Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of Grass7/TemporalGISAlgebra

10/20/14 12:22:50 (10 years ago)



  • Grass7/TemporalGISAlgebra

    v24 v25  
    4242means: select all parts of space time time dataset A that are not equal to B and store it in space time dataset (STDS) C.
    44 We have defined the operator {"topological relations", "temporal selection operator"} to perform selection with
     44We have defined the operator {"selection operator", "topological relations", "temporal operator"} to perform selection with
    4545different temporal topology relations. Examples:
    47 C = A {equals,:} B is exactly the same as C = A : B
    48 C = A {equals,!:} B is exactly the same as C = A !: B
     47C = A {:,equals} B is exactly the same as C = A : B
     48C = A {!:,equals} B is exactly the same as C = A !: B
    5050We can now define arbitrary topological relations using logical OR operator to connect them:
    52 C = A {equals||during||overlaps,:} B
     52C = A {:,equals|during|overlaps} B
    5454Select all parts of A that are equal B, during B or overlaps B.
    88 ==== The hash operator ====
    90 It is of important interest how many maps are located in the time interval of a single map when processing two space time datasets.
    91 For this reason the hash operator '''#''' was introduced. In addition to the hash operator the temporal relation can be specified
    92 that should be analysed.
    94 Example:
    95 {{{
    96 C = if(equal, A{contains,#}B > 2, A{contains,:}B)
    97 }}}
    98 This expression selects all maps from A that temporally contains at least 2 maps from B and stores them in space time dataset C.
    99 The leading '''equal''' statement in the '''if''' condition specifies the temporal relation between the if and then part of the if expression.
    100 This is very important, so we do not need to specify a global time reference (a space time dataset) for temporal processing.
    102 ==== Temporal Operators ====
    104 The temporal algebra defines temporal operators that can be combined later with spatial operators to perform spatio-temporal operations.
    105 The temporal operators process the time instances and intervals of temporal related maps.
    106 {{{
    107 AND             &       Intersection
    108 OR              |       Union
    109 DISJOINT OR     +       Disjoint union
    110 LEFT REFERENCE  =       Use the time stamp of the left space time dataset
    111 }}}
    112 For example we can compute the intersection, union or disjoint union from time stamps of maps
    113 that temporally overlap, or we can just keep the time stamp of the left STDS.
    115 All supported operators and functions are documented below.
    117 == Temporal Vector Algebra ==
    119 The temporal vector algebra includes all functions from the temporal algebra
    120 and adds spatial Boolean and buffer operations that can be performed on temporal related vector maps that are registered in
    121 space time vector datasets.
    123 === Spatio-Temporal Operators ===
    125 These are the spatial operators that are supported:
    126 {{{
    127 AND             &       Intersection            (v.overlay operator=and)
    128 OR              |       Union                   (v.overlay operator=or)
    129 DISJOINT OR     +       Disjoint union          (v.patch)
    130 XOR             ^       Symmetric difference    (v.overlay operator=xor)
    131 NOT             ~       Complement              (v.overlay operator=not)
    132 }}}
    133 We combine the temporal topology relations, the temporal operators and the spatial operators to create spatio-temporal operators:
    134 {{{
    135 {"list of temporal relations", "temporal operator" "spatial operator"}
    136 }}}
    137 The spatial operator can be used stand-alone. In this case the temporal topology relation "equal" and the temporal operator "left reference =" is assumed and used as default. This allows the convenient use of the spatial operators in case of space time vector datasets with equal time stamps.
