Changes between Version 365 and Version 366 of Grass7/NewFeatures

Jan 14, 2015, 2:21:56 PM (10 years ago)

merged in latest changes from lib/gis/renamed_options


  • Grass7/NewFeatures

    v365 v366  
    1414 * wxGUI improved (see [ manual])
    15    * Advanced GRASS command console
    16    * Location wizard: support for creation of planetary ellipsoid locations
    17    * [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment/Modeler Graphical modeler]
    18    * Improved [ wxNviz]
     15  * Advanced GRASS command console
     16  * Location wizard: support for creation of planetary ellipsoid locations
     17  * [wiki:wxGUIDevelopment/Modeler Graphical modeler]
     18  * Improved [ wxNviz]
    1919 * New GUI modules:
    2020  * G7:g.gui.animation: new - Tool for animating a series of raster and vector maps or a space time raster or vector dataset.
    272272 * Large File Support (LFS) added, see [ LFS Wiki page]
    273273 * New topology engine, requires rebuilding topology with ( when switching between GRASS 6.x and GRASS 7. See also [ Convert all GRASS 6 vector maps to GRASS 7]
    274    * New spatial index: faster queries (>10x for large vectors), less memory for opening an existing vector
    275    * New option added to use a [ file-based version of the spatial index] which can be activated by setting the new shell environment variable GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM (e.g., in bash: 'export GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM=1' and deactivated with 'unset GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM')
    276    * New main topology strukture: reduced memory and disk space requirements, generally faster processing
     274  * New spatial index: faster queries (>10x for large vectors), less memory for opening an existing vector
     275  * New option added to use a [ file-based version of the spatial index] which can be activated by setting the new shell environment variable GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM (e.g., in bash: 'export GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM=1' and deactivated with 'unset GRASS_VECTOR_LOWMEM')
     276  * New main topology strukture: reduced memory and disk space requirements, generally faster processing
    277277 * Cleaning function 'break polygons' faster, less memory
    278278 * Cleaning function 'snap lines' faster and modifications are minimized: a vertex is snapped to the closest anchor vertex, not to the first anchor vertex found which might not be the closest anchor vertex.
    294294 * Programmer's manual cleanup:
    295295 * Improved [ Python API]: PyGRASS
    296    * read/write GRASS rasters to/from !NumPy
    297    * Support for signals
    298    * PyGRASS message interface
     296  * read/write GRASS rasters to/from !NumPy
     297  * Support for signals
     298  * PyGRASS message interface
    299299 * libgis supports the automatic generation of a [ WPS] 1.0.0 process description XML document for each module (c, c++, python, shell)
    300300 * C function name changes from GRASS 6 to GRASS 7: See [wiki:Grass7/RasterLib/ListOfFunctions] etc.
    314314 * d.ask, d.colors, d.extend, d.extract, d.frame, d.mapgraph, d.measure,,, d.zoom (old display architecture decommissioned)
    315    * d.ask, d.colors: no longer needed
    316    * d.extend: use G7:wxGUI or G7:g.region
    317    * d.extract: use G7:v.extract or wxvdigit (digitizer) in G7:wxGUI
    318    * d.frame: use instead the "GRASS_FRAME" variable, one of the G7:variables (contains 4 coordinates, top,bottom,left,right, defining the initial frame)
    319    * d.mapgraph: use instead ... ???
    320    * d.measure: use G7:wxGUI
    321    * use G7wxGUI
    322    * use instead ... ???
    323    * d.what.rast, d.what.vect, d.zoom: use G7:wxGUI
     315  * d.ask, d.colors: no longer needed
     316  * d.extend: use G7:wxGUI or G7:g.region
     317  * d.extract: use G7:v.extract or wxvdigit (digitizer) in G7:wxGUI
     318  * d.frame: use instead the "GRASS_FRAME" variable, one of the G7:variables (contains 4 coordinates, top,bottom,left,right, defining the initial frame)
     319  * d.mapgraph: use instead ... ???
     320  * d.measure: use G7:wxGUI
     321  * use G7wxGUI
     322  * use instead ... ???
