= PostGIS geometry editing = '''Goal''': Implement [http://www.postgis.org PostGIS] geometry editing functionality in GRASS GIS (wxGUI digitizer and {{{v.edit}}} module) See also [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/OGRInterface OGR Interface] and [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment#Vectordigitizer wxGUI vector digitizer] roadmap. == Tasks == 1. ~~Attribute table (write) access for OGR-linked vectors (direct or linked by {{{v.external}}})~~ (implemented in r47225) 1. Improve OGR interface write access (in progress) - see [wiki:Grass7/VectorLib/OGRInterface OGR Interface] 1. Implement PostgreSQL driver to read PostGIS geometry directly (not using OGR library) 1. Extend PostgreSQL driver to write PostGIS geometry directly (not using OGR library) 1. Implement GRASS-based topology management in PostgreSQL driver 1. Implement PostGIS-based topology management in PostgreSQL driver 1. Add more... == Topology comparison == Topological elements in GRASS (see [http://grass.osgeo.org/programming7/vectorlib.html#vlibTopoManagement API manual]): * Nodes * Lines * Areas * Isles Topological elements in PostGIS (see [http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/UsersWikiTopologicalPrimitives PostGIS's wiki]): * Nodes * Edges * Faces == Roadmap == 1. Read access (geometry) 1. Write access (geometry) == Pool == * [source:sandbox/martinl/v.topo.pg.out v.topo.pg.out] - converts GRASS topology to PostGIS