    139 Example:
    140 Compute the spatial intersection between maps of STVDS A and B that are temporally equal,
    141 resulting spatial intersection maps are stored in C with time stamps from A:
    142 {{{
    143 C = A & B
    144 }}}
    145 Compute the spatio-temporal intersection between maps of STVDS A and B that temporally overlap,
    146 resulting spatial intersection maps are stored in C with new time stamps resulting from temporal intersection:
    147 {{{
    148 C = A {overlap,&&} B
    149 }}}
    150 Perform a spatial union and a temporal disjoint union between all maps of STVDS A
    151 and B that are temporally equal or overlap and are later than 1990,
    152 resulting spatial union maps are stored in C with new time stamps resulting from temporal disjoint union:
    153 {{{
    154 C = if(start_year() > 1990, A {equal,overlap,+|} B)
    155 }}}
    157 The temporal vector algebra provides point, line and area buffer functions in addition to the operators.
    159 All supported operators and functions are documented below.
    161 == Temporal Raster Algebra ==
    163 The temporal raster algebra uses all operators and functions of the temporal
    164 algebra and adds a subset of the arithmetic operators and functions from r.mapcalc.
    165 New spatio-temporal operators are defined that include temporal topology relations,
    166 temporal operators and arithmetic operators.
    168 Examples:
    169 Create the sum of all maps from STRDS A and B that have equal time stamps and store the new maps in STRDS C:
    170 {{{
    171 C = A + B
    172 }}}
    173 Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
    174 {{{
    175 C = A {equal,=+} B
    176 }}}
    177 Select all cells from STRDS B with equal temporal relations to STRDS A, if the cells
    178 of A are in the range of [100.0, 1600] of time intervals that have more then 30 days (Jan, Mar, Mai, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec):
    179 {{{
    180 C = if(A > 100 && A < 1600 && td(A) > 30, B)
    181 }}}
    182 Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
    183 {{{
    184 C = if(equal, A > 100 && A < 1600 {equal,&&} td(A) > 30, B)
    185 }}}
    186 Compute the recharge in meter per second for all cells of precipitation STRDS "Prec"
    187 if the mean temperature specified in STRDS "Temp" is higher than 10 degrees. Computation is performed if STRDS "Prec" and "Temp" have equal time stamps. The number of days or fraction of days per interval is computed using the td() function that has as argument the STRDS "Prec":
    188 {{{
    189 C = if(Temp > 10.0, Prec / 3600.0 /24.0 / td(Prec))
    190 }}}
    191 Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
    192 {{{
    193 C = if(equal, Temp > 10.0, Prec / 3600.0 / 24.0 {equal,=/} td(Prec))
    194 }}} 
    195 Compute the mean value of all maps from STRDS A that are located during time intervals of STRDS B if more than one map of A is contained in an interval of B, use A otherwise, the resulting time intervals are either from B or A:
