Improved Interactive Maps for grass.jupyter''' (done) - During GSoC 2021, Caitlin (twitter handle) along with her mentors, created “grass.jupyter”, a package that improves the integration of GRASS GIS and Jupyter with a set of functions for displaying GRASS data in Jupyter Notebooks. In its current state, grass.jupyter allows users to create static visuals and simple interactive maps. - In these couple of months, mentored by Vaclav, helena and Stefan, Caitlin (twitter handle) will be working on new additional features to allow Jupyter users to fully and easily access the power of GRASS - Specifically, she'll be focused on: - create a class for visualizing space time datasets allowing users to create interactive time-sliders and non-interactive animations such as GIFs - improve the integration with #folium so that users can access all of its functionality by means of new grass-folium objects - create a function to display vector attribute data in nicely-formatted #pandas or #GeoPandas tables - Have a look at Caitlin's project and progress here: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2021/JupyterAndGRASS/MiniGrant2022 and also test her contributions here: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/chaedri/grass/Jupyter-Timeseries?urlpath=lab%2Ftree%2Fdoc%2Fnotebooks%2FTemporal.ipynb. - Testing and feedback is highly appreciated. We are really looking forward for grass-jupyter in full swing! Thanks Caitlin and her mentors for such great features! }}} New bugfixing releases: 7.8.7 and 8.0.1 (done) {{{#!td - Add links to news posts from the website }}} PSC meeting minutes (done) {{{#!td - Some days ago we had our quarterly PSC meeting 🌎🌍🤓 - Find the meeting minutes here: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/PSC/Minutes/PSC_Meeting_20220211 - @OSGeo #community #OpenSource #GIS }}} New rgrass version (done) {{{#!td - The #rstats-#grassgis interface is getting a lot of love lately!! A new version of rgrass is now on CRAN (Here RT with comment Roger's tweet: https://twitter.com/RogerBivand/status/1500158809691594761?s=20&t=pIF_ik5iqrWQPIz1iSOUkg) - The rgrass package works in 2 main modes: users can start R in a running GRASS session or start a fresh GRASS session from R. In both cases, all GRASS spatial power can be used from R - extending what is already feasible in R-spatial alone, and all statistical and plotting power of R can be used with GRASS data. Win-win!! - This new rgrass release will permit those using functions readRAST(), writeRAST(), readVECT() and writeVECT() to transition to the new read_RAST(), write_RAST(), read_VECT() and write_VECT(), which use SpatRaster and SpatVector objects defined in the terra package. - terra objects may then be coerced to stars, raster and sp objects for rasters, and sf and sp objects for vector. The development details and contributors' inputs can be found at: https://github.com/rsbivand/rgrass/issues/42. - Please test and report any issues at https://github.com/rsbivand/rgrass/issues. Also, don't be shy and help us document these new functions by adding vignettes in the package website: https://rsbivand.github.io/rgrass/ and in the GRASS wiki: https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/R_statistics. Thanks Roger, Robert and all contributors! (twitter handles here and a nice gif) }}} r.in.usgs enhancements (done) {{{#!td - Do you use USGS data regularly?? Keep an eye on the user-convenience and caching improvements coming to r.in.usgs, an addon for downloading and importing USGS data such as NED (elevation) and NAIP (imagery) into #GRASSGIS - https://grass.osgeo.org/grass8/manuals/addons/r.in.usgs.html }}} Invitation to participate in GSoC (done) {{{#!td - Attention everyone! GSoC 2022 application period is approaching and this year the call is open to all open source newcomers that are 18yo and older, not only students. Also, there will be different sizes of projects to suit different needs. Check their basis: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/programs/2022 - Once again, the GRASS GIS project has created a list of ideas for you to jump in. You are welcome to bring your own ideas too. https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/GSoC/2022 - If you are interested in geospatial programming, considering applying for this paid opportunity to develop your skills and contribute to open source. We look forward to hearing from you. Contact us via mailing list at https://lists.osgeo.org/listinfo/grass-dev }}} Huidae's workshop (done) {{{#!td - Intro-level #Deforestation Study Using @GRASSGIS by @HuidaeCho: https://workshop.isnew.info/grass-deforestation/index.html }}} Isaac's videos (done) {{{#!td - Have a look at this great collection of video tutorials for GRASS GIS 8 by @isaacullah: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSCH2IXZ2pHrUXXuOK7EBKWmMD7i6CTA- - The videos are part of an Archeology GIS course, but all the basics of GRASS