Changes between Version 75 and Version 76 of Grass7/NewFeatures74

Jan 21, 2018, 1:09:07 PM (7 years ago)



  • Grass7/NewFeatures74

    v75 v76  
    2222== Graphical User Interface ==
    24 GRASS GIS 7.4 graphical user interface comes with a new ''Download'' button in the Startup windows next to location selection that allows to download selected sample locations directly into grassdata directory. The Data Catalog (available in the Data tab) can now move and copy data between mapsets and locations, as well as reproject rasters and vectors. This can be done just by using right mouse click or drag and drop. Moreover, metadata of the listed maps are available in the context menu. There is also a new Show computational region function available also from menu ''Settings > Computational region > Show current region extent in Map Display''. The Modules tab includes now Help and Advanced search buttons to show documentation for modules. Moreover, the Map Display has new web browser-like shortcuts for re-rendering maps. The Simple Python Editor is now available from the File menu. Font type can be selected interactively in module dialogs and there are some new symbols for vectors display. Not only that, but there are two new modules that were ported from GRASS 6:
     24GRASS GIS 7.4 graphical user interface comes with a new ''Download'' button in the Startup windows next to location selection that allows to download selected sample locations directly into grassdata directory. The Data Catalog (available in the Data tab) can now move and copy data between mapsets and locations, as well as reproject rasters and vectors. This can be done just by using right mouse click or drag and drop. Moreover, metadata of the listed maps are available in the context menu. There is also a new Show computational region function available also from menu ''Settings > Computational region > Show current region extent in Map Display''.
     26|| [[Image(wiki:Grass7/NewFeatures74:show_reg_map_display.png, align=center, 450px)]]
     27|| ''Show current computational region in the Map Display''
     29The Modules tab includes now Help and Advanced search buttons to show documentation for modules. Moreover, the Map Display has new web browser-like shortcuts for re-rendering maps. The Simple Python Editor is now available from the File menu. Font type can be selected interactively in module dialogs and there are some new symbols for vectors display. Not only that, but there are two new modules that were ported from GRASS 6:
    2530* G74:g.gui.image2target to georectify a map and manage Ground Control Points for 3D correction and,
    2631* G74:g.gui.photo2image to correct scanning distortions of a scanned aerial photo.