= Vector library in GRASS 7 = [[TOC]] See: * source:grass/trunk/doc/vector/TODO == File-based spatial index == Done in r38385 and r39148 == Direct OGR read access == Capability to read OGR layers directly without linking them via {{{v.external}}}. Example: {{{ v.info map=~/shapefiles/@OGR layer=busstopsall v.extract input=PG:dbname=nc_spm_08@OGR layer=busstopsall where="STREET_1 = 'William Moore Dr.'" output=b1 }}} List of modules which supports direct OGR read access ((*) indicates work in progress): * {{{v.info}}} * {{{v.db.connect}}} - r39538 * {{{v.extract}}} (*) - r39621 * {{{v.db.select}}} (*) - r39556 * TODO: {{{-r}}} == Direct OGR write access == Capability to write OGR layers directly without need to store data in the native vector format and then exporting data using {{{v.out.ogr}}}. E.g. {{{ # input: GRASS data # output: PostGIS database v.extract map=obce where="NAZEV = Solany" output="PG:dbname=gisdb" olayer=obce # input: PostGIS layer, ESRI Shapefile # output: PostGIS database v.select ainput="PG:dbname=gisdb"@OGR alayer=zeleznice \ binput=shps@OGR blayer=obce operator=intersects \ output="PG:dbname=gisdb"@OGR olayer=obce_zelez }}} == Redesign support structures == Reduce memory requirements particularly for points and lines. See ticket:542. TODO == 3D vector data support == TODO