     323  * d.what.rast, d.what.vect, d.zoom: use G7:wxGUI
    324324 * d.histogram: integrated in G7:wxGUI
    325325 * g.ask: use G7:g.findfile
    329329 * g.setproj: use Location Wizard  in G7:wxGUI or 'G7:g.proj -c' ('''state plane by county selection needs to be ported''')
    330330 * image processing:
    331    * i.class rewritten as G7:g.gui.iclass (new wxGUI)
    332    *, i.vpoints ('''need to be ported'''; old display architecture decommissioned)
    333    * i.fusion.brovey: removed, functionality provided by G7:i.pansharpen
    334    * i.points: new graphical version in G7:wxGUI
     331  * i.class rewritten as G7:g.gui.iclass (new wxGUI)
     332  *, i.vpoints ('''need to be ported'''; old display architecture decommissioned)
     333  * i.fusion.brovey: removed, functionality provided by G7:i.pansharpen
     334  * i.points: new graphical version in G7:wxGUI
    335335 * raster:
    336    * r.average: merged into G7:r.statistics, G7:r.stats.zonal, G7:r.stats.quantile
    337    * r.bilinear: merged into G7:r.resamp.interp
    338    * r.bitpattern: G7:r.mapcalc (&&& and | | | operators) + offer the same and more functionality
    339    * r.digit: wxGUI raster digitizer added, enables drawing areas, lines, points and setting buffer for individual features
    340    * use
    341    * r.out.arc: use G7:r.out.gdal
    342    * r.le.patch, r.le.pixel, r.le.setup, r.le.trace: moved to Addons as being replaced by commands
    343    * r.los: replaced with G7:r.viewshed, r.los is in Addons (install with G7:g.extension)
    344    * r.median: merged into G7:r.statistics, G7:r.stats.zonal, G7:r.stats.quantile
    345    * r.out.tiff: use G7:r.out.gdal
    346    * modules:,,,,,, moved back from relbranch7 to Addons (install with G7:g.extension)
    347    * r.sum: use G7:r.univar
    348    * moved to Addons (install with G7:g.extension)
    349    * r.terraflow.short (merged into FP version G7:r.terraflow is sufficient)
     336  * r.average: merged into G7:r.statistics, G7:r.stats.zonal, G7:r.stats.quantile
     337  * r.bilinear: merged into G7:r.resamp.interp
     338  * r.bitpattern: G7:r.mapcalc (&&& and | | | operators) + offer the same and more functionality
     339  * r.digit: wxGUI raster digitizer added, enables drawing areas, lines, points and setting buffer for individual features
     340  * use
     341  * r.out.arc: use G7:r.out.gdal
     342  * r.le.patch, r.le.pixel, r.le.setup, r.le.trace: moved to Addons as being replaced by commands
     343  * r.los: replaced with G7:r.viewshed, r.los is in Addons (install with G7:g.extension)
     344  * r.median: merged into G7:r.statistics, G7:r.stats.zonal, G7:r.stats.quantile
     345  * r.out.tiff: use G7:r.out.gdal
     346  * modules:,,,,,, moved back from relbranch7 to Addons (install with G7:g.extension)
     347  * r.sum: use G7:r.univar
     348  * moved to Addons (install with G7:g.extension)
     349  * r.terraflow.short (merged into FP version G7:r.terraflow is sufficient)
    350350 * v.digit (new wxPython digitizer) included in G7:wxGUI
    378378=== Display module changes ===
    380379 * G7:d.barscale
    381380  * background_color -> bgcolor
    382  * G7: d.colorlist
    383   * fs -> separator
     381 * G7:d.colorlist
     382  * fs -> separator
     383 * G7:d.colortable
     384  * cols -> columns
    384385 * G7:d.correlate
    385386  * layers -> map
    386387 * G7:d.erase
    387   * color -> bgcolor
    388388  * background -> bgcolor
    389  * G7:d.legend
    390   * map -> rast
    391  * G7:d.rast
    392   * catlist and vallist options merged into new values option
    393   * overlay flag inverted to new opaque flag
    394  * G7:d.rast.leg
    395   * rast -> raster
    396  * G7:d.vect
    397   * wcolumn -> width_column
    398   * wscale -> width_scale
    399   * rot_column -> rotation_column
    400   * display=attr removed
    401   * attrcolumn -> attribute_column
    402  * G7:d.colortable
    403   * cols -> columns
    404  * G7:d.font, G7:d.fontlist
    405   * -L -> -v
    406  * G7:d.geodetic
     389 * G7:d.font, G7:d.fontlist
     390  * -L -> -v
     391 * G7:d.geodesic
    407392  * lcolor -> line_color
    408393  * tcolor -> text_color
    410395  * bordercolor -> border_color
    411396  * textcolor -> text_color
    412  * G7:d.histogram
    413   * -C -> -c
     397 * G7:d.legend
     398  * map -> rast
     399 * G7:d.his
     400  * h_map -> hue
     401  * i_map -> intensity
     402  * s_map -> saturation
     403 * G7:d.path
     404  * hcolor -> highlight_color
     405  * type -> arc_type
     406  * alayer -> arc_layer
     407  * nlayer -> node_layer
     408  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     409  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     410  * ncolumn -> node_column