are covered, as well as some advanced topics, such as Least Cost Analysis, Visibility Analysis, Hydrological Modeling, Terrain Analysis, and more. - Other details and link to sample data: https://grass.osgeo.org/news/2022_03_22_New_Video_Tutorials_for_GRASS_8 }}} Paulo's post (done) {{{#!td - Are you interested in estimating fire frequency from MODIS time series?? In this great post using AppEEARS from NASA, GRASS and python, @ecodiv shows us how: https://ecodiv.earth/post/modis_fire_data_in_grassgis/ }}} r.viewshed.exposure (done) {{{#!td - The new r.viewshed.exposure @GRASSGIS AddOn quantifies quite accurately how people are visually exposed to spatial objects. See how it is applied and validated to compute visual exposure to all urban trees in Oslo in this Open Access paper: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0169204622000445 - https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0169204622000445-ga1.jpg - More details about the algorithm and how to use it on the manual page at: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass80/manuals/addons/r.viewshed.exposure.html }}} GRASS GIS 8.2 RC1 out (done) {{{#!td - Have you heard the news? The first release candidate of GRASS GIS version 8.2 is out!! This will be a very special release, it comes with all the new features implemented during GSoC 2021 and also the results of students mini grants! - Some of the most exciting changes include: Optional single window mode, a new grass.jupyter package and parallel support for various raster modules - Have a look at the changelog for further details: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/releases/tag/8.2.0RC1 }}} New addon: r.boxplot (done) {{{#!td - New GRASS GIS addon by @ecodiv: r.boxplot allows users to draw the boxplot of raster values. Optionally, users can pass a zonal raster layer and get per class boxplots, too. - Have a look at the manual page for further details: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass80/manuals/addons/r.boxplot.html }}} GRASS GIS 8.2 RC2 out (done with RT of Vashek's tweet) {{{#!td - The second release candidate of GRASS GIS version 8.2 is out!! We are very close to the final release that includes all the new features implemented during GSoC 2021 and the results of students mini grants! - Have a look at the changelog for further details: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/releases/tag/8.2.0RC2 - Please test, test, test!! - Windows installer: https://grass.osgeo.org/grass82/binary/mswindows/native/WinGRASS-8.2.0RC2-1-Setup.exe - Mac installer: http://grassmac.wikidot.com/downloads - Go team GRASS!! }}} Students grants results: Linda (done) {{{#!td - Remember we told you about student grants some time ago? (cite old tweet - Linda) - Well, they have come to an end now, with exciting outcomes... - Have a look at Linda's results and enjoy the story of her path within our community in her own words: - https://grass.osgeo.org/news/2022_05_29_Result_student_grant_Linda_Kladivova/ - If you enjoy the new GUI experience, i.e., new startup, infobars, single-window layout, please consider donating to GRASS GIS project at https://opencollective.com/osgeo/projects/grass so we can keep offering these grants to students interested in contributing to open source }}} Students grants results: Caitlin (done) {{{#!td - Remember we told you about student grants some time ago? (cite old tweet - Caitlin) - Well, they have come to an end now, with exciting outcomes... - Have a look at Caitlin's results and enjoy the story of her path within our community in her own words: - https://grass.osgeo.org/news/2022_05_/ - If you enjoy the new python subpackage grass.jupyter and the new functionality that allows to easily connect GRASS and Jupyter notebooks as well as display maps and time series within notebooks, please consider donating to the GRASS GIS project via OpenCollective at https://opencollective.com/osgeo/projects/grass so we can keep offering these grants to students interested in contributing to open source software }}} GRASS 8.2 is out! (done) {{{#!td - GRASS GIS version 8.2 is out!! This release comes with all new features developed and implemented during #GSoC 2021 + many other enhancements and fixes. (news page) - The most exciting new features include: grass.jupyter subpackage for better integration and display of maps and time series within Jupyter Notebook, a new single window layout, and various parallelized raster processing modules. (add pics) - See the release page for further details: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/releases/tag/8.2.0 - Thanks to #GSoC students, mentors, devs, new contributors and the whole community for such a great release!! Go team GRASS!! (gif) }}} GRASS GIS at the ODSE (done) {{{#!td - GRASS GIS will be present again this year at the Open Data Science Europe Workshop this year! Have a look at the schedule: https://pretalx.opendatascience.eu/workshop2022/schedule/ }}} Workshops at FOSS4G (done) {{{#!td - Unleash the power of GRASS GIS with Jupyter by Anna Petrasova and @CaitlinHaedrich: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022-workshops/talk/U7MUPD/ - Developing custom GRASS tools by @vaclavpetras and Anna Petrasova: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022-workshops/talk/3AQANT/ - Modernizing the R-GRASS interface: confronting barn-raised OSGeo libraries and the evolving R.