    196 {{{
    197 C = if(B {contain,#} A > 1, (B {contain, =+} A - B) / (B {contain,#} A), A)
    198 }}}
    199 Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
    200 {{{
    201 C = if(equal, B {contain,#} A > 1, (B {contain, =+} A {equal, =-} B) {equal,=/} (B {contain,#} A), A)
    202 }}}
    204 All supported operators and functions are documented below.
    207 = Overview of all supported spatio-temporal operators and functions =
    209 == Temporal topology relations ==
    212 {{{
    213 equals            A ------
    214                   B ------
    216 during            A  ----
    217                   B ------
    219 contains          A ------
    220                   B  ----
    222 starts            A ----
    223                   B ------
    225 started           A ------
    226                   B ----
    228 finishs           A   ----
    229                   B ------
    231 finished          A ------
    232                   B   ----
    234 precedes          A ----
    235                   B     ----
    237 follows           A     ----
    238                   B ----
    240 overlapped        A   ------
    241                   B ------
    243 overlaps          A ------
    244                   B   ------
    246 over              booth overlaps and overlapped
    247 }}}
    248 The relations must be read A is related to B, like
    249 - A equals B
    250 - A is during B
    251 - A contains B
    253 Topological relations must be specified in {} parentheses
    255 {{{
    256 A {equals} B
    257 }}}
    259 Topological relations are always combined with other
    260 temporal operators in the {} parentheses
    262 == Temporal operators ==
    264 Temporal operators that work on time intervals
    265 and instances of maps in space time datasets:
    267 '''Intersection &  '''       
    269  Examples with time intervals a and b:
    270 {{{
    271  c <- a & b
    272   a ------                             
    273   b  ----                               
    274   c  ----
    276   a ----
    277   b   ----
    278   c   --
    280   a ---
    281   b    ---
    282   c
    283 }}}
    284 '''Union |'''
    286  Examples with time intervals a and b:
    287 {{{
    288 c <- a | b
    289   a ------                             
    290   b  ----                               
    291   c ------
    293   a ----
    294   b   ----
    295   c ------
    297   a ---
    298   b    ---
    299   c ------
    301   a ---
    302   b     ---
    303   c
    304 }}}
    305 '''Disjoint Union +'''
    307  Examples with time intervals a and b:
    308 {{{
    309  c <- a + b
    310   a ------                             
    311   b  ----                               
    312   c ------
    314   a ----
    315   b   ----
    316   c ------
    318   a ---
    319   b    ---
    320   c ------
    322   a ---
    323   b     ---
    324   c -------
    326 }}}
    327 '''Left Reference ='''
    329  Examples with time intervals a and b:
    330 {{{
    331  c <- a = b
    332   a ------                             
    333   b  ----                               
    334   c ------
    336   a ----
    337   b   ----
    338   c ---- 
    340   a ---
    341   b    ---
    342   c ---   
    344   a ---
    345   b     ---
    346   c ---
    347 }}}
    349  The = operator ignores indexing operators for space
    350  time datasets: A[i]
    353 Temporal selection operators to select parts of
    354 space time datasets:
    356 '''  Selection           :'''[[BR]]
    357 '''  Inverse selection  !:'''
    359 Temporal operators have no precedence.
    361  Examples:
    363  * Select all maps from space time dataset A that
    364    have equal time intervals with space time dataset B
    365    and store them in space time datasets C.
    367 {{{
    368    C = A : B
    369    C = A {:} B
    370    C = A {equals,:} B
    371 }}}
    373  * Select all maps from space time dataset A that
    374    have unequal time intervals with space time dataset B
    375    and store them in space time datasets C.
    377 {{{
    378    C = A !: B
    379    C = A {!:} B
    380    C = A {equals,!:} B
    381 }}}
    383  * Select all maps from space time dataset A that
    384    are during time intervals of space time dataset B
    385    and store them in space time datasets C.
    387 {{{
    388    C = A {during,:} B
    389 }}}
    391  * Select all maps from space time dataset A
    392    that are during B and during C and during D.
    394 {{{
    395    E = A {during,:} B {during,:} C {during,:} D
    396 }}}
    398 Operator number of maps in interval  [[BR]]
    399 '''Number of maps #'''
    401 Compute the number of maps from space time dataset B that are
    402 during the time intervals of maps from space time dataset A.
    403 {{{
    404 A{contains,#}B
    405 }}}
    406 This will return a list of integers (scalars) corresponding to the maps of
    407 A that contain maps from B.
    410 == Logical operators ==
    413 Logical operators:
    415 {{{
    416 Symbol  description             precedence
    418   ==    equal                   3
    419   !=    not equal               3
    420   >     greater than            3
    421   >=    greater than or equal   3
    422   <     less than               3
    423   <=    less than or equal      3
    424   &&    and                     4
    425   ||    or                      4
    426 }}}
    428 Combination of temporal and logical operators:
    430 {{{
    431  -------------------------------------------------
    432 |   |  && |  || |  == |  != |  <= |  >= |  < |  > |
    433 |---|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|-----|----|----|
    434 | & | &&& | &|| | &== | &!= | &<= | &>= | &< | &> |
    435 | | | |&& | ||| | |== | |!= | |<= | |>= | |< | |> |
    436 | + | +&& | +|| | +== | +!= | +<= | +>= | +< | +> |
    437 | = | =&& | =|| | === | =!= | =<= | =>= | =< | => |
    438  -------------------------------------------- ----
    439 }}}
    441 == Temporal functions ==
    443 Note a and b can either be space time datasets or expressions.
    445 {{{
    446 if                      decision option
     88==== Conditional statements ====
     90Spatiotemporal operations can be evaluated within conditional statements.