    414411 * G7:d.polar
    415412  * eps -> output
    417414  * input -> map
    418415  * profile -> coordinates
     416 * G7:d.rast
     417  * catlist and vallist options merged into new values option
     418  * overlay flag inverted to new opaque flag
     419  * catlist -> values
     420  * vallist -> values
    419421 * G7:d.rast.arrow
    420422  * arrow_color -> color
    421423  * x_color -> null_color
     424 * G7:d.rast.leg
     425  * rast -> raster
    422426 * G7:d.rhumbline
    423427  * coord -> coordinates
    424428  * lcolor -> line_color
     429  * tcolor -> text_color
    425430 * G7:d.vect
     431  * attrcolumn -> attribute_column
     432  * display=attr removed
    426433  * fcolor -> fill_color
    427434  * llayer -> label_layer
    430437  * bcolor -> label_boundary_color
    431438  * lsize -> label_size
    432  * G7:d.thematic.area
    433   * bcolor -> boundary_color
    434   * bwidth -> boundary_width
     439  * rot_column -> rotation_column
     440  * wcolumn -> width_column
     441  * wscale -> width_scale
    435442 * G7:d.vect.chart
    436443  * ctype -> chart_type
    437444  * ocolor -> outline_color
    438445  * sizecol -> size_column
    439  * G7:d.rast.num
    440   * dp -> precision
    442 === Database management module changes ===
     446 * G7:d.vect.thematic
     447  * bcolor -> boundary_color
     448  * bwidth -> boundary_width
     449  * nbclasses -> nclasses
     451=== Database module changes ===
    444452 * G7:db.out.ogr
    445453  * db_table -> table
    446454 *
    447   * vs -> vseparator
     455  * vs -> vertical_separator
    449457=== General map management module changes ===
    452460  * option region= added: find maps whose region overlaps with the input region
    453461  * flag -i added: ignore case
     462 * G7:g.mapset
     463  * gisdbase -> dbase
    454464 * G7:g.mapsets
    455465  * addmapset,removemapset -> operation
    469479  * options name= and ignore= added: name of file(s) to remove or ignore
    470480  * flag -i added: ignore case
    471  * G7:g.mapset
    472   * gisdbase -> dbase
    474 === Image processing module changes ===
     482=== Imagery module changes ===
    476483 * G7:i.atcorr
    477484  * iimg -> input
    482489  * oimg -> output
    483490  * oscl -> rescale
    484   * input -> map
    485491 * G7:i.biomass
    486492  * lightuseefficiency -> lightuse_efficiency
    487493  * transmissivitysingleway -> transmissivity_singleway
    488494  * wateravailability -> water_availability
     495 * G7:i.eb.netrad
     496  * transmissivitysingleway|transmissivity_singleway
    489497 *
    490498  * averagetemperature -> average_temperature
    497505  * netradiation -> net_radiation
    498506  * soilheatflux -> soil_heatflux
    499   * priestley_taylor_coef -> priestley_taylor_coef
    500  * G7:i.image.mosaic
    501   * images -> input
    502  *
    503   * file -> input
    504   * rast -> output
    505  * G7:i.maxlik
    506   * sigfile -> signaturefile
    507   * class -> output
    508  * G7:i.spectral
    509   * raster -> input
    510   * coord -> coordinates
    511  * G7:i.tasscap
    512   * outprefix -> basename
    513  * G7:i.pansharpen
    514   * ms1->blue
    515   * ms2->green
    516   * ms3->red
    517   * output_prefix->output
    518   * sharpen->method
     507  * priestley_taylor_coef -> priestley_taylor_coeff
    519508 * G7:i.fft
    520509  * input_image -> input
    528517  * green_output -> green
    529518  * blue_output -> blue
    530  * G7:i.fft
     519 * G7:i.ifft
    531520  * real_image -> real
    532521  * imaginary_image -> imaginary
    533522  * output_image -> output
     523 * G7:i.image.mosaic
     524  * images -> input
     525 *
     526  * file -> input
     527  * rast -> output
    534528 * G7:i.landsat.acca
    535529  * input_prefix -> input
    537531  * input_prefix -> input
    538532  * output_prefix -> output
     533 * G7:i.maxlik
     534  * sigfile -> signaturefile
     535  * class -> output
     536 * G7:i.spectral
     537  * raster -> input
     538  * coord -> coordinates
     539 * G7:i.tasscap
     540  * outprefix -> basename
     541 * G7:i.pansharpen
     542  * ms1 -> blue
     543  * ms2 -> green
     544  * ms3 -> red
     545  * output_prefix -> output
     546  * sharpen -> method
    539547 * G7:i.pca
    540548  * output_prefix -> output
    549557  * saturation_output -> saturation
    550558 * G7:i.tasscap
    551   * sattelite -> sensor
     559  * satellite -> sensor
    552560 *
    553561  * chan5 -> band5
    554562  * chan7 -> band7
     564=== Misc module changes ===
     565 * G7:m.measure
     566  * coords -> coordinates
     567 * G7:m.cogo
     568  * coords -> coordinates
     569 * G7:m.transform
     570  * coords -> input
    556572=== Raster module changes ===
