Changes between Version 95 and Version 96 of Grass7/NewFeatures

Aug 28, 2012, 6:01:10 AM (12 years ago)

alphabetical order


  • Grass7/NewFeatures

    v95 v96  
    172172== Renamed options ==
     174Some parameter names (options) have been renamed to achieve greater consistency. User scripts from GRASS 6 may need minor updates to run with GRASS 7 according to the changes listed below:
     176Display module changes:
     177 * d.correlate
     178  * layers -> map
     179 * d.erase
     180  * color -> bgcolor
     181  * background -> bgcolor
    174182 * d.rast
    175183  * catlist and vallist options merged into new values option
    176184  * overlay flag inverted to new opaque flag
    177  * r.fill.dir
    178   * input -> elevation
    179   * elevation -> depressionless
     185 * d.rast.leg
     186  * rast -> raster
     187 * d.vect
     188  * wcolumn -> width_column
     189  * wscale -> width_scale
     190  * rot_column -> rotation_column
     192Database management module changes:
     193 * db.out.ogr
     194  * db_table -> table
     196General map management module changes:
     197 * g.mlist
     198  * sep -> fs
     199 * g.mapsets
     200  * addmapset,removemapset -> operation
     201  * measure -> method
     202 * g.pnmcomp
     203  * background -> bgcolor
     204 * g.region
     205  * n -> north
     206  * s -> south
     207  * e -> east
     208  * w -> west
     209  * t -> top
     210  * b -> bottom
     212Image processing module changes:
     213 * i.atcorr
     214  * iimg -> input
     215  * iscl -> range
     216  * ialt -> elevation
     217  * ivis -> visibility
     218  * icnd -> parameters
     219  * oimg -> output
     220  * oscl -> rescale
     221  * input -> map
     222  * input -> map
     223 * i.fusion.brovey
     224  * outputprefix -> output_prefix
     225 * i.image.mosaic
     226  * images -> input
     227 *
     228  * file -> input
     229  * rast -> output
     230 *
     231  * file -> input
     232  * vect -> output
     233 * i.spectral
     234  * raster -> input
     235  * coord -> east_north
     236 * i.tasscap
     237  * outprefix -> output_prefix
     239Raster module changes:
    180240 * r.basins.fill
    181241  * c_map -> cnetwork
    182242  * t_map -> tnetwork
    183243  * result -> output
     244 * r.blend
     245  * output -> output_prefix
     246 * r.colors.stddev
     247  * input -> map
     248 * r.fill.dir
     249  * input -> elevation
     250  * elevation -> depressionless
    184251 * r.flow
    185252  * elevin -> elevation
    193260 * r.out.tiff
    194261  * -t flag -> -w
     262 * r.plane
     263  * name -> output
    195264 * r.topmodel
    196265  * belevation -> basin_elevation
    197  * r.uslek
    198   * usle_k -> output
    199  * r.water.outlet
    200   * drainage -> input
    201   * basin -> output
    202266 * r.sim.sediment
    203267  * elevin -> elevation
    218282  * manin -> man
    219283  * manin_val -> man_value
    220  * r.colors.stddev
    221   * input -> map
    222  * i.atcorr
    223   * iimg -> input
    224   * iscl -> range
    225   * ialt -> elevation
    226   * ivis -> visibility
    227   * icnd -> parameters
    228   * oimg -> output
    229   * oscl -> rescale
    230   * input -> map
    231   * input -> map
     284 *
     285  * input -> map
     286  * input -> map
     287 * r.texture
     288  * measure -> method
     289 *
     290  * feature -> type
     291 * r.uslek
     292  * usle_k -> output
     293 * r.water.outlet
     294  * drainage -> input
     295  * basin -> output
     296 * r.what
     297  * east_north -> coordinates
     299Vector module changes:
     300 * v.edit
     301  * t -> b
     302  * measure -> method
     303 *
     304  * file -> input
     305  * vect -> output
    232306 *
    233307  * wfs -> url
    236310  * colprefix -> column_prefix
    237311  * input -> map
    238  * g.region
    239   * n -> north
    240   * s -> south
    241   * e -> east
    242   * w -> west
    243   * t -> top
    244   * b -> bottom
    245  * g.pnmcomp
    246   * background -> bgcolor
    247  * d.erase
    248   * color -> bgcolor
    249   * background -> bgcolor
    250  * i.spectral
    251   * raster -> input
    252   * coord -> east_north
    253  * i.fusion.brovey
    254   * outputprefix -> output_prefix
    255  * i.image.mosaic
    256   * images -> input
    257  * r.blend
    258   * output -> output_prefix
    259312 * v.what.vect
    260313  * vector -> map
    261314  * qvector -> qmap
    262  * r.plane
    263   * name -> output
    264  * v.rast.stats
    265   * vector -> map
    266  * d.rast.leg
    267   * rast -> raster
    268  * d.correlate
    269   * layers -> map
    270  * i.tasscap
    271   * outprefix -> output_prefix
    272  *
    273   * file -> input
    274   * rast -> output
    275  *
    276   * file -> input
    277   * vect -> output
    278  * db.out.ogr
    279   * db_table -> table
    280  *
    281   * file -> input
    282   * vect -> output
    283  * d.vect
    284   * wcolumn -> width_column
    285   * wscale -> width_scale
    286   * rot_column -> rotation_column
    287  *
    288   * feature -> type
    289  *
    290   * input -> map
    291   * input -> map
    292  * r.texture
    293   * measure -> method
    294  * v.edit
    295   * t -> b
    296   * measure -> method
    297  * g.mapsets
    298   * addmapset,removemapset -> operation
    299   * measure -> method
    300  * r.what
    301   * east_north -> coordinates