     92Note A and B can either be space time datasets or expressions.
     93The temporal relationship between the conditions and the conclusions can be defined at the beginning of the if statement.
     94The relationship between then and else conclusion must be always equal.
     96if conditions                         conclusion option                        temporal relations
    44797  if(if, then, else)
    448   if(x, a)              a if x not 0; temporal topological relation between if and then is equal
    449   if(x, a, b)           a if x not 0, b otherwise; temporal topological relation between if, then and else is equal
    450   if(topo, x, a)        a if x not 0; temporal topological relation between if and then is explicit specified by topo
    451   if(topo, x, a, b)     a if x not 0, b otherwise; temporal topological relation between if, then and else is explicit specified by topo
    453 buff_t(a, size)         Buffer stds a with granule ("1 month" or 5)
    454 tshift(a, size)         Shift stds a with granule ("1 month" or 5)
    455 tsnap(a)                Snap time instances and intervals of stds a
    457 td(a)                   Returns a list of time intervals of stds a
     98  if(conditions, A)                    A if conditions are True;              Topological relation between conditions(if) and conclusion(then) is equal.
     99  if(conditions, A, B)                 A if conditions are True, B otherwise; Topological relation between conditions(if) and conclusions(then + else) is equal.
     100  if(topologies, conditions, A)        A if conditions are True;              Topological relation between conditions(if) and conclusions(then) is explicit specified by topologies.
     101  if(topologies, conditions, A, B)     A if conditions are True, B otherwise; Topological relation between conditions(if) and conclusions(then + else) is explicit specified by topologies.
     103The conditions are comparison expressions that are used to evaluate
     104space time datasets. Specific values of temporal variables are
     105compared by logical operators and evaluated for each map of the STDS.
     107The supported logical operators:
     109Symbol  description
     111  ==    equal
     112  !=    not equal
     113  >     greater than
     114  >=    greater than or equal
     115  <     less than
     116  <=    less than or equal
     117  &&    and
     118  ||    or
     121Temporal functions:
     123td(A)                   Returns a list of time intervals of STDS A
    459125start_time()            Start time as HH::MM:SS
    486 Examples:
    487   Select all maps from space time dataset A that have equal time stamps
    488   with space time dataset B and C and are ealier that Jan. 1. 2005 and
    489   store them in space time dataset D.
    491 {{{
    492 D = if(start_date() < "2005-01-01", A : B : C)
    493 }}}
    495 = Temporal Vector Algebra =
    497 Boolean vector operations:
     152Additionally the number of maps in intervals can be computed and
     153used in conditional statements with the hash (#) operator.
     155==== The hash operator ====
     157It is of important interest how many maps are located in the time interval of a single map when processing two space time datasets.
     158For this reason the hash operator '''#''' was introduced. In addition to the hash operator the temporal relation can be specified
     159that should be analysed.
     163C = if({equal}, A{#,contains}B > 2, A{:,contains}B)
     165This expression selects all maps from A that temporally contains at least 2 maps from B and stores them in space time dataset C.
     166The leading '''equal''' statement in the '''if''' condition specifies the temporal relation between the if and then part of the if expression.
     167This is very important, so we do not need to specify a global time reference (a space time dataset) for temporal processing.
     169== Temporal Vector Algebra ==
     171The temporal vector algebra includes all functions from the temporal algebra
     172and adds spatial Boolean and buffer operations that can be performed on temporal related vector maps that are registered in
     173space time vector datasets.