    558573 * G7:r.basins.fill
    559574  * c_map -> cnetwork
    561576  * result -> output
    562577 * G7:r.blend
    563   * output -> output_prefix
     578  * output_prefix -> output
     579 * G7:r.carve
     580  * rast -> raster
     581  * vect -> vector
    564582 * G7:r.category
    565   * fs -> separator
     583  * vals -> values
    566584  * default separator is now 'tab' not ':'
     585 *
     586  * coordinate -> coordinates
     587  * mult -> multiplier
    567588 * G7:r.clump
    568589  * flag -g added: print only the number of clumps in shell script style
     590 * G7:r.coin
     591  * map1 -> first
     592  * map2 -> second
     593 * G7:r.colors
     594  * volume -> raster_3d
    569595 * G7:r.colors.stddev
    570596  * input -> map
    571  * G7:r.contour
    572   * flag -t added: with this flag no attribute table is created
     597 * G7:r.composite
     598  * lev_red -> level_red
     599  * lev_green -> level_green
     600  * lev_blue -> level_blue
     601 * G7:r.contour
     602  * flag -t added: with this flag no attribute table is created
    573603 * G7:r.cost
    574604  * coordinate -> start_coordinates
     605  * start_rast -> start_raster
    575606 * G7:r.distance
    576607  * maps -> map
    577608  * option sort= added: sort by distance
    578609 * G7:r.drain
     610  * coordinates -> start_coordinates
     611  * indir -> direction
     612  * vector_points -> start_points
    579613  * voutput -> vector_output
    580   * coordinates -> start_coordinates
    581   * vector_points -> start_points
    582614 * G7:r.external
    583615  * the -r flag has been removed, approximate range is not ok
    592624  * barin -> barrier
    593625  * flout -> flowline
    594   * lgout -> flowpath
    595   * dsout -> density
     626  * lgout -> flowlength
     627  * dsout -> flowaccumulation
     628 * G7:r.his
     629  * h_map -> hue
     630  * i_map -> intensity
     631  * s_map -> saturation
     632  * r_map -> red
     633  * g_map -> green
     634  * b_map -> blue
    596635 * G7:r.horizon
    597   * elevin -> elev_in (like r.sun)
    598   * horizonstep -> horizon_step
     636  * basename -> output
     637  * coordinate -> coordinates
     638  * elevin -> elevation
     639  * horizonstep -> step
     640  * output -> file
    599641 *
    600642  * -f flag -> type=CELL|FCELL|DCELL parameter
    606648 **
    607649  * map -> input
    608  * G7:r.los
    609   * coodinate -> coordinates
     650 * G7:r.mapcalc
     651  * rand() now requires seeding (new parameter seed= or new flag -s for generating random seed)
     652 * G7:r.out.mpeg
     653  * qual -> quality
    610654 * G7:r.out.tiff
    611655  * -t flag -> -w
    612  * G7:r.mapcalc
    613   * rand() now requires seeding (new parameter seed= or new flag -s for generating random seed)
     656 * G7:r.out.vrml
     657  * elev -> elevation
     658  * exag -> exaggeration
     659 * G7:r.out.vtk
     660  * elevscale -> zscale
     661 * G7:r.param.scale
     662  * c_tol -> curvature_tolerance
     663  * exp -> exponent
     664  * param -> method
     665  * s_tol -> slope_tolerance
    614666 * G7:r.plane
    615667  * name -> output
     668 * G7:r.profile
     669  * null -> null_value
     670 * G7:r.random
     671  * raster_output -> raster
     672  * n -> npoints
     673  * vector_output -> vector
    616674 * G7:r.reclass
    617675  * use of rules parameter is mandatory in grass 7.0, also when the reclass rules are piped through another program (use rules=-)
     676 * G7:r.reclass.area
     677  * lesser,greater -> value, mode
     678 * G7:r.regression.line
     679  * map1 -> mapx
     680  * map2 -> mapy
     681 * G7:r.relief (renamed from r.shaded.relief)
     682  * scale -> changed from "Scale factor for converting horizontal units to elevation units" to "Scale factor for converting meters to elevation units"
     683  * units -> changed from "Set scaling factor (applies to lat./long. locations only, none: scale=1)" to "Elevation units (overrides scale factor)"
     684 *
     685  * -C -> -c
     686  * -N -> -a
     687  * pl -> page_length
     688  * pw -> page_width
     689  * null -> null_value
    618690 * G7:r.resamp.bspline
    619691  * se -> ew_step
    620692  * sn -> ns_step
     693 * G7:r.resamp.rst
     694  * elev -> elevation
     695  * pcurv -> pcurvature
     696  * mcurv -> mcurvature
     697  * tcurv -> tcurvature
     698  * zmult -> zscale
     699 * G7:r.rgb
     700  * output_prefix -> output
    621701 * G7:r.sim.sediment
    622   * elevin -> elevation
     702  * conc -> sediment_concentration
     703  * detin -> detachment_coeff
     704  * diffc -> diffusion_coeff
    623705  * dxin -> dx
    624706  * dyin -> dy
    625   * detin -> det
    626   * tranin -> tran
