= PostGIS data provider in GRASS 7 = PostGIS data can be accessed in GRASS 7 using [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/PostGISInterface GRASS-OGR data provider] or preferably by native '''GRASS-PostGIS data provider'''. Note that GRASS-OGR data provider supports only simple feature access. Development of PostGIS data provider has been supported by [http://www.iasma.it/ Fondazione Edmund Mach] and [http://www3.comune.trento.it/ Comune di Trento] (Italy). This data provider allows GRASS to ''read'' (see [source:grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/read_pg.c read_pg.c]) and ''write'' (see [source:grass/trunk/lib/vector/Vlib/write_pg.c write_pg.c]) PostGIS data directly without any external library (like in the case of GRASS-OGR data provider). GRASS-PostGIS data provider is implemented using [http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/libpq.html libpq] library. Note that GRASS-PostGIS data provider is compiled only when GRASS is configured with `--with-postgres` switch. == Simple features access == == Topological access == For more information see [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/PostGISEditing PostGIS Topology] page.supports