Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of HowToContribute

Dec 10, 2008, 5:34:44 PM (16 years ago)

clarify methods


  • HowToContribute

    v20 v21  
    33Contributions to GRASS are most welcome. There are a number of ways that you can contribute to help make GRASS a better GIS system. Perhaps the most important way to contribute is to write high-quality code for solving old and new problems, and to make your code freely available for others to use. But not everybody is able to program. Still you can help!
    5 == (Power) Users ==
     5== Power users ==
    77'''Documentation:''' If you see manual pages or other documents which are outdated, grammatically incorrect, too short, lacking examples, etc. please don't hesitate to send revised text segments (preferably in HTML) to one of the developers or the related mailing list. Please also contribute to the wiki, improving documentation, providing examples...
     8The best method for submitting changes is via a patch to the trac system (see below).
    910'''GRASS Usage:''' Subscribe to the [ mailing list] and answer questions where you have gained some knowledge (and everybody knows something!).
    11 == Developers ==
     12== Code developers ==
    13 For inspiration, we have a wish-list of [report:1 projects and feature requests]. Just pick a task from the list. It may be a good idea to send a small posting to the [ GRASS developers mailing list] to announce your activities (maybe someone will join you!). Please read [wiki:HowToProgram how to write source code]. We appreciate if you can fix [ bugs] etc. Using the Ticket system is the best way to submit code contributions if you don't have write access to SVN. See for example #33.
     14For inspiration, we have a wish-list of [report:1 projects and feature requests]. Just pick a task from the list. It may be a good idea to send a small posting to the [ GRASS developers mailing list] to announce your activities (maybe someone will join you!). Please read [wiki:HowToProgram how to write source code]. We appreciate if you can fix [ bugs] etc.
     16The Trac ticket system is the best way to submit your code contributions if you don't have write access to SVN, and (even for those with write access) the preferred way to submit more radical changes for general review. See for example trac ticket #33.
     17 * Submit your code and documentation patches [ here].
     18 * [ How to create a patch] - they should be generated versus the latest development SVN (trunk).
    1520'''Code quality:''' Check your code according to GRASS "BestPractise" guide list.
    1722What else: see [ development collection] (to be moved here)
    19 === Procedure to request GRASS-SVN write access ===
     24=== Procedure for gaining GRASS-SVN write access ===
    21 To avoid security and code quality issues, a procedure has been established to control and grant GRASS-SVN write access. In general, write access must be requested and is not automatically assigned. Any code submission must be compliant with the GRASS submission rules.
     26To enhance code quality and security, a procedure has been established to control and grant GRASS-SVN write access. In general, write access must be requested and is not automatically assigned. Any code submission must be compliant with the GRASS submission rules.
    2328==== Write access to the Main GRASS-SVN repository ====
    24  * In general, the [ GRASS Project Steering Committee] is responsible for granting SVN write access to contributors (as defined in [ RFC1]).
    25    * The requester has to '''read and abide by''' the document [ Legal aspects of code contributions] (RFC2).
    26    * The request has to be sent to the GRASS-PSC [ mailing list], stating that RFC2 was read and accepted. This requires [ subscription] to the PSC mailing list. After a period of evaluation, SVN write access may be granted and is set up in the OSGeo authentication system (see below).
     30The typical process for new developers to gain full write access to the Main GRASS SVN repository is that for some mentorship period they send patches to the grass-dev mailing list (or the trac system) for existing old timer developers to review and commit. Full SVN access generally happens when the mentor has seen enough patches that they trust the person's code (committing it unchanged) and eventually get bored reviewing & rubber stamping all their patches. It is assumed during this period that a track record of trust will be established via participation on the grass-dev mailing list. At some point the mentor nominates the new developer on the PSC mailing list for full write access, and a vote happens.
     32 * In general, the [ GRASS Project Steering Committee] is responsible for granting SVN write access to contributors (as defined in [ RFC1]).
     33   * The new developer must '''read and abide by''' the document [ Legal aspects of code contributions] (RFC2).
     34   * An email must be sent to the [ GRASS-PSC mailing list] by the new developer stating that RFC2 was read and accepted. This requires [ subscription] to the PSC mailing list. After a period of evaluation, SVN write access may be granted and is set up in the OSGeo authentication system (see below).
    2937==== Write access to the GRASS-Addons-SVN repository ====
     39Access to the Addons SVN repository is much less rigorous than to the core source code repository. It is in effect an incubation area, both for new code and new developers. Access does not require the full vote of the GRASS-PSC, just the support of one mentor and adherence to our "RFC2" document, which guarantees that the code is license-compatible with the rest of GRASS. As opposed to access to the Main SVN repository, access to the Addons repository is typically initiated by the new contributor.
    3041 * We invite and encourage users who write GRASS add-on code to host it in our grass-addons SVN. We do so because:
    3142   * Community building: It gets people involved and educated - contributing to the main GRASS code uses the exact same website, software, and commands. Thus the trip from contributer to full developer requires a minimum of training.