    627   * tauin -> tau
     707  * elevin -> elevation
     708  * erdep -> erosion_deposition
     709  * et -> tlimit_erosion_deposition
     710  * flux -> sediment_flux
    628711  * manin -> man
    629712  * maninval -> man_value
     713  * nwalk -> nwalkers
     714  * niter -> niterations
     715  * outiter -> output_step
     716  * outwalk -> walkers_output
     717  * tauin -> shear_stress
     718  * tc -> transport_capacity
     719  * tranin -> transport_coeff
     720  * wdepth -> water_depth
    630721 * G7:r.sim.water
    631   * elevin -> elevation
     722  * diffc -> diffusion_coeff
     723  * disch -> discharge
    632724  * dxin -> dx
    633725  * dyin -> dy
    634   * rain_val -> rain_value
     726  * elevin -> elevation
     727  * err -> error
    635728  * infil -> infil
    636729  * infil_val -> infil_value
    637730  * manin -> man
    638731  * manin_val -> man_value
    639  * G7:r.relief (renamed from r.shaded.relief)
    640   * scale -> changed from "Scale factor for converting horizontal units to elevation units" to "Scale factor for converting meters to elevation units"
    641   * units -> changed from "Set scaling factor (applies to lat./long. locations only, none: scale=1)" to "Elevation units (overrides scale factor)"
     732  * niter -> niterations
     733  * nwalk -> nwalkers
     734  * outiter -> output_step
     735  * outwalk -> walkers_output
     736  * rain_val -> rain_value
     737  * traps -> flow_control
     738 * G7:r.slope.aspect
     739  * min_slp_allowed -> min_slope
     740  * pcurv -> pcurvature
     741  * prec -> precision
     742  * tcurv -> tcurvature
     743  * zfactor -> zscale
     744 * G7:r.spreadpath
     745  * coordinate -> coordinates
     746 *
     747  * stream_rast -> stream_raster
     748  * stream_vect -> stream_vector
    642749 * G7:r.sun
    643750  * Shading (-s) is now the default. Use planar mode (-p) to ignore shadows.
    644   * elevin -> elevation
     751  * alb -> albedo_value
     752  * albin -> albedo
    645753  * aspin -> aspect
    646   * slopein -> slope
    647   * linkein -> linke
    648   * albin -> albedo
    649   * latin -> lat
    650   * longin -> long
    651   * coefbh -> coef_bh
    652   * coefdh -> coef_dh
    653   * horizonstep -> horizon_step
     754  * civiltime -> civil_time
     755  * coefbh -> coeff_bh
     756  * coefdh -> coeff_dh
    654757  * declin -> declination
    655758  * dist -> distance_step
    656   * numpartitions -> num_partitions
    657   * civiltime -> civil_time
     759  * elevin -> elevation
     760  * horizonstep -> horizon_step
     761  * latin -> lat
     762  * lin -> linke_value
     763  * linkein -> linke
     764  * longin -> long
     765  * numpartitions -> npartitions
     766  * slopein -> slope
    658767 *
    659768  * input -> map
    660   * input -> map
     769 * G7:r.terraflow
     770  * stream_dir -> directory
    661771 * G7:r.texture
    662772  * measure -> method
    670780  * belevation -> REMOVED
    671781  * nidxclass -> ntopidxclasses
    672   * idxstats -> topidxstats, outtopidxstats
     782  * idxstats -> topidxstats
    673783  * idxclass -> topidxclass
    674784  * qobs -> REMOVED
    681791 * G7:r.walk
    682792  * coordinate -> start_coordinates
     793  * percent_memory -> memory
     794  * start_rast -> start_raster
    683795 * G7:r.water.outlet
    684796  * drainage -> input
    689801  * half.basin -> half_basin
    690802  * length.slope -> length_slope
     803  * max.slope.length -> max_slope_length
    691804  * slope.steepness -> slope_steepness
    692   * max.slope.length -> max_slope_length
    693805 * G7:r.what
    694806  * east_north -> coordinates
    695   * fs -> separator
    696  * G7:r.rgb:
    697   * output_prefix -> output
    698  * G7:r.blend
    699   * output_prefix -> output
    700  * G7:r.category
    701   * vals -> values
    702   * raster -> rast
    703  *
    704   * coordinate -> coordinates
    705   * mult -> multiplier
    706  * G7:r.coin
    707   * map1 -> first
    708   * map2 -> second
    709  * G7:r.composite
    710   * lev_red -> level_red
    711   * lev_green -> level_green
    712   * lev_blue -> level_blue
    713  * G7:r.drain
    714   * indir -> direction
    715   * vector_output -> drain
    716  * G7:r.fill.dir
    717   * outdir -> direction
    718  * G7:r.horizon
    719   * output -> file
    720   * basename -> output
    721   * coordinate -> coordinates
    722  * G7:r.out.mpeg
    723   * qual -> quality
    724  * G7:r.out.vrml
    725   * elev -> elevation
    726   * exag -> exaggeration
    727  * G7:r.param.scale
    728   * s_tol -> slope_tol
    729   * c_tol -> curvature_tol
    730   * exp -> exponent
    731  * G7:r.random
    732   * raster_output -> raster