*spatial package ecosystem by @RogerBivand: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022-workshops/talk/PPVLZH/ - GRASS GIS for remote sensing data processing and analysis by @VeronicaAndreo, @MarkusNeteler and Mariss Nartiss: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022-workshops/talk/NCMHSM/ }}} Talks at FOSS4G (done) {{{#!td - State of GRASS GIS: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022/talk/RU7PYN/ (@MarkusNeteler, @VeronicaAndreo, @vaclavpetras & Anna Petrasova) - Redesigning GRASS GIS graphical user interface in a community-driven way: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022/talk/TREFCV/ (@lindakladivova) - Using GRASS GIS in Jupyter Notebooks: An Introduction to grass.jupyter: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022/talk/GV7AJG/ (@CaitlinHaedrich & @vaclavpetras) - Tips for parallelization in GRASS GIS in the context of land change modeling: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022/talk/LXQJVU/ (Anna Petrasova & @vaclavpetras) - Take-Home Messages from Adding Code Quality Measures to GRASS GIS: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022/talk/DQPT8L/ (@vaclavpetras) - Connecting tribes: how we connected the GRASS GIS database natively to GeoServer: https://talks.osgeo.org/foss4g-2022/talk/EFDUYY/ (@MarkusNeteler & @MundialisInfo team) }}} GRASS GIS 39 b-day (done) {{{#!td - The first user manual for (what would become) GRASS GIS was published by J. Westervelt and M. O’Shea on 29 July 1983... This is why the GRASS GIS community celebrates today 39 years of continuous open source development and geospatial coolnes!! Happy birthday #GRASSGIS!! }}} How to switch to Single-window? (done) {{{#!td - Have you updated your GRASS GIS installation to the latest stable version 8.2?? Would you like to test the single-window layout? We've got you covered! - (add screenshots) }}} New edition of the student grants (sep 19th - done) {{{#!td - Are you a student interested in contributing to #opensource? Are you interested in geospatial? The GRASS GIS project announces the 2022 edition of the "Student grants" program!! - Bring your idea, discuss with the community, reach out to developers... We are looking forward to your application! - Basis and conditions at: https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Student_Grants }}} New edition of the student grants (sep 22nd - done) {{{#!td - Do you or your company enjoy the tools provided by GRASS GIS?? Consider donating to the project now and help us offer more student grants! https://opencollective.com/osgeo/projects/grass#category-CONTRIBUTE (RT with comment the one above) - Have a look at 2021 results: (link to linda and caitlin news) }}} Soeren cyberdeck with raspberry pi and GRASS (done) {{{#!td - Wanna see something cool?? GRASS on a 3D printable DIY cyberdeck with 3 Raspberry Pi and 6 screens - screenshots - Have a look at the full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyW6xtLgFTE }}} Open bugs (done) {{{#!td - Have you opened a bug report in the GRASS GIS repo? Is your report still valid? Several things have been fixed and improved lately - Help us curate the bug list by testing new GRASS versions and reporting back: https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Abug }}} Open PRs (done) {{{#!td - We have XX open pull requests in the GRASS repo https://github.com/OSGeo/grass/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr - Help us reduce this list by reviewing and testing the changes proposed, so new stuff can arrive much faster to all }}} How to create locations in GRASS GIS? (to be posted) {{{#!td - Show different ways }}} How to import raster/vector data into GRASS GIS? (to be posted) {{{#!td - Show r.import, v.import, r.in.gdal and v.in.gdal as the most common commands }}} How to connect GRASS and R? (to be posted) {{{#!td - link to rgrass vignette }}} How to use GRASS from Jupyter Notebooks? (to be posted) {{{#!td - link and screenshots to new notebooks }}} New startup in GRASS GIS 8+ (to be crafted and posted) {{{#!td - A thread with screenshots on how it works - search for material (see e.g.: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dMTAKSW43P3lmIdcSIxRASDomIGxTyJL/view) }}} New info bars (to be crafted and posted) {{{#!td - Show info bars guiding data import - search for material }}} == See also == - https://grasswiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Promotional_material