Changes between Version 29 and Version 30 of HowToTestGrass6

04/27/10 06:46:53 (14 years ago)



  • HowToTestGrass6

    v29 v30  
    9090=== Basic map display ===
    91  * Click in Layer manager on "Add raster map" button,
     91 * Click in Layer manager on "Add raster map layer" button,
    9292 * select raster map "elevation@PERMANENT" in properties dialog and click "OK",
    93  * right mouse click in layer tree and choose from contextual menu "Zoom to selected map", map should appear in canvas.
     93 * right mouse click in layer tree and choose from contextual menu "Zoom to selected map(s)", map should appear in canvas.
    9494 * Try to zoom, to create a profile etc.
    9898=== Digitizing ===
    99  * In the Layer manager click on "Add raster map" button,
    100  * Select raster map "elev_lid792_1m@PERMANENT" in properties dialog and click "ok",
    101  * Right mouse click in layer tree and choose from contextual menu "Zoom to selected map", map should appear in canvas.
    102  * In the Layer manager click on "Add raster map" button again,
    103  * Select raster map "ortho_2001_t792_1m@PERMANENT" in properties dialog and click "ok",
     100 * In the Layer manager click on "Add raster map layer" button,
     101 * select raster map "elev_lid792_1m@PERMANENT" in properties dialog and click "OK",
     102 * right mouse click in layer tree and choose from contextual menu "Zoom to selected map(s)", map should appear in canvas.
     103 * In the Layer manager click on "Add raster map layer" button again,
     104 * select raster map "ortho_2001_t792_1m@PERMANENT" in properties dialog and click "OK".
    104105 * Zoom to houses within the map, zoom one house,
    105  * On the right-hand end of the map canvas window select "Digitize" from the pull-down list. (originally set to "2D view")
    106  * Go to "Select vector map" -> "New vector map", enter "house" as vector map name, "ok".
    107  * Go into the layer manager canvas and click the "Show attribute table" icon,
    108  * Therein go into the "Manage table" tab and add a new column "name" as varchar type with length 50. Then "Add", then "Quit" to close the Attribute Manager.
     106 * on the right-hand end of the map canvas window select "Digitize" from the pull-down list (originally set to "2D view"),
     107 * go to "Select vector map" -> "New vector map", enter "house" as vector map name, "OK".
     108 * Go into the Layer Manager and click the "Show attribute table" icon,
     109 * therein go into the "Manage tables" tab and add a new column "name" as varchar type with length 50. Then "Add", then "Quit" to close the Attribute Manager.
    109110 * Now digitize a boundary around the house and a centroid, for both enter "my home" as "name" attribute.
    110111 * Leave the digitizer by going back to "2D view". The house polygon should show up as grey area.