     175=== Spatio-Temporal Operators ===
     177These are the spatial operators that are supported:
    500179AND             &       Intersection            (v.overlay operator=and)
    504183NOT             ~       Complement              (v.overlay operator=not)
    507 Vector functions:
    509 {{{
    510 buff_p(a, size)         Buffer the points of all maps from space time vector dataset a with size
    511 buff_l(a, size)         Buffer the lines of all maps from space time vector dataset a with size
    512 buff_a(a, size)         Buffer the areas of all maps from space time vector dataset a with size
    513 }}}
     185We combine the spatial operators, the temporal topology relations and the temporal operators to create spatio-temporal operators:
     187{"list of temporal relations", "temporal operator" "spatial operator"}
     189The spatial operator can be used stand-alone. In this case the temporal topology relation "equal" and the temporal operator "left reference =" is assumed and used as default. This allows the convenient use of the spatial operators in case of space time vector datasets with equal time stamps.
     192Compute the spatial intersection between maps of STVDS A and B that are temporally equal,
     193resulting spatial intersection maps are stored in C with time stamps from A:
     195C = A & B
     197Compute the spatio-temporal intersection between maps of STVDS A and B that temporally overlap,
     198resulting spatial intersection maps are stored in C with new time stamps resulting from temporal intersection:
     200C = A {&,overlap,&} B
     202Perform a spatial union and a temporal disjoint union between all maps of STVDS A
     203and B that are temporally equal or overlap and are later than 1990,
     204resulting spatial union maps are stored in C with new time stamps resulting from temporal disjoint union:
     206C = if(start_year(A) > 1990, A {|,equal|overlap,+} B)
     209The temporal vector algebra provides point, line and area buffer functions in addition to the operators.
     211All supported operators and functions are documented below.
     213== Temporal Raster Algebra ==
     215The temporal raster algebra uses all operators and functions of the temporal
     216algebra and adds a subset of the arithmetic operators and functions from r.mapcalc.
     217New spatio-temporal operators are defined that include temporal topology relations,
     218temporal operators and arithmetic operators.
    517  * Create an intersection between all maps of space time dataset
    518    A and B that have equal time stamps.
    520 {{{
    521    C = A & B
    522    C = A {&} B
    523    C = A {=&} B
    524    C = A {equals,=&} B
    525 }}}
    528  * Question: Meeting of two animals that occur when the distance between two sea elephants is less than 10 meters?
    529    Space time vector dataset A and B contains the measured positions and time instances/intervals of two sea elephants.
    530    The granularity of the space time vector datasets is 1h. We create a new space time vector dataset C that contains the
    531    spatio-temporal intersections of the positions of the sea elephants.
    534 {{{
    535    C = buff_p(buff_t(A, "2 hours"), 5) {over||equals,&&} buff_p(buff_t(B, "2 hours"), 5)
    536 }}}
    538 == Combinations of temporal and vector operators ==
    540 {{{
    541  ----------------------------
    542 |   |  & |  | |  ^ |  ~ |  + |
    543 |---|----|----|----|----|----|
    544 | & | && | &| | &^ | &~ | &+ |
    545 | | | |& | || | |^ | |~ | |+ |
    546 | + | +& | +| | +^ | +~ | ++ |
    547 | = | =& | =| | =^ | =~ | =+ |
    548  ----------------------------
    549 }}}
    551 = Temporal Raster Algebra =
    553 Arithmetic Operators:
    555 {{{
    556 Symbol  description     precedence
    558   %     modulus         1
    559   /     division        1
    560   *     multiplication  1
    561   +     addition        2
    562   -     subtraction     2
    563 }}}
    565 Raster functions:
    567 {{{
