Changes between Version 44 and Version 45 of Grass8Planning

08/31/19 11:59:11 (5 years ago)

Notes on wildcards vs RE


  • Grass8Planning

    v44 v45  
    8888* All modules with (pseudo-)random outputs like G7:r.mapcalc with `rand()` should use `seed=` to set the seed and `-s` to get random, non-deterministic result. (This is a blocker since the point is changing interface in a breaking way.)
    8989* Parser format and functionality should be changed to:
    90  * comply with PEP8 for Python (e.g., replace `#%` by `"# %`)
     90 * comply with PEP8 for Python (e.g., replace `#%` by `# %`)
    9191 * include the high level //standard options// into `--script` and perhaps other places
    9292 * create better strings for the high level //standard options// for use in scripts (e.g., replace `option: G_OPT_R_INPUT` by something like `option: raster_input`)
    9898 * add short module description in imperative (//Compute XY//) or as a title (//XY computation//), i.e., move these from wxGUI XMLs to modules themselves (e.g., for //r.slope.aspect//, wxGUI has //Slope and aspect//)
    9999* Consider including simplified modules. We already have r.mapcalc.simple which is useful not only for QGIS Processing etc. but also in GRASS itself, specifically with PyGRASS `GridModule`. For example, //r.slope.aspect// in wxGUI says //Slope and aspect// but in fact it does much more, yet the menu does not indicate that, perhaps a reason to have a basic and advanced versions.
     100* Usage of wildcards and regular expressions should be better documented across the interface.
     101 * g.list and others have "bash wildcards" (aka glob) as default and then come with flags to turn on basic and extended regular expressions. BRE and ERE ([ POSIX] or [ GNU]) are mysterious and misleading for users not well versed in Unix history.
     102 * GUI tends to use Python [ re] package.
     103 * In addition to it, users get in contact with SQL (e.g. LIKE, GLOB and REGEX in SQLite).
     104 * Examples in the interface seems to be a must regardless of the naming.
    100105=== Raster library ===