    733   * vector_output -> vector
    734  * G7:r.reclass.area
    735   * lesser,greater -> value, mode
    736  *
    737   * pl -> page_length
    738   * pw -> page_width
    739   * null -> null_value
    740   * -C -> -c
    741   * -N -> -a
    742  * G7:r.resamp.rst
    743   * elev -> elevation
    744   * pcurv -> pcurvature
    745   * mcurv -> mcurvature
    746   * tcurv -> trucravture
    747   * zmult -> zmultiplier
    748  * G7:r.slope.aspect
    749   * pcurv -> pcurvature
    750   * tcurv -> tcurvature
    751   * zfactor -> zmultiplier
    752   * min_slp_allowed -> min_slope
    753  * G7:r.stats
    754   * nv -> null_value
    755  * G7:r.spreadpath
    756   * coordinate -> coordinates
    757  * G7:r.terraflow
    758   * stream_dir -> directory
    759  * G7:r.out.ascii
    760   * dp -> precision
    761  * G7:r.out.vtk
    762   * dp -> precision
    763   * elevscale -> zmultiplier
    765 === Raster 3D module changes ===
    767  * G7:r3.mapcalc
    768   * rand() now requires seeding (new parameter seed= or new flag -s for generating random seed)
     807 * G7:r.viewshed
     808  * obs_elev -> observer_elevation
     809  * tgt_elev -> target_elevation
     810  * max_dist -> max_distance
     812=== 3D Raster module changes ===
     813 * G7:r3.colors
     814  * volume -> raster_3d
    769815 * G7:r3.gwflow
    770816  * q -> sink
    771817  * s -> yield
    772818  * r -> recharge
    773   * vx - velocity_x
    774   * vy - velocity_y
    775   * vz - velocity_z
     819  * vx -> velocity_x
     820  * vy -> velocity_y
     821  * vz -> velocity_z
     822 * G7:r3.mapcalc
     823  * rand() now requires seeding (new parameter seed= or new flag -s for generating random seed)
    776824 * G7:r3.out.ascii
     825  * dp -> precision
    777826  * null -> null_value
    778   * dp -> precision
    779827 * G7:r3.out.vtk
    780   * elevscale -> zmultiplier
    781   * dp -> precision
     828  * elevscale -> zscale
     830=== Temporal module changes ===
     831 * G7:t.rast.import
     832  * extrdir -> directory
     833 * G7:t.rast.export
     834  * extrdir -> directory
     835 * G7:t.vect.import
     836  * extrdir -> directory
     837 * G7:t.vect.export
     838  * extrdir -> directory
    783840=== Vector module changes ===
     841 * G7:v.buffer
     842  * bufcolumn -> column
    785843 * G7:v.clean
    786844  * thresh -> threshold
     845 * G7:v.colors
     846  * volume -> raster_3d
     847 * G7:v.db.join
     848  * otable -> other_table
     849  * ocolumn -> other_column
     850  * scolumns -> subset_columns
    787851 *
    788852  * -f -> exclude attributes not linked to features
     853  * nv -> null_value
     854  * vs -> vertical_separator
     855 * G7:v.db.update
     856  * qcolumn -> query_column
     857  * rast -> elevation
    789858 * G7:v.drape
    790859  * rast -> elevation
    791860 * G7:v.edit
    792   * t -> b
    793861  * measure -> method
    794862  * thresh -> threshold
     863 * G7:v.external
     864  * dsn -> input
    795865 * G7:v.extract
    796866  * list -> cats
     867 * G7:v.extrude
     868  * hcolumn -> height_column
    797869 *
    798870  * file -> input
    799871  * vect -> output
    800  *
    801   * file -> input
    802   * vect -> output
     872 *
     873  * dsn -> input
     874  * cnames -> columns
    803875 *
    804876  * wfs -> url
    805   * input -> map
    806877 *
    807878  * layer=integer -> layer=string
     879 * G7:v.kcv
     880  * input -> map
     881  * k -> npartitions
     882 * G7:v.label
     883  * background -> bgcolor
     884  * hcolor -> highlight_color
     885  * hwidth -> highlight_width
     886 * G7:v.lidar.correction
     887  * sce -> ew_step
     888  * scn -> ns_step
     889 * G7:v.lidar.edgedetection
     890  * see -> ew_step
     891  * sen -> ns_step
    808892 * G7:v.lrs.create
    809893  * thresh -> threshold
     894 * G7:v.lrs.label
     895  * background -> bgcolor
     896  * hcolor -> highlight_color
     897  * hwidth -> highlight_width
    810898 * G7:v.lrs.where
    811899  * thresh -> threshold
     900 * G7:v.kcv
     901  * k -> npartitions
     902 * G7:v.kernel
     903  * mult -> multiplier
    812904 * G7:v.mkgrid
    813905  * coor -> coordinates
    814906 *
    815907  * thresh -> threshold
    816  * G7:v.out.ogr: the meaning of the -c flag has been reverted in GRASS 7 because the default must be to export only features with categories in the selected layer (the user needs to select a GRASS vector layer for v.out.ogr which will be translated to an OGR layer). If features without category are exported, the logic of matching a GRASS vector layer to a OGR layer is violated. This is particularly true for areas with islands which are in simple feature terminology polygons with holes.