    568 abs(x)                  return absolute value of x
    569 foat(x)                 convert x to foating point
    570 if decision options:
    571   if(x)                 1 if x not zero, 0 otherwise
    572   if(x,a)               a if x not zero, 0 otherwise
    573   if(x,a,b)             a if x not zero, b otherwise
    574 int(x)                  convert x to integer [ truncates ]
    575 log(x)                  natural log of x
    576 log(x,b)                log of x base b
    577 max(x,y[,z...])         largest value of those listed
    578 median(x,y[,z...])      median value of those listed
    579 min(x,y[,z...])         smallest value of those listed
    580 round(x)                round x to nearest integer
    581 sqrt(x)                 square root of x
    582 tan(x)                  tangent of x (x is in degrees)
    583 not(x)                  1 if x is zero, 0 otherwise
    584 pow(x,y)                x to the power y
    585 rand(a,b)               random value x : a <= x < b
    586 round(x)                round x to nearest integer
    587 sin(x)                  sine of x (x is in degrees)
    588 sqrt(x)                 square root of x
    589 tan(x)                  tangent of x (x is in degrees)
    590 xor(x,y)                exclusive-or (XOR) of x and y
    591 isnull(x)              check if x = NULL
    592 }}}
    594 Internal variables:
    596 {{{
    597 row()                   current row of moving window
    598 col()                   current col of moving window
    599 x()                     current x-coordinate of moving window
    600 y()                     current y-coordinate of moving window
    601 ewres()                 current east-west resolution
    602 nsres()                 current north-south resolution
    603 null()                  NULL value
    604 }}}
    606 Combination of temporal and arithmetical raster operators:
    608 {{{
    609  ----------------------------
    610 |   |  % |  / |  * |  - |  + |
    611 |---|----|----|----|----|----|
    612 | & | &% | &/ | &* | &- | &+ |
    613 | | | |% | |/ | |* | |- | |+ |
    614 | + | +% | +/ | +* | +- | ++ |
    615 | = | =% | =/ | =* | =- | =+ |
    616  ----------------------------
    617 }}}
     221Create the sum of all maps from STRDS A and B that have equal time stamps and store the new maps in STRDS C:
     223C = A + B
     225Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
     227C = A {+,equal,l} B
     229Select all cells from STRDS B with equal temporal relations to STRDS A, if the cells
     230of A are in the range of [100.0, 1600] of time intervals that have more then 30 days (Jan, Mar, Mai, Jul, Aug, Oct, Dec):
     232C = if(A > 100 && A < 1600 && td(A) > 30, B)
     234Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
     236C = if({equal}, A > 100 && A < 1600 {&&,equal} td(A) > 30, B)
     238Compute the recharge in meter per second for all cells of precipitation STRDS "Prec"
     239if the mean temperature specified in STRDS "Temp" is higher than 10 degrees. Computation is performed if STRDS "Prec" and "Temp" have equal time stamps. The number of days or fraction of days per interval is computed using the td() function that has as argument the STRDS "Prec":
     241C = if(Temp > 10.0, Prec / 3600.0 /24.0 / td(Prec))
     243Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
     245C = if({equal}, Temp > 10.0, Prec / 3600.0 / 24.0 {/,equal,l} td(Prec))
     247Compute the mean value of all maps from STRDS A that are located during time intervals of STRDS B if more than one map of A is contained in an interval of B, use A otherwise, the resulting time intervals are either from B or A:
     249C = if(B {#,contain} A > 1, (B {+,contain,l} A - B) / (B {#,contain} A), A)
     251Same expression with explicit definition of the temporal topology relation and temporal operators:
     253C = if({equal}, B {#,contain} A > 1, (B {+,contain,l} A {-,equal,l} B) {equal,=/} (B {#,contain} A), A)
     256All supported operators and functions are documented below.
