Changes between Version 32 and Version 33 of Grass7/NewFeatures76

Jan 20, 2019, 9:22:18 AM (6 years ago)



  • Grass7/NewFeatures76

    v32 v33  
    5959 * now also converts !OpenStreetMap line topology to GRASS topology, inserting nodes where appropriate (further details can be found in this dedicated wiki page [ OSM vs GRASS topology])
    6060 * G7:v.extract can now dissolve areas not only by category number, but also by attributes, while preserving category values and attribute tables. This is a significant improvement over G76:v.dissolve
    61  * G7:v.what.rast now supports to collect statistics from multiple input raster maps, instead of only one
    62  * G76:v.overlay has been improved in speedup for large and complex input areas
     61 * Multiple raster maps can now be passed as input for G7:v.what.rast to collect statistics
     62 * G76:v.overlay has been improved to speedup large and complex input areas processing
    6363 * G76:v.rast.stats now also reports the number of NULL cells and it has a new where option, too
    64  * now also supports centroids convertion
     64 * now also supports centroids conversion
    6565 * It is now possible to build squared buffers around points when -s flag is set
    6969=== Imagery modules ===
    71  * G76:i.atcorr: fixed numerical instability, added example to process Sentinel bands, added PlanetScope 0c-0d 0e 0f-10 support
    72  * G76:i.segment: fix for memory management estimation, avoid integer overflow with extremely large regions, fix writing out goodness of fit, fix writing out segment ids
     71Various imagery modules received fixes and enhancements. A lot of work has been put on G76:i.atcorr to fix numerical instability in 6S method for atmospheric correction. The module now also supports PlanetScope 0c-0d, 0e, and 0f-10 images. A detailed example to process Copernicus Sentinel 2 bands was added to the manual page to make it easier to use for newcomers. G76:i.segment was improved as well for memory management estimation and avoidance of integer overflow when processing extremely large regions. The writing out of goodness of fit and segment ids was also fixed.
    7573=== Temporal GIS modules ===
    77  * G7:t.rast.algebra: new ''suffix'' option for map names
    78  * activate history printing
    79  * G76:t.rast.univar: added non-null cells, see #3375
    80  * G7:g.gui.tplot: now allows to set labels for title, x and y axes, and to export the plotted time series data in a CSV file
     75The most important change in the temporal modules was the long awaited ''suffix'' option in G7:t.rast.algebra. This allows to get time and granularity based raster map names out of G76:t.rast.algebra calls. includes support to print history and to use its output in combination with `eval`.
     76A very nice improvement in the temporal plot tool (G76:g.gui.tplot) now allows to set labels for title, x and y axes, and to export the plotted time series data in a CSV file.
    9490=== User manual pages improvements ===
    96 More than ~~130~~ User Manual pages have received major or minor improvements.
     92More than 30 User Manual pages have received major or minor improvements. These include: various examples added, keyword index improved, many typos fixed, and enhanced descriptions and notes.
    9894== GRASS 7 Library changes ==
    10197 * a **new raster compression** method has been added: [ ZSTD] ([ ZSTD], see [ ZSTD on github]). ZSTD is an improvement over ZLIB's deflate method, providing both faster and higher compression than ZLIB.
    10298 * a **new raster map type** has been added: **GRASS virtual raster** (VRT) which is a virtual mosaic of the list of input raster maps.
    103  * **support for PROJ 5**: previously, reprojection from one CRS to another CRS used WGS84 as pivot datum: CRS1 -> WGS84 -> CRS2. This method provided reasonable results and allowed for reprojection on-the-fly. However, using a fixed pivot datum has been regarded as a suboptimal solution for coordinate reprojection, therefore a new mechanism has been introduced in PROJ 5, where custom pipelines for coordinate conversion and transformation can be defined. Together with the new PROJ 5+ API, this pipeline mechanism is now supported starting with proj-5.1.0. Custom coordinate conversion/transformation pipelines can now be defined for raster and vector reprojection.
     99 * **support for PROJ 5**: previously, re-projection from one CRS to another CRS used WGS84 as pivot datum: CRS1 -> WGS84 -> CRS2. This method provided reasonable results and allowed for re-projection on-the-fly. However, using a fixed pivot datum has been regarded as a suboptimal solution for coordinate reprojection, therefore a new mechanism has been introduced in PROJ 5, where custom pipelines for coordinate conversion and transformation can be defined. Together with the new PROJ 5+ API, this pipeline mechanism is now supported starting with proj-5.1.0. Custom coordinate conversion/transformation pipelines can now be defined for raster and vector re-projection.
    104100 * vector modules are now less "chatty" with regard to topology building: only problems are reported, standard topology building messages are only shown with --verbose. This should make it easier for users to spot problems.
    105101 * the segment library uses a new fast all-in-memory cache instead of a file-based cache if all data can be kept in memory
    108104== Source Code Portability ==
    110  * ...
    111  * ...
     106Windows installers winGRASS and OSGeo4W have received several fixes regarding to missing dependencies and packages renamed. WinGRASS has now switched to PROJ 5.2 and GDAL 2.3. Also the '''Dockerfile''' has been updated (new dependencies added, cleanup, support for ZSTD, liblas and OpenJPEG/JP2) and tested on various cloud infrastructures. Ready-to-use docker images are available from
    113108== GRASS GIS 7.6 Addons ==
     118[screenshot here]
    125120== Migrating from GRASS GIS 6 to version 7.x ==