= GRASS 7 Release Planning = [[TOC]] * '''Release scope:''' new display architecture, new raster library, new features such as temporal data handling... * The SVN trunk corresponds to GRASS 7 (for access, see [wiki:DownloadSource#GRASS7.0 here]) * http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki/GRASS_7_ideas_collection (to be merged into trac) == Already implemented == * [wiki:Release List of releases] (already implemented) == Planning & ongoing == Source code changes: * [wiki:Grass7/DisplayLib Display library in GRASS 7] (planning & ongoing) * [wiki:Grass7/RasterLib Raster library in GRASS 7] (planning & ongoing) * [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib Vector library in GRASS 7] (planning & ongoing) * Temporal extension for GRASS 7 (core functions are implemented, ongoing improvement) * [http://grass.osgeo.org/grass71/manuals/libpython/temporal_framework.html Temporal Library API] * [wiki:Grass7/TemporalGISAlgebra Temporal GIS Algebra for Raster and Vector Data] GSoC project 2013 Documentation * ~~Use Sphinx for Python API (complete?)~~ (done) * Documentation: update HTML manual pages to more recent technology (see examples by Vaclav Petras) and #151 === trunk === * preserve EPSG code when creating a new location from WKT (Well Known Text) or GDAL/OGR input (applies to gis library, general, raster, and vector modules) === 7.4.1 (to be backported) === * ~~i.atcorr: backport S2B support, S2A update and other fixes~~ done in r72557 * ~~r72030 libraster: more informative messages when reading a row fails~~ done in r72322 * ~~r72031 libgis: more informative messages when (de)compression fails~~ done in r72323 * ~~r72042 libgis: add warnings when writing compressed data fails~~ done in r72323 * ~~r72098 r.external.out: write CRS (#3059)~~ - done in r72099 * ~~r72159 r.external.out/r.out.gdal: add CRS EPSG code if available~~ - done in r72324 * ~~r72160 v.external.out/v.out.ogr: add CRS EPSG code if available~~ - done in r72325 * ~~r72203 libinit: init: more messages for invalid location or mapset~~ done in r72295 * i.ortho.photo: complete documentation update, see * "man page of g.gui.image2target" - https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2017-November/086676.html * fix #3467 * Transifex sync * ~~**important**: grass*_lv.po are more recent in SVN! Do not overwrite from Transifex but put into Transifex!~~ * all others: update from Transifex === 7.2.4 (to be backported) === * r.grow.distance: clean up after r68611: r69327 * lib/python/temporal: major differences to be checked TODO postponed: * ~~d.linegraph: a series of improvements, see https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/log/grass/trunk/display/d.linegraph/main.c~~ (wenzeslaus: most are improvements/features, a lot of code changed, leaving it for 7.4) * ~~i.atcorr: Sentinel-2A r70161 (Test feedback in ML needed first, leaving it for 7.4)~~ * ~~r.in.lidar: Storage type~~ (wenzeslaus: not sure what it is, but code is not identical in 7.2 and trunk, leaving it for 7.4) * ~~v.what.strds: add capabilities to use names also for temporal dataset with minutes and seconds granularity: r69331 (leaving it for 7.4)~~ == Blockers == [[TicketQuery(status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=type&order=priority&priority=blocker&milestone=7.4.0)]] == Critical issues == [[TicketQuery(status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=type&order=priority&priority=critical&milestone=7.4.0)]] == Further issues == * Open bugs concerning [/report/19 GRASS 7] * [query:status!=closed&type=enhancement&order=id&desc=1,compact List Open Enhancement Requests] == Addon candidate to be moved to trunk == Comment from Moritz: At one point we said that only addons that have tests should go into core. AFAICS, none of the below have tests [edit: r.object.geometry now has some tests]... Interesting: * G7A:r.object.geometry - +/- equivalent to v.to.db, but for raster objects: very useful for many other modules (notably OBIA) * G7A:r.vect.stats - very simple, but nice functionality to have in core * G7A:v.centerpoint - basic GIS functionality Maybe, if stable enough * G7A:v.concave.hull * G7A:v.kriging == General strategy == ... regular publication of stability releases: 7.0.0 ... 7.2.x ... 7.4.0 ... 7.x.y: * all released, see [wiki:Release] == Historical notes == * a [source:grass/branches/releasebranch_6_4 releasebranch_6_4] branch has been created (for access, see [wiki:DownloadSource#GRASS6.4 here]) - used to release GRASS GIS 6.4.x * a [source:grass/branches/develbranch_6 develbranch_6] branch has been created (for access, see [wiki:DownloadSource#GRASS6.5 here]) - unused since 2015 * [source:grass/trunk/ trunk] has become GRASS 7.1.svn * [source:grass/branches/releasebranch_7_0/ branches/releasebranch_7_0] has become GRASS 7.0.svn * [http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/grass-dev/2008-April/037558.html Announcement] (2008, GRASS 7 development started) * GRASS GIS 6.3.0 has been released from the [source:grass/branches/releasebranch_6_3 releasebranch_6_3] branch == See also == * https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/wiki/Grass8Planning [[Image(Grass7-development-svn.png)]]