     908  * alayer -> arc_layer
     909  * nlayer -> node_layer
     910 *
     911  * alayer -> arc_layer
     912  * nlayer -> node_layer
     913  * type -> arc_type
     914  * ccats -> center_cats
     915  * ncolumn -> node_column
     916  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     917  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     918 *
     919  * alayer -> arc_layer
     920  * nlayer -> node_layer
     921  * ncolumn -> node_column
     922  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     923  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     924 *
     925  * alayer -> arc_layer
     926  * nlayer -> node_layer
     927  * ncolumn -> node_column
     928  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     929  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     930 *
     931  * alayer -> arc_layer
     932  * nlayer -> node_layer
     933  * ncolumn -> node_column
     934  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     935  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     936 *
     937  * alayer -> arc_layer
     938  * nlayer -> node_layer
     939  * ncolumn -> node_column
     940  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     941  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     942 *
     943  * alayer -> arc_layer
     944  * nlayer -> node_layer
     945  * ncolumn -> node_column
     946  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     947  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     948 *
     949  * alayer -> arc_layer
     950  * nlayer -> node_layer
     951  * type -> arc_type
     952  * ncolumn -> node_column
     953  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     954  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     955 *
     956  * alayer -> arc_layer
     957  * nlayer -> node_layer
     958  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     959  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     960 *
     961  * alayer -> arc_layer
     962  * nlayer -> node_layer
     963  * type -> arc_type
     964  * ccats -> center_cats
     965  * ncolumn -> node_column
     966  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     967  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     968 *
     969  * alayer -> arc_layer
     970  * nlayer -> node_layer
     971  * ncolumn -> node_column
     972  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     973  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     974 *
     975  * alayer -> arc_layer
     976  * nlayer -> node_layer
     977  * type -> arc_type
     978  * ccats -> center_cats
     979  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     980  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     981 *
     982  * alayer -> arc_layer
     983  * nlayer -> node_layer
     984  * ncolumn -> node_column
     985  * afcolumn -> arc_columnw
     986 *
     987  * alayer -> arc_layer
     988  * nlayer -> node_layer
     989  * type -> arc_type
     990  * tcats -> terminal_cats
     991  * nsp -> npoints
     992 *
     993  * alayer -> arc_layer
     994  * nlayer -> node_layer
     995  * ncolumn -> node_column
     996  * afcolumn -> arc_column
     997  * abcolumn -> arc_backward_column
     998 *
     999  * coordinate|coordinates
     1000  * vis|visibility
     1001 * G7:v.out.ogr
     1002  * dsn -> output
     1003  * olayer -> output_layer
     1004  * otype -> output_type
     1005  * the meaning of the -c flag has been reverted in GRASS 7 because the default must be to export only features with categories in the selected layer (the user needs to select a GRASS vector layer for v.out.ogr which will be translated to an OGR layer). If features without category are exported, the logic of matching a GRASS vector layer to a OGR layer is violated. This is particularly true for areas with islands which are in simple feature terminology polygons with holes.