     259= Overview of all supported spatio-temporal operators and functions =
     261== Temporal topology relations ==
     265equal             A ------
     266                  B ------
     268during            A  ----
     269                  B ------
     271contains          A ------
     272                  B  ----
     274starts            A ----
     275                  B ------
     277started           A ------
     278                  B ----
     280finishs           A   ----
     281                  B ------
     283finished          A ------
     284                  B   ----
     286precedes          A ----
     287                  B     ----
     289follows           A     ----
     290                  B ----
     292overlapped        A   ------
     293                  B ------
     295overlaps          A ------
     296                  B   ------
     298over              booth overlaps and overlapped
     300The relations must be read A is related to B, like
     301- A equals B
     302- A is during B
     303- A contains B
     305Topological relations must be specified in {} parentheses
     308A {equal} B
     311Topological relations are always combined with other
     312temporal operators in the {} parentheses
     314== Temporal operators ==
     316The temporal algebra defines temporal operators that can be combined later with spatial operators to perform spatio-temporal operations.
     317The temporal operators process the time instances and intervals of temporal related maps.
     319LEFT REFERENCE     l       Use the time stamp of the left space time dataset
     320INTERSECTION       i       Intersection
     321DISJOINT UNION     d       Disjoint union
     322UNION              u       Union
     323RIGHT REFERENCE    r       Use the time stamp of the right space time dataset
     325For example we can compute the intersection, union or disjoint union from time stamps of maps
     326that temporally overlap, or we can just keep the time stamp of the left STDS.
     327Temporal operators that work on time intervals
     328and instances of maps in space time datasets:
     330'''Left Reference l'''
     332 Examples with time intervals a, b and left referenced c:
     334  a ------                             
     335  b  ----                               
     336  c ------
     338  a ----
     339  b   ----
     340  c ---- 
     342  a ---
     343  b    ---
     344  c ---   
     346  a ---
     347  b     ---
     348  c ---
     351'''Intersection i  '''       
     353 Examples with time intervals a, b and intersection c:
     355  a ------                             
     356  b  ----                               
     357  c  ----
     359  a ----
     360  b   ----
     361  c   --
     363  a ---
     364  b    ---
     365  c
     368'''Disjoint Union d'''
     370 Examples with time intervals a, b and disjoint union c:
     372  a ------                             
     373  b  ----                               
     374  c ------
     376  a ----
     377  b   ----
     378  c ------
     380  a ---
     381  b    ---
     382  c ------
     384  a ---
     385  b     ---
     386  c -------
     390'''Union u'''
     392 Examples with time intervals a, b and union c:
     394  a ------                             
     395  b  ----                               
     396  c ------
     398  a ----
     399  b   ----
     400  c ------
     402  a ---
     403  b    ---
     404  c ------
     406  a ---
     407  b     ---
     408  c
     411'''Right Reference r'''
     413 Examples with time intervals a, b and right referenced c:
     415  a ------                             
     416  b  ----                               
     417  c ------
     419  a ----
     420  b   ----
     421  c ---- 
     423  a ---
     424  b    ---
     425  c ---   
     427  a ---
     428  b     ---
     429  c ---
     432 The l operator ignores indexing operators for space
     433 time datasets: A[i]
     436Temporal selection operators to select parts of
     437space time datasets:
     439'''  Selection           :'''[[BR]]
     440'''  Inverse selection  !:'''
     442Temporal operators have no precedence.
     444 Examples:
     446 * Select all maps from space time dataset A that
     447   have equal time intervals with space time dataset B
     448   and store them in space time datasets C.
     451   C = A : B
     452   C = A {:} B
     453   C = A {:,equal} B
     456 * Select all maps from space time dataset A that
     457   have unequal time intervals with space time dataset B
     458   and store them in space time datasets C.
     461   C = A !: B
     462   C = A {!:} B
     463   C = A {!:,equal} B
     466 * Select all maps from space time dataset A that
     467   are during time intervals of space time dataset B
     468   and store them in space time datasets C.
     471   C = A {:,during} B
     474 * Select all maps from space time dataset A
     475   that are during B and during C and during D.
     478   E = A {:,during} B {:,during} C {:,during} D
     481Operator number of maps in interval  [[BR]]
     482'''Number of maps #'''
     484Compute the number of maps from space time dataset B that are
     485during the time intervals