     1006 * G7:v.out.postgis
     1007  * dsn -> output
     1008  * olayer -> output_layer
     1009  * olink -> output_link
     1010 * G7:v.out.vtk
     1011  * scale -> zscale
    8171012 * G7:v.outlier
    8181013  * soe -> ew_step
    8191014  * son -> ns_step
    820  * G7:v.proj
    821   * line densification added for reprojection error minimization
     1015  * thres_o -> threshold
     1016 * G7:v.qcount
     1017  * n -> nquadrats
     1018  * r -> radius
     1019 * G7:v.random
     1020  * n -> npoints
    8221021 * G7:v.rast.stats
    8231022  * colprefix -> column_prefix
    8241023  * input -> map
    825  *
    826   * -s/-r -> sort
     1024 * G7:v.sample
     1025  * z -> zscale
     1026 * G7:v.segment
     1027  * file -> segments
    8271028 *
    8281029  * thresh -> threshold
    8301031  * sie -> ew_step
    8311032  * sin -> ns_step
     1033  * raster -> raster_output
     1034  * sparse -> sparse_input
    8321035 *
    8331036  * devi -> deviations
     1037  * elev -> elevation
    8341038  * maskmap -> mask
     1039  * mcurv -> mcurvature
     1040  * overfile -> overwin
     1041  * pcurv -> pcurvature
     1042  * scolumn -> smooth_column
     1043  * tcurv -> tcurvature
    8351044  * treefile -> treeseg
    836   * overfile -> overwin
    837   * elev -> elevation
     1045  * zmulti -> zscale
     1046 *
     1047  * qlayer -> query_layer
     1048  * qcolumn -> query_column
    8381049 *
    8391050  * -v/-n -> use
     1051  * llayer -> layer
     1052 * G7:v.transform
     1053  * attrcolumn -> attribute_column
     1054  * labelcolumn -> label_column
     1055  * rgbcolumn -> rgb_column
     1056  * zrot -> zrotation
     1057 * G7:v.vect.stats
     1058  * alayer -> areas_layer
     1059  * ccolumn -> count_column
     1060  * pcolumn -> points_column
     1061  * player -> points_layer
     1062  * scolumn -> stats_column
     1063 * G7:v.vol.rst
     1064  * aspect1 -> aspect_horizontal
     1065  * aspect2 -> aspect_vertical
     1066  * cellinp -> cross_input
     1067  * cellout -> cross_output
     1068  * devi -> deviations
     1069  * elev -> elevation
     1070  * gcurv -> gcurvature
     1071  * mcurv -> mcurvature
     1072  * ncurv -> ncurvature
     1073  * scolumn -> smooth_column
     1074  * wmulti -> wscale
     1075  * zmulti -> zscale
    8401076 * G7:v.what.vect
     1077  * qcolumn -> query_column
     1078  * qlayer -> query_layer
     1079  * qmap -> query_map
     1080 * G7:v.what.vect
     1081  * qvector -> query_map
     1082  * qlayer -> query_layer
     1083  * qcolumn -> query_column
    8411084  * vector -> map
    842   * qvector -> qmap
    843  * G7:v.label
    844   * background -> bgcolor
    845  * G7:v.lrs.label
    846   * background -> bgcolor
    847  * G7:v.buffer
    848   * bufcolumn -> column
    849  * G7:v.db.join
    850   * otable -> other_table
    851   * ocolumn -> other_column
    852   * scolumns -> subset_columns
    853  *
    854   * vs -> vertical separator
    855  * G7:v.db.update
    856   * qcolumn -> query_column
    857  * G7:v.extrude
    858   * hcolumn -> height_column
    859  * G7:v.kcv
    860   * k -> npartitions
    861  * G7:v.kernel
    862   * mult -> multiplier
    863  * G7:v.out.ogr
    864    * dsn -> output
    865    * olayer -> output_layer
    866    * otype -> output_type
    867  * G7:v.out.postgis
    868    * dsn -> output
    869    * olayer -> output_layer
    870    * olink -> output_link
    871  * G7:v.out.vtk
    872    * scale -> zmultiplier
    873    * dp -> precision
    874  * G7:v.qcount
    875    * n -> nquadrants
    876    * r -> radius
    877  * G7:v.sample
    878    * z -> zmultiplier
    879  * G7:v.segments
    880    * file -> segments
    881  *
    882    * pcurv -> pcurvature
    883    * tcurv -> tcurvature
    884    * mcurv -> mcurvature
    885    * scolumn -> smooth_column
    886    * zmulti -> zmultiplier
    887  *
    888    * qlayer -> query_layer
    889    * qcolumn -> query_column
    890  *
    891    * llayer -> layer
    892  * G7:v.transform
    893     * attrcolumn -> attribute_column
    894     * rgbcolumn -> rgb_column
    895     * labelcolumn -> label_column
    896  * G7:v.transform
    897     * zrot -> zrotation
    898  * G7:v.vect.stats
    899     * player -> points_layer
    900     * alayer -> areas_layer
    901     * pcolumn -> points_column
    902     * ccolumn -> count_column
    903     * scolumn -> stats_column
    904  * G7:v.vol.rst
    905     * cellinp -> cross_input
    906     * devi -> deviations
    907     * scolumn -> smooth_column
    908     * wmulti -> wmultiplier
    909     * zmulti -> zmultiplier
    910     * cellout -> cross_output
    911     * elev -> elevation
    912     * aspect1 -> aspect_horizontal
    913     * aspect2 -> aspect_vertical
    914     * ncurv -> ncurvature
    915     * gcurv -> gcurvature
    916     * mcurv -> mcurvature
    917  * G7:v.what.vect
    918     * qmap -> query_map
    919     * qlayer -> query_layer
    920     * qcolumn -> query_column
    921  *
    922     * dsn -> input
    923     * cnames -> columns
    924 === Miscellaneous module changes ===
    926  * G7:m.measure
    927   * coords -> coordinates
    928  * G7:m.cogo
    929   * coords -> coordinates
    930  * G7:m.transform
    931   * coords -> input
    9331086== GRASS GIS 7 Addons ==